< Leviticus 25 >

1 And the Lord spak to Moises in the hil of Synai,
Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu nʼugwu Saịnaị sị ya,
2 and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seye to hem, Whanne ye han entrid in to the lond which Y schal yyue to you, `the erthe kepe the sabat of the Lord;
“Gwa ụmụ Izrel sị ha, ‘Mgbe unu batara nʼala ahụ m ga-enye unu, unu ga-eme ka ala ahụ nwee afọ izuike nke ya nye Onyenwe anyị.
3 sixe yeeris thou schalt sowe thi feeld, and sixe yeeris thou schalt kitte thi vyner, and thou schalt gadere the fruytis ther of;
Afọ isii ka unu ga-akụ ihe nʼubi, afọ isii ka unu ga-ewe ihe ubi, kwachaakwa alaka osisi vaịnị unu.
4 forsothe in the seuenthe yeer schal be sabat of the erthe of the restyng of the Lord;
Ma mgbe o ruru afọ nke asaa, unu ga-ahapụ ala ubi unu ka o zuo ike, afọ izuike nye Onyenwe anyị. Unu akụla ihe ọbụla nʼubi unu maọbụ kwachaa osisi vaịnị unu.
5 thou schalt not sowe the feeld, and thou schalt not kitte the vyner, thou schalt not repe tho thingis whiche the erthe bryngith forth `bi fre wille, and thou schalt not gadere the grapis of thi firste fruytis, as vyndage; for it is the yeer of restyng of the lond; but tho schulen be to you in to mete,
Unu agaghị ewe ihe ubi ọbụla ga-epupụtara onwe ha nʼoge a, maọbụ tụtụọ mkpụrụ osisi vaịnị ndị ga-ada ada. Nʼihi na afọ ahụ bụ afọ ozuzu ike dịrị ala ubi niile.
6 to thee, and to thi seruaunt, to thin handmaide, and to thin hirid man, and to the comelyng which is a pilgrym at thee; alle thingis that `comen forth,
Ihe ubi puputara nʼala ahụ niile nʼafọ izuike ahụ bụ nri dịrị unu onwe unu, na ndị odibo nwoke na nwanyị unu niile, na onye i goro ọrụ, na onye ọbịa bi nʼetiti unu.
7 schulen yyue mete to thi werk beestis and smale beestis.
Ihe ubi ahụ dịkwara anụ ụlọ gị, na anụ ọhịa bi nʼala gị. Ihe ọbụla puputara nʼala bụ ihe unu ga-eri.
8 Also thou schalt noumbre to thee seuene woukis of yeeris, that is, seuene sithes seuene, whiche togidere maken nyn and fourti yeer;
“‘Gụpụta afọ izuike asaa, afọ asaa, ụzọ asaa. Ngụkọ afọ izuike ndị a niile ga-enye iri afọ anọ na itoolu.
9 and thou schalt sowne with a clarioun in the seuenthe monethe, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, in the tyme of propiciacioun, `that is, merci, in al youre lond.
Nʼụbọchị nke iri nke ọnwa asaa, zipụ onye ga-egbu opi ike, ya bụ, nʼụbọchị mkpuchi mmehie, a ga-egbu opi ike nʼala Izrel niile.
10 And thou schalt halewe the fiftithe yeer, and thou schalt clepe remissioun to alle the dwellers of thi lond; for thilke yeer is iubilee; a man schal turne ayen to hys possessioun, and ech man schal go ayen to the firste meynee,
Doonụ afọ nke iri ise ahụ nsọ, kwusaakwa inwere onwe nye mmadụ niile nʼala ahụ niile. Afọ ahụ ga-abụ afọ inwere onwe nye unu. Onye ọbụla nʼime unu ga-alaghachi nʼihe onwunwe nke ezinaụlọ ya, onye ọbụla kwa ga-alaghachi nʼagbụrụ ya.
