< Luke 10 >

1 And aftir these thingis the Lord Jhesu ordeynede also othir seuenti and tweyn, and sente hem bi tweyn and tweyn bifor his face in to euery citee and place, whidir he was to come.
Baada ya hayo, Bwana akawachagua wengine sabini na wawili, akawatuma wawili wawili katika kila mji na kila sehemu aliyokusudia kwenda baadaye.
2 And he seide to hem, There is myche ripe corn, and fewe werke men; therfor preie ye the lord of the ripe corn, that he sende werke men in to his ripe corn.
Akawaambia, “Mavuno ni mengi, lakini watendakazi ni wachache. Kwa hiyo mwombeni Bwana wa mavuno, ili apeleke watendakazi katika shamba lake la mavuno.
3 Go ye, lo! Y sende you as lambren among wolues.
Haya! nendeni. Ninawatuma kama wana-kondoo katikati ya mbwa mwitu.
4 Therfor nyle ye bere a sachel, nethir scrippe, nethir schoon, and greete ye no man bi the weie.
Msichukue mkoba, wala mfuko, wala viatu, na msimsalimu mtu yeyote njiani.
5 In to what hous that ye entren, first seie ye, Pees to this hous.
“Mkiingia katika nyumba yoyote, kwanza semeni, ‘Amani iwe kwenu.’
6 And if a sone of pees be there, youre pees schal reste on hym; but if noon, it schal turne ayen to you.
Kama kuna mtu wa amani humo, basi amani yenu itakuwa juu yake. La sivyo, itawarudia.
7 And dwelle ye in the same hous, etynge and drynkynge tho thingis that ben at hem; for a werk man is worthi his hire. Nyle ye passe from hous in to hous.
Kaeni katika nyumba hiyo, mkila na kunywa kile watakachowapa, kwa sababu kila mtendakazi anastahili malipo yake. Msihamehame kutoka nyumba hadi nyumba.
8 And in to what euer citee ye entren, and thei resseyuen you, ete ye tho thingis that ben set to you;
“Mkienda katika mji na watu wake wakawakaribisha, kuleni chochote kiwekwacho mbele yenu,
9 and heele ye the sijke men that ben in that citee. And seie ye to hem, The kyngdom of God schal neiye in to you.
waponyeni wagonjwa waliomo na waambieni: ‘Ufalme wa Mungu umekaribia.’
10 In to what citee ye entren, and thei resseyuen you not, go ye out in to the streetis of it,
Lakini mkiingia katika mji, nao hawakuwakaribisha, tokeni mwende katika barabara zake mkaseme:
11 and seie ye, We wipen of ayens you the poudir that cleued to vs of youre citee; netheles wite ye this thing, that the rewme of God schal come nyy.
‘Hata mavumbi ya mji wenu yaliyoshikamana na miguu yetu, tunayakungʼuta dhidi yenu. Lakini mjue kwamba Ufalme wa Mungu umekaribia.’
12 Y seie to you, that to Sodom it schal be esiere than to that citee in that dai.
Ninawaambia, itakuwa rahisi zaidi kwa Sodoma kustahimili katika siku ile kuliko mji ule.
13 Wo to thee, Corosayn; wo to thee, Bethsaida; for if in Tyre and Sidon the vertues hadden be don, whiche han be don in you, sum tyme thei wolden haue sete in heyre and asches, and haue don penaunce.
“Ole wako Korazini! Ole wako Bethsaida! Kwa kuwa kama miujiza iliyofanyika kwenu ingefanyika Tiro na Sidoni, miji hiyo ingekuwa imetubu zamani, kwa kuvaa magunia na kujipaka majivu.
14 Netheles to Tire and Sidon it schal be esiere in the doom than to you.
Lakini itakuwa rahisi zaidi kwa Tiro na Sidoni kustahimili katika siku ya hukumu, kuliko ninyi.
15 And thou, Cafarnaum, art enhaunsid `til to heuene; thou schalt be drenchid `til in to helle. (Hadēs g86)
Nawe, Kapernaumu, je, utainuliwa hadi mbinguni? La hasha, utashushwa mpaka kuzimu.” (Hadēs g86)
16 He that herith you, herith me; and he that dispisith you, dispisith me; and he that dispisith me, dispisith hym that sente me.
