< Luke 5 >
1 And it was don, whanne the puple cam fast to Jhesu, to here the word of God, he stood bisidis the pool of Genasereth,
Factum est autem, cum turbæ irruerunt in eum, ut audirent verbum Dei, et ipse stabat secus stagnum Genesareth.
2 and saiy two bootis stondynge bisidis the pool; and the fischeris weren go doun, and waischiden her nettis.
Et vidit duas naves stantes secus stagnum: piscatores autem descenderant, et lavabant retia.
3 And he wente vp in to a boot, that was Symoundis, and preiede hym to lede it a litil fro the loond; and he seet, and tauyte the puple out of the boot.
Ascendens autem in unam navim, quæ erat Simonis, rogavit eum a terra reducere pusillum. Et sedens docebat de navicula turbas.
4 And as he ceesside to speke, he seide to Symount, Lede thou in to the depthe, and slake youre nettis to take fisch.
Ut cessavit autem loqui, dixit ad Simonem: Duc in altum, et laxate retia vestra in capturam.
5 And Symount answeride, and seide to hym, Comaundoure, we traueliden al the nyyt, and token no thing, but in thi word Y schal leye out the net.
Et respondens Simon, dixit illi: Præceptor, per totam noctem laborantes, nihil cepimus: in verbo autem tuo laxabo rete.
6 And whanne thei hadden do this thing, thei closiden togidir a greet multitude of fischis; and her net was brokun.
Et cum hoc fecissent, concluserunt piscium multitudinem copiosam, rumpebatur autem rete eorum.
7 And thei bikenyden to felawis, that weren in anothir boot, that thei schulden come, and helpe hem. And thei camen, and filliden bothe the bootis, so that thei weren almost drenchid.
Et annuerunt sociis, qui erant in alia navi ut venirent, et adiuvarent eos. Et venerunt, et impleverunt ambas naviculas, ita ut pene mergerentur.
8 And whanne Symount Petir saiy this thing, he felde doun to the knees of Jhesu, and seide, Lord, go fro me, for Y am a synful man.
Quod cum videret Simon Petrus, procidit ad genua Iesu, dicens: Exi a me, quia homo peccator sum, Domine.
9 For he was on ech side astonyed, and alle that weren with hym, in the takyng of fischis whiche thei token.
Stupor enim circumdederat eum, et omnes, qui cum illo erant, in captura piscium, quam ceperant:
10 Sotheli in lijk maner James and Joon, the sones of Zebedee, that weren felowis of Symount Petre. And Jhesus seide to Symount, Nyle thou drede; now fro this tyme thou schalt take men.
Similiter autem Iacobum, et Ioannem, filios Zebedæi, qui erunt socii Simonis. Et ait ad Simonem Iesus: Noli timere: ex hoc iam homines eris capiens.
11 And whanne the bootis weren led vp to the loond, thei leften alle thingis, and thei sueden hym.
Et subductis ad terram navibus, relictis omnibus secuti sunt eum.
12 And it was don, whanne he was in oon of the citees, lo! a man ful of lepre; and seynge Jhesu felle doun on his face, and preyede hym, and seide, Lord, if thou wolt, thou maist make me clene.
Et factum est, cum esset in una civitatum, et ecce vir plenus lepra, et videns Iesum, et procidens in faciem, rogavit eum, dicens: Domine, si vis, potes me mundare.
13 And Jhesus held forth his hoond, and touchide hym, and seide, Y wole, be thou maad cleene. And anoon the lepre passide awei fro hym.
Et extendens manum, tetigit eum dicens: Volo: Mundare. Et confestim lepra discessit ab illo.
14 And Jhesus comaundide to hym, that he schulde seie to no man; But go, schewe thou thee to a preest, and offre for thi clensyng, as Moises bad, in to witnessyng to hem.
Et ipse præcepit illi ut nemini diceret: sed, Vade, ostende te sacerdoti, et offer pro emundatione tua, sicut præcepit Moyses, in testimonium illis.
15 And the word walkide aboute the more of hym; and myche puple camen togidere, to here, and to be heelid of her siknessis.
Perambulabat autem magis sermo de illo: et conveniebant turbæ multæ ut audirent, et curarentur ab infirmitatibus suis.
16 And he wente in to desert, and preiede.
Ipse autem secedebat in desertum, et orabat.
17 And it was don in oon of the daies, he sat, and tauyte; and there weren Farisees sittynge, and doctouris of the lawe, that camen of eche castel of Galilee, and of Judee, and of Jerusalem; and the vertu of the Lord was to heele sike men.
Et factum est in una dierum, et ipse sedebat docens. Et erant Pharisæi sedentes, et legis doctores, qui venerunt ex omni castello Galilææ, et Iudææ, et Ierusalem: et virtus Domini erat ad sanandum eos.
18 And lo! men beren in a bed a man that was sijk in the palsye, and thei souyten to bere hym in, and sette bifor hym.
Et ecce viri portantes in lecto hominem, qui erat paralyticus: et quærebant eum inferre, et ponere ante eum.
19 And thei founden not in what partie thei schulden bere hym in, for the puple, `and thei wenten on the roof, and bi the sclattis thei leeten hym doun with the bed, in to the myddil, bifor Jhesus.