11 for it is iubilee, and the fiftithe yeer. Ye schulen not sowe, nether ye schulen repe thingis, that comen forth freli in the feeld, and ye schulen not gadere the firste fruytis of vyndage, for the halewyng of iubilee;
Afọ nke iri ise bụ afọ inwere onwe nye unu. A gaghị akụ ihe ọbụla nʼubi, a gakwaghị ewe ihe ubi ọbụla puputara nʼonwe ya, maọbụ mkpụrụ osisi vaịnị mịrị nʼonwe ya.
12 but anoon ye schulen ete thingis takun awey;
Ọ bụ afọ inwere onwe, bụrụkwa afọ dị nsọ nye unu, nke onye ọbụla ga-eri naanị ihe e wetara nʼubi.
13 in the yeer of iubilee alle men go ayen to her possessiouns.
“‘Onye ọbụla ga-alaghachi nʼihe onwunwe nke ya, nʼafọ inwere onwe a.
14 Whanne thou schalt sille ony thing to thi citeseyn, ether schalt bie of hym, make thou not sory thi brother, but bi the noumbre of `yeeris of iubile thou schalt bie of him,
“‘Ọ bụrụ na i resiri onye agbataobi gị ala, maọbụ na o nwere nke ọ zụrụ site nʼaka gị, unu aghọgbula ibe unu.
15 and bi the rekenyng of fruytis he schal sille to thee.
Ị ga-azụrụ ala site nʼaka onye agbataobi dịka ọnụọgụgụ afọ si dị site nʼafọ inwere onwe. Ha ga-eresi gị ya dịka ọnụọgụgụ afọ ole fọdụrụ maka ịkọ ihe nʼala ahụ.
16 Bi as myche as mo yeeris dwellen after the iubilee, by so myche also the prijs schal encreesse, and bi as myche as thou noumbrist lesse of tyme, bi so myche and the biyng schal cost lesse; for he schal sille to thee the time of fruytis.
Ọ bụrụ na a zụrụ ala ahụ nso nso mmemme iri afọ ise a, ọnụahịa ala ahụ ga-adị ala, ọ bụrụkwanụ na ọ dị anya site na mmemme ahụ, ọnụahịa ya ga-adị elu, nʼihi na ụgwọ onye ahụ na-akwụ bụ ụgwọ ugboro ole ọ ga-akụ ihe nʼala ahụ.
17 Nyle ye turment men of youre lynagis, but ech man drede his God; for Y am youre Lord God.
Unu emegbula ibe unu kama tụọnụ egwu Chineke unu. Abụ m Onyenwe anyị Chineke unu.
18 Do ye my comaundementis, and kepe ye my domes, and fille ye tho, that ye moun dwelle in his lond without ony drede,
“‘Gbasoonụ ụkpụrụ m, ma lezie anya imezu ihe m nyere nʼiwu, ka unu nwee ike ibi obi udo nʼala ahụ.
19 and that the erthe brynge forth hise fruytis to you, whiche ye schulen ete `til to fulnesse, and drede not the assailyng of ony man.
Mgbe ahụ, ala ga-amị mkpụrụ ya, unu ga-eriju afọ, birikwa nʼala ahụ nʼudo.
20 That if ye seien, what schulen we ete in the seuenthe yeer, if we sowen not, nether gaderen oure fruytis?
Unu nwere ike jụọ ajụjụ sị, “Gịnị ka anyị ga-eri nʼafọ nke asaa ahụ ebe ọ bụ na anyị agaghị akụ ihe ọbụla, maọbụ wee ihe ubi ọbụla nʼafọ ahụ?”
21 Y schal yyue my blessyng to you in the sixte yeer, and it schal make fruytis of three yeer;
Aga m ezitere unu ngọzị dị ukwuu nʼafọ nke isii, nke ga-eme ka ala mee ihe omume nke ga-ezuru unu afọ atọ.
22 and ye schulen sowe in the eiyte yeer, and ye schulen ete elde fruytis `til to the nynthe yeer; til newe thingis comen forth ye schulen ete the elde thingis.
Mgbe unu ga-akụ ihe ubi nʼafọ nke asatọ unu ga na-eri site nʼowuwe ihe ubi ochie unu tutu ruo nʼafọ nke itoolu mgbe unu ga-ewebata ihe ubi ọhụrụ.
