< Nahum 2 >

1 He stiede up, that schal scatere bifore thee, that schal kepe bisechyng; biholde thou the weie, coumforte leendis, strengthe thou vertu greetli.
尼尼微啊,那打碎邦国的上来攻击你。 你要看守保障,谨防道路, 使腰强壮,大大勉力。 (
2 For as the Lord yeldide the pride of Jacob, so the pride of Israel; for distrieris scateriden hem, and distrieden the generaciouns of hem.
耶和华复兴雅各的荣华, 好像以色列的荣华一样; 因为使地空虚的, 已经使雅各和以色列空虚, 将他们的葡萄枝毁坏了。)
3 The scheld of stronge men of hym ben firi, men of the oost ben in rede clothis; raynes of fire of chare, in the dai of his makyng redi; and the leederis therof ben asleep.
他勇士的盾牌是红的, 精兵都穿朱红衣服。 在他预备争战的日子, 战车上的钢铁闪烁如火, 柏木把的枪也抡起来了。
4 In weies thei ben troblid togidere, cartis of foure horsis ben hurtlid togidere in stretis; the siyte of hem as laumpis, as leitis rennynge aboute.
车辆在街上急行, 在宽阔处奔来奔去, 形状如火把, 飞跑如闪电。
5 He schal bithenke of his stronge men, thei schulen falle in her weies; and swiftli thei schulen stie on the wallis therof, and schadewyng place schal be maad redi.
尼尼微王招聚他的贵胄; 他们步行绊跌, 速上城墙,预备挡牌。
6 Yatis of floodis ben openyd, and the temple is brokun doun to erthe.
7 And a knyyt is led awei caitif, and the handmaidis therof schulen be dryuun sorewynge as culueris, grutchynge in her hertis.
王后蒙羞,被人掳去; 宫女捶胸,哀鸣如鸽。 此乃命定之事。
8 And Nynyue, as a cisterne of watris the watris therof; forsothe thei fledden; stonde ye, stonde ye, and there is not that schal turne ayen.
尼尼微自古以来充满人民, 如同聚水的池子; 现在居民却都逃跑。 虽有人呼喊说:站住!站住! 却无人回顾。
9 Rauysche ye siluer, rauysche ye gold; and there is noon ende of richessis, of alle desirable vessels.
你们抢掠金银吧! 因为所积蓄的无穷, 华美的宝器无数。
10 It is distried, and kit, and to-rent, and herte failynge, and vnknyttinge of smale knees, and failynge in alle reynes; and the face of alle ben as blacnesse of a pot.
尼尼微现在空虚荒凉, 人心消化,双膝相碰, 腰都疼痛,脸都变色。
11 Where is the dwellyng of liouns, and lesewis of whelpis of liouns? To whiche citee the lioun yede, that the whelp of the lioun schulde entre thidur, and there is not that schal make aferd.
狮子的洞和少壮狮子喂养之处在哪里呢? 公狮母狮小狮游行、无人惊吓之地在哪里呢?
12 The lioun took ynow to hise whelpis, and slowy to his lionessis; and fillide her dennes with prei, and his couche with raueyn.
公狮为小狮撕碎许多食物, 为母狮掐死活物, 把撕碎的、掐死的充满它的洞穴。
13 Lo! Y to thee, seith the Lord God of oostis; and Y schal brenne thi cartis of foure horsis til to the hiyeste, and swerd schal ete thi smale liouns; and Y schal distrie thi prei fro the lond, and the vois of thi messangeris schulen no more be herd.

< Nahum 2 >