Et non invenientes qua parte illum inferrent præ turba, ascenderunt supra tectum, et per tegulas summiserunt eum cum lecto in medium ante Iesum.
20 And whanne Jhesu saiy the feith of hem, he seide, Man, thi synnes ben foryouun to thee.
Quorum fidem ut vidit, dixit: Homo remittuntur tibi peccata tua.
21 And the scribis and Farisees bigunnen to thenke, seiynge, Who is this, that spekith blasfemyes? who may foryyue synnes, but God aloone?
Et cœperunt cogitare scribæ, et Pharisæi, dicentes: Quis est hic, qui loquitur blasphemias? Quis potest dimittere peccata, nisi solus Deus?
22 And as Jhesus knewe the thouytis of hem, he answeride, and seide to hem, What thenken ye yuele thingis in youre hertes?
Ut cognovit autem Iesus cogitationes eorum, respondens, dixit ad illos: Quid cogitatis in cordibus vestris?
23 What is liyter to seie, Synnes ben foryouun to thee, or to seie, Rise vp, and walke?
Quid est facilius dicere: Dimittuntur tibi peccata: an dicere: Surge, et ambula?
24 But that ye wite, that mannus sone hath power in erthe to foryyue synnes, he seide to the sijk man in palesie, Y seie to thee, ryse vp, take thi bed, and go in to thin hous.
Ut autem sciatis quia Filius hominis habet potestatem in terra dimittendi peccata, (ait paralytico) Tibi dico, surge, tolle lectum tuum, et vade in domum tuam.
25 And anoon he roos vp bifor hem, and took the bed in which he lay, and wente in to his hous, and magnyfiede God.
Et confestim consurgens coram illis, tulit lectum, in quo iacebat: et abiit in domum suam, magnificans Deum.
26 And greet wondur took alle, and thei magnyfieden God; and thei weren fulfillid with greet drede, and seiden, For we han seyn merueilouse thingis to dai.
Et stupor apprehendit omnes, et magnificabant Deum. Et repleti sunt timore, dicentes: Quia vidimus mirabilia hodie.
27 And after these thingis Jhesus wente out, and saiy a pupplican, Leuy bi name, sittynge at the tolbothe. And he seide to hym, Sue thou me;
Et post hæc exiit, et vidit publicanum nomine Levi, sedentem ad telonium, et ait illi: Sequere me.
28 and whanne he hadde left alle thingis, he roos vp, and suede hym.
Et relictis omnibus, surgens secutus est eum.
29 And Leuy made to hym a greet feeste in his hous; and ther was a greet cumpanye of pupplicans, and of othere that weren with hem, sittynge at the mete.
Et fecit ei convivium magnum Levi in domo sua: et erat turba multa publicanorum, et aliorum, qui cum illis erant discumbentes.
30 And Farisees and the scribis of hem grutchiden, and seiden to hise disciplis, Whi eten ye and drynken with pupplicans and synful men?
Et murmurabant Pharisæi, et scribæ eorum dicentes ad discipulos eius: Quare cum publicanis, et peccatoribus manducatis, et bibitis?
31 And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Thei that ben hoole han no nede to a leche, but thei that ben sijke;
Et respondens Iesus, dixit ad illos: Non egent qui sani sunt medico, sed qui male habent.
32 for Y cam not to clepe iuste men, but synful men to penaunce.
Non veni vocare iustos, sed peccatores ad pœnitentiam.
33 And thei seiden to hym, Whi the disciplis of Joon fasten ofte, and maken preieris, also and of Farisees, but thine eten and drynken?
At illi dixerunt ad eum: Quare discipuli Ioannis ieiunant frequenter, et obsecrationes faciunt, similiter et Pharisæorum: tui autem edunt, et bibunt?
34 To whiche he seide, Whether ye moun make the sones of the spouse to faste, while the spouse is with hem?
Quibus ipse ait: Numquid potestis filios sponsi, dum cum illis est sponsus, facere ieiunare?
35 But daies schulen come, whanne the spouse schal be takun a wei fro hem, and thanne thei schulen faste in tho daies.
Venient autem dies: cum ablatus fuerit ab illis sponsus, tunc ieiunabunt in illis diebus.
36 And he seide to hem also a liknesse; For no man takith a pece fro a newe cloth, and puttith it in to an oold clothing; ellis bothe he brekith the newe, and the pece of the newe acordith not to the elde.
Dicebat autem et similitudinem ad illos: Quia nemo commissuram a novo vestimento immittit in vestimentum vetus: alioquin et novum rumpit, et veteri non convenit commissura a novo.
37 And no man puttith newe wyne in to oolde botels; ellis the newe wyn schal breke the botels, and the wyn schal be sched out, and the botels schulen perische.
Et nemo mittit vinum novum in utres veteres: alioquin rumpet vinum novum utres, et ipsum effundetur, et utres peribunt.
38 But newe wyne owith to be put in to newe botels, and bothe ben kept.
Sed vinum novum in utres novos mittendum est, et utraque conservantur.
39 And no man drynkynge the elde, wole anoon the newe; for he seith, The olde is the betere.
Et nemo bibens vetus, statim vult novum, dicit enim: Vetus melius est.