23 Also the lond schal not be seeld `in to with outen ende, for it is myn, and ye ben my comelyngis and tenauntis;
“‘Chetanụ na ala bụ nke m, nʼihi nke a, o kwesighị ka unu ree ala ọbụla kpamkpam. Unu bụ naanị ndị ọbịa na ndị nlekọta nye m.
24 wherfor al the cuntre of youre possessioun schal be seeld vndur the condicioun of ayenbiyng.
Nʼala obibi unu niile, unu ga-enye ohere maka mgbapụta ala erere ere.
25 If thi brother is maad pore, and sillith his litil possessioun, and his nyy kynesman wole, he may ayenbie that that he seelde;
“‘Ọ bụrụ na otu onye nʼime unu aghọọ onye ogbenye si otu a ree ala ya, nwanna ya dị ya nso ga-abịa gbapụta ala ahụ.
26 sotheli if he hath no nyy kynesman, and he may fynde prijs to ayenbie,
Ọ bụrụ na-enweghị onye ga-agbapụta ala ahụ nye ha, ma ha mesịa ghọọ ndị bara ụba nwekwa ihe ga-ezu ịgbapụta ala ahụ nʼonwe ha.
27 the fruytis schulen be rekynyd fro that tyme in which he seelde, and he schal yelde `that that is residue to the biere, and he schal resseyue so his possessioun.
A ga-agụ afọ ole gara site na mgbe o rere ala ahụ, nyeghachi ya ego ole o kwesiri inweta. Onye rere ala ga-alaghachikwa nʼala ya.
28 That if his hond fynde not, that he yelde the prijs, the biere schal haue that that he bouyte, `til to the yeer of iubilee; for in that yeer ech sillyng schal go ayen to the lord, and to the firste weldere.
Ọ bụrụ na onyenwe ya enweghị ike ịchọta ego ọ ga-eji gbara ya, ala ahụ ga-adị nʼaka onye ahụ zụrụ ya tutu ruo nʼafọ inwere onwe. Mgbe ahụ ọ ga-ewerekwa ala ahụ nyeghachi ya onye resiri ya.
29 He that sillith his hows, with ynne the wallis of a citee, schal haue licence to ayenbie til o yeer be fillid;
“‘Onye ọbụla rere ụlọ obibi dị nʼobodo e ji mgbidi gbaa gburugburu nwere ikike mgbapụta ya naanị mgbe otu afọ zuru site na mgbe e rere ya. Nʼoge ahụ ka onye rere ya nwere ike ịgbaghachi ya.
30 if he ayenbieth not, and the sercle of the yeer is passid, the biere schal welde it, and his eiris `in to with outen ende, and it schal not mow be ayenbouyt, ye, in the iubilee.
Ọ bụrụ na a gbapụtaghị ya tupu otu afọ agafee, ụlọ ahụ dị nʼime obodo nwere mgbidi ga-abụ nke onye ahụ zụrụ ya mgbe niile, bụrụkwa nke ụmụ ụmụ ya. A gaghị enyeghachikwa ya mgbe afọ inwere onwe ruru.
31 Forsothe if the hows is in a town `that hath not wallis, it schal be seeld bi the lawe of feeldis; sotheli if it is not ayenbouyt in the iubilee, it schal turne ayen to `his lord.
Ma ụlọ ndị dị nʼobodo nta na-enweghị mgbidi a ga-agụ ha dịka ihe dị nʼọhịa. E nwere ike ịgbapụta ha, ha bụkwa nke a ga-eweghachite mgbe afọ inwere onwe ruru.
32 The howsis of dekenes, that ben in citees, moun euer be ayenbouyt; if tho ben not ayenbouyt,
“‘Ma banyere obodo niile nke ndị Livayị dị iche iche. Ha nwere ikike ịgbapụta ụlọ ha dị nʼime nketa ha mgbe ọbụla.
