< Mark 15 >

1 And anoon in the morewtid the hiyeste prestis maden a counsel with the elder men, and the scribis, and with al the counsel, and bounden Jhesu and ledden, and bitoken hym to Pilat.
Lubhuliku bhabhaha bha makuhani bhabhonene pamonga ni bhaseya ni bhaandishi ni libaraza lyoha lya bhaseya. Kisha bhakan'kota, “Bhebhe ndo Mfalme ghwa bhayahudi?”
2 And Pilat axide hym, Art thou kynge of Jewis? And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hym, Thou seist.
Akan'jibu, “Bhebhe ujobhili naha.”
3 And the hieste prestis accusiden hym in many thingis.
Bhabhabha makuhani bhakajhelesya mashitaka mingi juu jha Yesu.
4 But Pilat eftsoone axide hym, and seide, Answerist thou no thing? Seest thou in hou many thingis thei accusen thee?
Pilato akan'kota kabhele, “Ghwijibhu lepi kyokyoha? Ghwilola lepi kya bhikushitaki kwa mambo mingi?
5 But Jhesus answeride no more, so that Pilat wondride.
Lakini Yesu an'jibilepi Pilato, ni hiyo jhan'syangese.
6 But bi the feeste dai he was wont to leeue to hem oon of men boundun, whom euer thei axiden.
Kwa kawaida wakati bhwa sikukuu ibhopolibhwa mfungwa mmonga, mfungwa jhabhans'oili.
7 And `oon ther was that was seid Barabas, that was boundun with men of dissencioun, that hadden don manslauytir in seducioun.
Bhajhele bhahalifu gerezani, miongoni mwa bhauaji bhabhamali kuasi bhabhitumikila makosa gha bhene. Ajhele munu mmonga jhaikutibhwa Baraba.
8 And whanne the puple was gon vp, he bigan to preie, as he euer more dide to hem.
Umati ukahida kwa Pilato, ni kun'jobhela abhombayi kama kyaabhombili kunyuma.
9 And Pilat answeride `to hem, and seide, Wolen ye Y leeue to you the kyng of Jewis?
Pilato akabhajibu ni kujobha, mwilonda nibhafungulilayi Mfalme ghwa bhayahudi?”
10 For he wiste, that the hiyeste prestis hadden takun hym bi enuye.
Kwa kujha amanyili ni kwa ndabha jha wivu ghwa bhabhaha bha makuhani bhabhan'kamuili Yesu ni kundeta kwa muene.
11 But the bischopis stireden the puple, that he schulde rather leeue to hem Barabas.
Lakini bhabhaha bha makuhani bhachochili umati kujhuegha kwa sauti kujha abhopolibhwayi Baraba badala jha muene.
12 And eftsoone Pilat answerde, and seide to hem, What thanne wolen ye that Y schal do to the kyng of Jewis?
Pilato akabhajibu kabhele ni kujobha, “Nin'ketayi kiki Mfalme ghwa bhayahudi?
13 And thei eftsoone crieden, Crucifie hym.
Bhakapiga kelele kabhele, Nsulubisighi!”
14 But Pilat seide to hem, What yuel hath he don? And thei crieden the more, Crucifie hym.
Pilato Akajobha, “Abhombili lijambo leleku libhibhi?” Lakini bhazidili kupiga kelele zaidi ni zaidi “Nsulubisiayi.”
15 And Pilat, willynge to make aseeth to the puple, lefte to hem Barabas, and bitok to hem Jhesu, betun with scourgis, to be crucified.
Pilato akabhuridhisha bhumati, akabhafungulila Baraba. Akan'tobha Yesu mijeledi kisha akambosya ili asulubibhwayi.
16 And knyytis ledden hym with ynneforth, in to the porche of the mote halle. And thei clepiden togidir al the cumpany of knyytis,
Askari andongwisi hadi mugati mu lufuka (bhola bhwa bhajhele mugati mu kambi) na bhakibhongeniye pamonga kikosi kya Askari.
17 and clothiden hym with purpur. And thei writhen a coroun of thornes, and puttiden on hym.
Bhakamfwatika Yesu liguanda lya rangi jha zambarau, na bhasokwiti litaji lya mifwa bhakamfwatika.