“Yeye awasikilizaye ninyi anisikiliza mimi; naye awakataaye ninyi amenikataa mimi. Lakini yeye anikataaye mimi amkataa yeye aliyenituma.”
17 And the two and seuenti disciplis turneden ayen with ioye, and seiden, Lord, also deuelis ben suget to vs in thi name.
Wale sabini na wawili wakarudi kwa furaha, na kusema, “Bwana, hata pepo wachafu wanatutii kwa jina lako.”
18 And he seide to hem, Y saiy Sathnas fallynge doun fro heuene, as leit.
Yesu akawaambia, “Nilimwona Shetani akianguka kutoka mbinguni kama umeme wa radi.
19 And lo! Y haue youun to you power to trede on serpentis, and on scorpyouns, and on al the vertu of the enemy, and nothing schal anoye you.
Tazama nimewapa mamlaka ya kukanyaga nyoka na nge na juu ya nguvu zote za adui; wala hakuna kitu chochote kitakachowadhuru.
20 Netheles nyle ye ioye on this thing, that spiritis ben suget to you; but ioye ye, that youre names ben writun in heuenes.
Basi, msifurahi kwa kuwa pepo wachafu wanawatii, bali furahini kwa kuwa majina yenu yameandikwa mbinguni.”
21 In thilk our he gladide in the Hooli Goost, and seide, Y knouleche to thee, fadir, Lord of heuene and of erthe, for thou hast hid these thingis fro wise men and prudent, and hast schewid hem to smale children. Yhe, fadir, for so it pleside bifor thee.
Wakati huo Yesu akashangilia katika Roho Mtakatifu, akasema, “Nakuhimidi Baba, Bwana wa mbingu na nchi, kwa kuwa umewaficha mambo haya wenye hekima na wenye elimu, nawe ukawafunulia watoto wadogo. Naam, Baba, kwa kuwa hivyo ndivyo ilivyokupendeza.
22 Alle thingis ben youun to me of my fadir, and no man woot, who is the sone, but the fadir; and who is the fadir, but the sone, and to whom the sone wole schewe.
“Nimekabidhiwa vitu vyote na Baba yangu. Hakuna mtu amjuaye Mwana ni nani ila Baba, wala hakuna amjuaye Baba ni nani ila Mwana na yeyote ambaye Mwana anapenda kumfunulia.”
23 And he turnede to hise disciplis, and seide, Blessid ben the iyen, that seen tho thingis that ye seen.
Basi Yesu akawageukia wanafunzi wake akanena nao faraghani, akawaambia, “Heri macho yanayoona yale mambo mnayoyaona.
24 For Y seie to you, that many prophetis and kyngis wolden haue seie tho thingis, that ye seen, and thei sayn not; and here tho thingis, that ye heren, and thei herden not.
Kwa maana nawaambia, manabii wengi na wafalme walitamani kuona yale mnayoyaona lakini hawakuyaona, na walitamani kusikia yale mnayoyasikia lakini hawakuyasikia.”
25 And lo! a wise man of the lawe ros vp, temptynge hym, and seiynge, Maister, what thing schal Y do to haue euerlastynge lijf? (aiōnios g166)
Wakati huo mtaalamu mmoja wa sheria alisimama ili kumjaribu Yesu, akamuuliza, “Mwalimu, nifanye nini ili niurithi uzima wa milele?” (aiōnios g166)
26 And he seide to hym, What is writun in the lawe? hou redist thou?
Yesu akamjibu, “Imeandikwaje katika Sheria? Kwani unasoma nini humo?”
27 He answeride, and seide, Thou schalt loue thi Lord God of al thin herte, and of al thi soule, and of alle thi strengthis, and of al thi mynde; and thi neiybore as thi silf.
Akajibu, “‘Mpende Bwana Mungu wako kwa moyo wako wote, kwa roho yako yote, kwa nguvu zako zote, na kwa akili zako zote’; tena, ‘Mpende jirani yako kama unavyojipenda mwenyewe.’”
28 And Jhesus seide to hym, Thou hast answerid riytli; do this thing, and thou schalt lyue.
Yesu akamwambia, “Umejibu vyema. Fanya hivyo nawe utaishi.”
29 But he willynge to iustifie hym silf, seide to Jhesu, And who is my neiybore?
Lakini yule mtaalamu wa sheria, akitaka kujionyesha kuwa mwenye haki, akamuuliza Yesu, “Jirani yangu ni nani?”