33 tho schulen turne ayen in the iubilee `to the lordis; for the `howsis of the citees of dekenes ben for possessiouns among the sones of Israel;
Ihe onwunwe ndị Livayị bụ nke e nwere ike ịgbapụta, bụ ndị a, ụlọ niile e rere nke dị nʼobodo ha nwere. Ọ ga-abụ nʼafọ inwere onwe ka aga enwetaghachi ha, nʼihi na ụlọ ndị ahụ dị nʼobodo ndị Livayị bụ naanị oke ha nwere nʼetiti ụmụ Izrel.
34 forsothe the suburbabis of hem schulen not be seeld, for it is euerlastynge possessioun.
Ma a gaghị ere ala ebe ịta nri nke anụ ụlọ gbara obodo ha gburugburu ere, nʼihi ọ bụ ihe ha nwee nʼọha ruo ebighị ebi.
35 If thi brother is maad pore, and feble in power, and thou resseyuest hym as a comelyng and pilgrym, and he lyueth with thee,
“‘Ọ bụrụ na nwanne gị adaa ogbenye ruo na o nweghị ike inyere onwe ya aka, ọ dị gị nʼaka inyere ya aka, kpọbata ya ka ọ bịa biri nʼụlọ gị dịka ị ga-esi kpọbata onye ọbịa. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, ọ ga-anọgide biri nʼetiti unu.
36 take thou not vsuris of hym, nether more than thou hast youe; drede thou thi God, that thi brothir mai lyue anentis thee.
Tụọ egwu Chineke, kwerekwa ka nwanna gị soro gị biri nʼala ahụ. A nakwala ụma maọbụ ọmụrụnwa ọbụla.
37 Thou schalt not yyue to hym thi money to vsure, and thou schalt not axe ouer `aboundaunce, ether encrees ouer of fruytis;
Ị gaghị ana ọmụrụnwa nʼego i gbazinyere ha, maọbụ rie uru site na nri i resiri ha.
38 Y am youre Lord God, that ladde you out of the lond of Egipt, that Y schulde yyue to you the lond of Canaan, and that Y schulde be youre God.
Mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị Chineke unu, onye kpọpụtara unu site nʼala Ijipt, inye unu ala Kenan, na ị bụ Chineke unu.
39 If thi brother compellid bi pouert sillith hym silf to thee, thou schalt not oppresse hym bi seruage of seruauntis,
“‘Ọ bụrụ na onye Izrel ọbụla adaa ogbenye, resi gị onwe ya, emela ka o jere gị ozi dịka onye ohu.
40 but he schal be as an hirid man and tenaunt; `til to the yeer of iubilee he schal worche at thee,
Kama ị ga-emeso ya mmeso dịka ị ga-esi meso onye ọrụ e goro ego, maọbụ dịka onye ọbịa nọ nʼetiti unu. Ọ ga-ejere gị ozi tutu ruo afọ inwere onwe.
41 and aftirward he schal go out with his fre children, and he schal turne ayen to the kynrede, and to `the possessioun of his fadris.
Nʼafọ ahụ, ị ga-ahapụ ha na ụmụ ha ka ha laghachikwuru ndị ikwu ha, si otu a nwetaghachi ala ubi dị nʼezinaụlọ ha.
42 For thei ben my seruauntis, and Y ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt; thei schulen not be seeld bi the condicioun of seruauntis;
Nʼihi na a kpọpụtara m ndị Izrel site nʼala Ijipt ka ha bụrụ ndị na-ejere m ozi. Ya mere, a gaghị ere ha mgbe ọbụla dịka ohu.
43 turmente thou not hem bi thi power, but drede thou thi Lord.
A gakwaghị emegbu ha nʼụzọ dị njọ. Tụọnụ egwu Chineke unu.
44 A seruaunt and handmaide be to you of naciouns that ben in youre cumpas,
“‘Ma unu nwere ike gbara ndị ohu nwoke maọbụ nwanyị site nʼetiti ndị mba ọzọ niile bi nʼakụkụ unu. Unu nwere ike site nʼebe ahụ zụta ndị ohu.
