< Nahum 1 >

1 The birthun of Nynyue; the book of visioun of Naum Helcesei.
2 The Lord is a punyschere, and the Lord is vengynge; the Lord is venginge, and hauynge strong veniaunce; the Lord is vengynge ayens hise aduersaries, and he is wraththing to hise enemyes.
耶和华是忌邪施报的 神。 耶和华施报大有忿怒; 向他的敌人施报, 向他的仇敌怀怒。
3 The Lord is pacient, and greet in strengthe, and he clensynge schal not make innocent. The Lord cometh in tempest, and the weies of hym ben in whirlwynd, and cloudis ben the dust of hise feet;
耶和华不轻易发怒,大有能力, 万不以有罪的为无罪。 他乘旋风和暴风而来, 云彩为他脚下的尘土。
4 he blameth the see, and drieth it, and bryngith alle flodis to desert. Basan is maad sijk, and Carmel, and the flour of Liban langwischide.
他斥责海,使海干了, 使一切江河干涸。 巴珊和迦密的树林衰残; 黎巴嫩的花草也衰残了。
5 Mounteyns ben mouyd togidere of hym, and litil hillis ben desolat. And erthe tremblide togidere fro the face of him, and the roundenesse of erthe, and alle dwellynge ther ynne.
大山因他震动; 小山也都消化。 大地在他面前突起; 世界和住在其间的也都如此。
6 Who schal stonde bifore the face of his indignacioun? and who schal ayenstonde in the wraththe of his stronge veniaunce? His indignacioun is sched out as fier, and stoonys ben brokun of hym.
他发忿恨,谁能立得住呢? 他发烈怒,谁能当得起呢? 他的忿怒如火倾倒; 磐石因他崩裂。
7 The Lord is good, and coumfortynge in the dai of tribulacioun, and knowynge hem that hopen in hym.
耶和华本为善, 在患难的日子为人的保障, 并且认得那些投靠他的人。
8 And in greet flood passynge forth, he schal make ende of his place; and derknessis schulen pursue hise enemyes.
但他必以涨溢的洪水淹没尼尼微, 又驱逐仇敌进入黑暗。
9 What thenken ye ayens the Lord? He schal make ende; double tribulacioun schal not rise togidere.
尼尼微人哪,设何谋攻击耶和华呢? 他必将你们灭绝净尽; 灾难不再兴起。
10 For as thornes byclippen hem togidere, so the feeste of hem drynkynge togidere schal be wastyd, as stobul ful of drienesse.
你们像丛杂的荆棘, 像喝醉了的人, 又如枯干的碎秸全然烧灭。
11 Of thee schal go out a man thenkynge malice ayens the Lord, and trete trespassyng in soule.
有一人从你那里出来, 图谋邪恶,设恶计攻击耶和华。
12 The Lord seith these thingis, If thei schulen be parfit, and so manye, and thus thei shulen be clippid, and it schal passe bi. I turmentide thee, and Y schal no more turmente thee.
耶和华如此说: 尼尼微虽然势力充足,人数繁多, 也被剪除,归于无有。 犹大啊,我虽然使你受苦, 却不再使你受苦。
13 And now Y schal al to-breke the yerde of hym fro thi bak, and Y schal breke thi bondis.
现在我必从你颈项上折断他的轭, 扭开他的绳索。
14 And the Lord schal comaunde on thee, it schal no more be sowun of thi name. Of the hous of thi god Y schal sle; Y schal putte thi sepulcre a `grauun ymage, and wellid togidere, for thou art vnworschipid.
耶和华已经出令,指着尼尼微说: 你名下的人必不留后; 我必从你神的庙中除灭雕刻的偶像和铸造的偶像; 我必因你鄙陋,使你归于坟墓。
15 Lo! on hillis the feet of the euangelisynge and tellynge pees. Juda, halewe thou thi feeste daies, and yelde thi vowis, for whi Belial schal no more put to, that he passe forth in thee; al Belial perischide.
看哪,有报好信传平安之人的脚登山,说: 犹大啊,可以守你的节期, 还你所许的愿吧! 因为那恶人不再从你中间经过, 他已灭绝净尽了。

< Nahum 1 >