30 And Jhesu biheld, and seide, A man cam doun fro Jerusalem in to Jerico, and fel among theues, and thei robbiden hym, and woundiden hym, and wente awei, and leften the man half alyue.
Yesu akamjibu akasema, “Mtu mmoja alikuwa akiteremka kutoka Yerusalemu kwenda Yeriko, naye akaangukia mikononi mwa wanyangʼanyi. Wakampiga, wakaondoka, wakamwacha akiwa karibu kufa.
31 And it bifel, that a prest cam doun the same weie, and passide forth, whanne he hadde seyn hym.
Kuhani mmoja alikuwa akipitia njia ile, alipomwona huyo mtu, akapita upande mwingine, akamwacha hapo barabarani.
32 Also a dekene, whanne he was bisidis the place, and saiy him, passide forth.
Vivyo hivyo, Mlawi mmoja naye alipofika mahali pale, alimwona, akapita upande mwingine, akamwacha hapo barabarani
33 But a Samaritan, goynge the weie, cam bisidis hym; and he siy hym, and hadde reuthe on hym;
Lakini Msamaria mmoja aliyekuwa akisafiri alipomwona, alimhurumia.
34 and cam to hym, and boond togidir hise woundis, and helde in oyle and wynne; and leide hym on his beest, and ledde in to an ostrie, and dide the cure of hym.
Akaenda alipokuwa na akasafisha majeraha yake kwa divai na mafuta, kisha akayafunga. Ndipo akampandisha kwenye punda wake, akampeleka mpaka kwenye nyumba ya wageni na kumtunza.
35 And another dai he brouyte forth twey pans, and yaf to the ostiler, and seide, Haue the cure of hym; and what euer thou schalt yyue ouer, Y schal yelde to thee, whanne Y come ayen.
Kesho yake, yule Msamaria akachukua dinari mbiliakampa yule mwenye nyumba ya wageni na kusema, ‘Mtunze, nami nirudipo nitakulipa gharama yoyote ya ziada uliyotumia kwa ajili yake.’
36 Who of these thre, semeth to thee, was neiybore to hym, that fel among theues?
“Ni yupi basi miongoni mwa hawa watatu wewe unadhani ni jirani yake yule mtu aliyeangukia mikononi mwa wanyangʼanyi?”
37 And he seide, He that dide merci in to hym. And Jhesus seide to hym, Go thou, and do thou on lijk maner.
Yule mtaalamu wa sheria akajibu, “Ni yule aliyemhurumia.” Ndipo Yesu akamwambia, “Nenda, ukafanye vivyo hivyo.”
38 And it was don, while thei wenten, he entride in to a castel; and a womman, Martha bi name, resseyuede hym in to hir hous.
Ikawa Yesu na wanafunzi wake walipokuwa wakienda Yerusalemu, akaingia kwenye kijiji kimoja ambapo mwanamke mmoja aliyeitwa Martha alimkaribisha nyumbani kwake.
39 And to this was a sistir, Marie bi name, which also sat bisidis the feet of the Lord, and herde his word.
Martha alikuwa na mdogo wake aliyeitwa Maria, ambaye aliketi chini miguuni mwa Bwana akisikiliza yale aliyokuwa akisema.
40 But Martha bisiede aboute the ofte seruyce. And sche stood, and seide, Lord, takist thou no kepe, that my sistir hath left me aloone to serue? therfor seie thou to hir, that sche helpe me.
Lakini Martha alikuwa akihangaika na maandalizi yote yaliyokuwa yafanyike. Martha akaja kwa Yesu na kumuuliza, “Bwana, hujali kwamba ndugu yangu ameniachia kazi zote mwenyewe? Basi mwambie anisaidie.”
41 And the Lord answerde, and seide to hir, Martha, Martha, thou art bysi, and art troublid aboute ful many thingis;
Lakini Bwana akamjibu, “Martha, Martha, mbona unasumbuka na kuhangaika na mengi?
42 but o thing is necessarie. Marie hath chosun the best part, which schal not be takun awei fro hir.
Lakini kunahitajika kitu kimoja tu. Maria amechagua kile kilicho bora, wala hakuna mtu atakayemwondolea.”

< Luke 10 >