18 And thei bigunnen to grete hym, and seiden, Heile, thou kyng of Jewis.
Bhakajhanda kundhihaki ni kujobha, “Salam, Mfalme ghwa bhayahudi!”
19 And thei smyten his heed with a reed, and bispatten hym; and thei kneliden, and worschipiden hym.
Bhakan'komalela kumutu kwa lilasi ni kunfunyila mata. Bhakapiga magoti mbele jha muene kwa kun'heshimu.
20 And aftir that thei hadden scorned him, thei vnclothiden hym of purpur, and clothiden hym with hise clothis, and ledden out hym, to crucifie hym.
Bhobhamalili kundhihaki, bhakamfula likanzu lela lya rangi jha zambarau ni kumfwatika maguanda gha muene, ni kumpisya kwibhala kulota kunsulubisya.
21 And thei compelliden a man that passide the weie, that cam fro the toun, Symount of Syrenen, the fader of Alisaundir and of Rufe, to bere his cross.
Bhakandasimisya mp'eta njela kun'tangatila, jhaajhele ijhingila kumjini kuh'omela kun'gonda. Akutibhweghe Simon Mkirene (Dadi munu Iskanda ni Rufo); Bhakandasimisya kup'enda n'salaba ghwa Yesu.
22 And thei ledden hym in to a place Golgatha, that is to seie, the place of Caluari.
Askari bhampeliki Yesu mahali papikutibhwa Goligotha (maana jha tafsiri ejhe ndo, sehemu jha fuvu lya mutu).
23 And thei yauen to hym to drynke wyn meddlid with mirre, and he took not.
Bhakampela mvinyo bhwa bhuchanganyibhu ni manemane, lakini anywilepi.
24 And thei crucifieden him, and departiden hise clothis, and kesten lot on tho, who schulde take what.
Bhakan'sulubisya ni kugabhana maguanda gha muene bhakaghapigila kura kuamula kipandi kyaibeta kukabha khila askari.
25 And it was the thridde our, and thei crucifieden hym.
Jhikaya saa tatu lukhela bhan'sulubisi.
26 And the titil of his cause was writun, Kyng of Jewis.
Bhakabheka panani pa muene ubao bhwabhujhandikibhu shitaka, “Mfalme ghwa. bhayahudi.”
27 And thei crucifien with hym twei theues, oon `at the riythalf and oon at his lefthalf.
Bhan'sulubisi pamonga ni majambazi bhabhele, mmonga lubhafu lwa muene lwa kulia ni jhongi lubhafu lwa kushoto kwa muene.
28 And the scripture was fulfillid that seith, And he is ordeyned with wickid men.
(Zingatilayi: Mstari obho, “Ni mayandiku ghakatimila ghaghane nibhu” bhujha lepi mu nakala sya muandi).
29 And as thei passiden forth, thei blasfemyden hym, mouynge her heedis, and seiynge, Vath! thou that distriest the temple of God, and in `thre daies bildist it ayen;
Ni bhene bhakajhabhip'eta bhakandigha bhakajha bhihugusya mitu ghya bhene ni kujobha, “Aha! bhebhe jhaghwibeta kubomola hekalu ni kulijenga kwa magono madatu,
30 come adoun fro the crosse, and make thi silf saaf.
ukiokolayi ghwajhobhi na uselelayi pasi kuh'omela pa n'salaba apu!”
31 Also the hiyeste prestis scorneden hym ech to othir with the scribis, and seiden, He made othir men saaf, he may not saue hym silf.
Kwa namna jhelajhela bhabhaha bha makuhani bhandhihakili ni kujobhesana, pamonga ni bhaandishi ni kujobha, “Abhaokuili bhangi, lakini ibhwesyalepi kuiokola muene.
32 Crist, kyng of Israel, come doun now fro the cross, that we seen, and bileuen. And thei that weren crucified with hym, dispiseden hym.
Kristu Mfalme ghwa Israel, selelayi pasi henu kuh'omela pa n'salaba, ili tubhwesijhi kulola ni kuamini.” Ni bhala bha bhasulubibhu pamonga ni muene pia bhandhihakili.
33 And whanne the sixte hour was come, derknessis weren made on al the erthe til in to the nynthe our.
Bhojhifikili saa sita, giza likahida kunani jha nchi jhioha hadi saa tisa.
