< Mark 12 >

1 And Jhesus bigan to speke to hem in parablis. A man plauntide a vynyerd, and sette an hegge aboute it, and dalf a lake, and bildide a toure, and hiryde it to tilieris, and wente forth in pilgrimage.
et coepit illis in parabolis loqui vineam pastinavit homo et circumdedit sepem et fodit lacum et aedificavit turrem et locavit eam agricolis et peregre profectus est
2 And he sente to the erthe tilieris in tyme a seruaunt, to resseyue of the erthe tilieris of the fruyt of the vynyerd.
et misit ad agricolas in tempore servum ut ab agricolis acciperet de fructu vineae
3 And thei token hym, and beeten, and leften hym voide.
qui adprehensum eum ceciderunt et dimiserunt vacuum
4 And eftsoone he sente to hem anothir seruaunt, and thei woundiden hym in the heed, and turmentiden hym.
et iterum misit ad illos alium servum et illum capite vulneraverunt et contumeliis adfecerunt
5 And eftsoone he sente another, and thei slowen hym, and othir mo, betynge summe, and sleynge othere.
et rursum alium misit et illum occiderunt et plures alios quosdam caedentes alios vero occidentes
6 But yit he hadde a moost derworth sone, and he sente hym last to hem, and seide, Perauenture thei schulen drede my sone.
adhuc ergo unum habens filium carissimum et illum misit ad eos novissimum dicens quia reverebuntur filium meum
7 But the erthetilieris seiden togidere, This is the eire; come ye, sle we hym, and the eritage schal be ourun.
coloni autem dixerunt ad invicem hic est heres venite occidamus eum et nostra erit hereditas
8 And thei tokun hym, and killiden, and castiden out without the vynyerd.
et adprehendentes eum occiderunt et eiecerunt extra vineam
9 Thanne what schal the lord of the vynyerd do? He schal come, and lese the tilieris, and yyue the vynyerd to othere.
quid ergo faciet dominus vineae veniet et perdet colonos et dabit vineam aliis
10 Whether ye han not red this scripture, The stoon which the bilderis han disspisid, this is maad in to the heed of the corner?
nec scripturam hanc legistis lapidem quem reprobaverunt aedificantes hic factus est in caput anguli
11 This thing is doon of the Lord, and is wondirful in oure iyen.
a Domino factum est istud et est mirabile in oculis nostris
12 And thei souyten to holde hym, and thei dredden the puple; for thei knewen that to hem he seide this parable; and thei leften hym,
et quaerebant eum tenere et timuerunt turbam cognoverunt enim quoniam ad eos parabolam hanc dixerit et relicto eo abierunt
13 and thei wenten awei. And thei senten to hym summe of the Farisees and Erodians, to take hym in word.
et mittunt ad eum quosdam ex Pharisaeis et Herodianis ut eum caperent in verbo
14 Whiche camen, and seien to hym, Maistir, we witen that thou art sothfast, and reckist not of ony man; for nethir thou biholdist in to the face of man, but thou techist the weie of God in treuthe. Is it leeueful that tribute be youun to the emperoure, or we schulen not yyue?
qui venientes dicunt ei magister scimus quoniam verax es et non curas quemquam nec enim vides in faciem hominis sed in veritate viam Dei doces licet dari tributum Caesari an non dabimus
15 Which witynge her pryuei falsnesse, seide to hem, What tempten ye me? brynge ye to me a peny, that Y se.
qui sciens versutiam eorum ait illis quid me temptatis adferte mihi denarium ut videam
16 And thei brouyten to hym. And he seide to hem, Whos is this ymage, and the writyng? Thei seien to him, The emperouris.
at illi adtulerunt et ait illis cuius est imago haec et inscriptio dicunt illi Caesaris
17 And Jhesus answeride and seide to hem, Thanne yelde ye to the emperour tho thingis that ben of the emperours; and to God tho thingis that ben of God.
respondens autem Iesus dixit illis reddite igitur quae sunt Caesaris Caesari et quae sunt Dei Deo et mirabantur super eo
18 And thei wondriden of hym. And Saduces, that seien that ther is no ressurreccioun, camen to hym, and axeden hym,
et venerunt ad eum Sadducaei qui dicunt resurrectionem non esse et interrogabant eum dicentes
19 and seiden, Maister, Moyses wroot to vs, that if the brother of a man were deed, and lefte his wijf, and haue no sones, his brother take his wijf, and reise vp seed to his brother.
magister Moses nobis scripsit ut si cuius frater mortuus fuerit et dimiserit uxorem et filios non reliquerit accipiat frater eius uxorem ipsius et resuscitet semen fratri suo
20 Thanne seuene britheren ther weren; and the firste took a wijf, and diede, and lefte no seed.
septem ergo fratres erant et primus accepit uxorem et mortuus est non relicto semine
21 And the secounde took hir, and he diede, and nether this lefte seed.
et secundus accepit eam et mortuus est et nec iste reliquit semen et tertius similiter
22 And the thridde also. And in lijk manere the seuene token hir, and leften not seed. And the womman the laste of alle `is deed.
et acceperunt eam similiter septem et non reliquerunt semen novissima omnium defuncta est et mulier
23 Thanne in the resurreccioun, whanne thei schulen rise ayen, whos wijf of these schal sche be? for seuene hadden hir to wijf.