34 And in the nynthe our Jhesus criede with a greet vois, and seide, Heloy, Heloy, lamasabatany, that is to seie, My God, my God, whi hast thou forsakun me?
Wakati ghwa saa tisa, Yesu apigili kelele kwa sauti mbaha, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabaktani?” jhimaanisya “k'yara ghwangu, K'yara ghwangu, kwa ndabha jha kiki undekili?”
35 And summe of men that stoden aboute herden, and seiden, Lo! he clepith Helye.
Baadhi jha abhu bhabhajhemili bho bhap'ehki bhakajobha, “Langayi, akan'kuta Eliya.”
36 And oon ranne, and fillide a spounge with vynegre, and puttide aboute to a reede, and yaf to hym drynke, and seide, Suffre ye, se we, if Helie come to do hym doun.
Munu mmonga akajumba akamemesya siki mu sponji ni kujhibheka panani pa libehe lya lilasi, akampela ili anyuayi. Munu mmonga akajobha, “Lendayi tuloli kama Eliya ibetakun'selesya pasi.”
37 And Jhesus yaf out a greet cry, and diede.
Kisha Yesu akalela kwa sauti mbaha ni kufwa.
38 And the veil of the temple was rent atwo fro the hiyeste to bynethe.
Lipazia lya hekalu likagabhwanyika fipandi fibhele kuhomela kunani mpaka pasi.
39 But the centurien that stood forn ayens siy, that he so criynge hadde diede, and seide, Verili, this man was Goddis sone.
Ofisa mmonga jha ajhemili kundanga Yesu, bhoabhuene afuili kwa jinsi jhela, akajobha, “Kweli munu ojho ajhele mwana ghwa K'yara.”
40 And ther weren also wymmen biholdynge fro afer, among whiche was Marie Maudeleyn, and Marie, the modir of James the lesse, and of Joseph, and of Salome.
Bhajhele pia bhadala ambabho bhalangeghe kwa patali. Miongoni mwa bhene ajhele Mariamu Magdalena, Mariamu (nyinamunu Yakobo n'debe ghwa Yose), ni Salome.
41 And whanne Jhesus was in Galilee, thei folewiden hym, and mynystriden to hym, and many othere wymmen, that camen vp togidir with him to Jerusalem.
Wakati bhajhele Galilaya bhan'kesisi ni kuntumikila. Ni bhadala bhangi bhingi pia bhaambatene naku hadi Yerusalemu.
42 And whanne euentid was come, for it was the euentid which is bifor the sabat,
Bhokijhingili kimihi, ni kwa kujha jhajhele ligono lya maandalio, ligono kabla ya sabato,
43 Joseph of Armathie, the noble decurioun, cam, and he abood the rewme of God; and booldli he entride to Pilat, and axide the bodi of Jhesu.
Yusufu ni Arimathaya akahida pala. Ajhele mjumbe ghwa baraza jhaiheshimibhwa munu jha autarajili bhufalme bhwa K'yara. Kwa ujasiri akalota kwa Pilato,
44 But Pilat wondride, if he were now deed.
ni kubhusoma mb'ele ghwa Yesu. Pilato akayangasibhwa kujha Yesu tayari amalikufwa; akan'kuta jhola afisa ni kun'kota kama Yesu tayari amalikufwa.
45 And whanne the centurion was clepid, he axide hym, if he were deed; and whanne he knewe of the centurion, he grauntide the bodi of Jhesu to Joseph.
Bhoakabhili bhuhakika kwa afisa kujha Yesu tayari amalikufwa anduhuswiri Yusufu kuutola mb'ele.
46 And Joseph bouyte lynnen cloth, and took hym doun, and wlappide in the lynnen cloth, and leide hym in a sepulcre that was hewun of a stoon, and walewide a stoon to the dore of the sepulcre.
Yusufu ajhele tayari amalikugola sanda. Akan'selesya kuhomela pa n'salaba, akan'konga kwa sanda hi kumbeka mugati mu likaburi lyalagimibhu mu muamba. Kisha aliviringisi liganga lela pa ndiangu ghwa likaburi.
47 And Marie Maudeleyne and Marie of Joseph bihelden, where he was leid.
Mariamu Magdalena ni Mariamu nyinamunu Yose bhebhuene sehemu jha asyelibhu Yesu.

< Mark 15 >