in resurrectione ergo cum resurrexerint cuius de his erit uxor septem enim habuerunt eam uxorem
24 And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Whether ye erren not therfor, that ye knowe not scripturis, nethir the vertu of God?
et respondens Iesus ait illis non ideo erratis non scientes scripturas neque virtutem Dei
25 For whanne thei schulen rise ayen fro deeth, nether thei schulen wedde, nethir schulen be weddid, but thei schulen be as aungels of God in heuenes.
cum enim a mortuis resurrexerint neque nubent neque nubentur sed sunt sicut angeli in caelis
26 And of deed men, that thei risen ayen, han ye not red in the book of Moises, on the buysch, hou God spak to hym, and seide, Y am God of Abraham, and God of Isaac, and God of Jacob?
de mortuis autem quod resurgant non legistis in libro Mosi super rubum quomodo dixerit illi Deus inquiens ego sum Deus Abraham et Deus Isaac et Deus Iacob
27 He is not God of deed men, but of lyuynge men; therfor ye erren myche.
non est Deus mortuorum sed vivorum vos ergo multum erratis
28 And oon of the scribis, that hadde herde hem dispuytynge togidir, cam nyy, and saiy that Jhesus had wel answeride hem, and axide hym, which was the firste maundement of alle.
et accessit unus de scribis qui audierat illos conquirentes et videns quoniam bene illis responderit interrogavit eum quod esset primum omnium mandatum
29 And Jhesus answeride to him, that the firste maundement of alle is, Here thou, Israel, thi Lord God is o God;
Iesus autem respondit ei quia primum omnium mandatum est audi Israhel Dominus Deus noster Deus unus est
30 and thou schalt loue thi Lord God of al thin herte, and of al thi soule, and of al thi mynde, and of al thi myyt.
et diliges Dominum Deum tuum ex toto corde tuo et ex tota anima tua et ex tota mente tua et ex tota virtute tua hoc est primum mandatum
31 This is the firste maundement. And the secounde is lijk to this, Thou schalt loue thi neiybore as thi silf. Ther is noon other maundement gretter than these.
secundum autem simile illi diliges proximum tuum tamquam te ipsum maius horum aliud mandatum non est
32 And the scribe seide to hym, Maister, in treuthe thou hast wel seid; for o God is, and ther is noon other, outakun hym;
et ait illi scriba bene magister in veritate dixisti quia unus est et non est alius praeter eum
33 that he be loued of al the herte, and of al the mynde, and of al the vndurstondynge, and of al the soule, and of al strengthe, and to loue the neiybore as hym silf, is gretter than alle brent offryngis and sacrifices.
et ut diligatur ex toto corde et ex toto intellectu et ex tota anima et ex tota fortitudine et diligere proximum tamquam se ipsum maius est omnibus holocaustomatibus et sacrificiis
34 And Jhesus seynge that he hadde answerid wiseli, seide to hym, Thou art not fer fro the kyngdom of God.
Iesus autem videns quod sapienter respondisset dixit illi non es longe a regno Dei et nemo iam audebat eum interrogare
35 And thanne no man durste axe hym no more ony thing. And Jhesus answeride and seide, techynge in the temple, Hou seien scribis, that Crist is the sone of Dauid?
et respondens Iesus dicebat docens in templo quomodo dicunt scribae Christum Filium esse David
36 For Dauid hym silf seide in the Hooli Goost, the Lord seide to my lord, Sitte on my riythalf, til Y putte thin enemyes the stool of thi feet.
ipse enim David dicit in Spiritu Sancto dixit Dominus Domino meo sede a dextris meis donec ponam inimicos tuos scabillum pedum tuorum
37 Thanne Dauid hym silf clepith him lord, hou thanne is he his sone? And myche puple gladli herde hym.
ipse ergo David dicit eum Dominum et unde est filius eius et multa turba eum libenter audivit
38 And he seide to hem in his techyng, Be ye war of scribis, that wolen wandre in stolis,
et dicebat eis in doctrina sua cavete a scribis qui volunt in stolis ambulare et salutari in foro
39 and be salutid in chepyng, and sitte in synagogis in the firste chaieris, and the firste sittyng placis in soperis;
et in primis cathedris sedere in synagogis et primos discubitus in cenis
40 whiche deuouren the housis of widewis vndur colour of long preier; thei schulen take the longer doom.
qui devorant domos viduarum sub obtentu prolixae orationis hii accipient prolixius iudicium
41 And Jhesus sittynge ayens the tresorie, bihelde hou the puple castide monei in to the tresorie; and many riche men castiden many thingis.
et sedens Iesus contra gazofilacium aspiciebat quomodo turba iactaret aes in gazofilacium et multi divites iactabant multa
42 But whanne a pore widewe was comun, sche keste two mynutis, that is, a ferthing.
cum venisset autem una vidua pauper misit duo minuta quod est quadrans
43 And he clepide togidere hise disciplis, and seide to hem, Treuli Y seie to you, that this pore widewe keste more thanne alle, that kesten in to the tresorie.
et convocans discipulos suos ait illis amen dico vobis quoniam vidua haec pauper plus omnibus misit qui miserunt in gazofilacium
44 For alle kesten of that thing that thei hadden plente of; but this of her pouert keste alle thingis that sche hadde, al hir lyuelode.
omnes enim ex eo quod abundabat illis miserunt haec vero de penuria sua omnia quae habuit misit totum victum suum

< Mark 12 >