45 and of comelyngis that ben pilgrimys at you, ether thei that ben borun of hem in youre lond; ye schulen haue these seruauntis,
Unu nwere ike ịzụ ndị ohu site nʼetiti ndị mbịarambịa bi nʼetiti unu, maọbụ site nʼetiti ndị agbụrụ ha a mụrụ nʼala Izrel. Ndị dị otu a ga-abụkwa ihe onwunwe unu.
46 and bi riyt of eritage ye schulen `sende ouer to aftir comeris, and ye schulen welde with outen ende; sothely oppresse ye not bi power youre britheren, the sones of Israel.
Unu nwere ike kenye ha ụmụ unu dịka ihe nketa, ma mee ha ndị ohu unu ụbọchị ndụ ha niile. Ma unu agaghị eji aka ike chịa onye Izrel ibe unu.
47 If the hond of a comelyng and of a pilgrim wexith strong at you, and thi brother is maad pore, and sillith hym silf to hym,
“‘Ọ bụrụ na onye ọbịa bi nʼetiti unu aghọọ ọgaranya, ma otu nʼime ụmụnna unu adaa ogbenye were onwe ya resi onye ọbịa ahụ bi nʼetiti unu, maọbụ were onwe ya resi nwanna ndị ikwu onye ọbịa ahụ,
48 ether to ony of his kyn, he may be ayenbouyt aftir the sillyng; he that wole of hise britheren, ayenbie hym; bothe `the brother of fadir,
ha nwere ikike ịgbapụta ya mgbe ha resiri onwe ha. Otu nʼime ụmụnna ya nwere ike gbapụta ha.
49 and the sone of `the fadris brother, and kynesman, and alye. Ellis if also he schal mow, he schal ayenbie hym silf,
Nwanne nne ya, maọbụ nwanne nna ya, maọbụ nwanna nʼikwu ha ọbụla nwere ike ịgbapụta ya. Ọ nwekwara ike ịgbapụta onwe ya ma ọ bụrụ na ọ kpata ego.
50 while the yeeris ben rykenid oneli fro the tyme of his sillyng `til in to the yeer of iubylee; and while the money, for which he was seeld, is rikenyd bi the noumbre of yeeris, and while the hire of an hirid man is rikenyd.
Ya na onye ahụ o resiri onwe ya ga-agụ afọ ole ọ bụ site na mgbe o rere onwe ya ruo nʼafọ inwere onwe. Ego a ga-akwụ nʼihi ịgbapụta ya ga-abụ ego ọ ga-efu ịkwụ ohu ọzọ ụgwọ ịrụ ọrụ ọnụọgụgụ afọ ndị ahụ niile.
51 If mo yeeris ben that dwellen `til to the iubilee, bi these yeeris he schal yelde also the prijs; if fewe yeeris ben,
Ọ bụrụ nʼọtụtụ afọ fọdụrụ, ọ ga-esite nʼọnụ ego e rere ha kwụọ nke dị ukwu dịka ego mgbapụta ha. Naanị ihe ntakịrị ga-apụ nʼime ego ahụ.
52 he schal sette rikenyng with hym bi the noumbre of yeeris;
Ọ bụrụ naanị afọ ole na ole fọdụrụ tupu afọ inwere onwe eruo, ọ ga-agụkọ ihe ego ahụ pụtara, kwụọ ya maka ịgbara onwe ya dịka o kwesiri.
53 and he schal yeelde to the biere that that is residue of yeeris, while tho yeeris, bi whiche he seruyde bifore, ben rikenyd for hiris; he schal not turmente `that Ebreu violentli in thi siyt.
A ga-emeso ha dịka ndị ọrụ e goro ego kwa afọ, ma ị ga-ahụ na onye ha nọ nʼokpuru ya agaghị eji aka ike chịa ha.
54 That if he may not be ayenbouyt bi this, he schal go out with his free children in the `yeer of iubilee; for the sones of Israel ben myn seruauntis,
“‘Ma ọ bụrụ na e nweghị ike gbapụta ya site nʼụzọ ndị a niile, ya na ụmụ ya ga-enwere onwe ha mgbe afọ inwere onwe ahụ zuru.
55 whiche Y ledde out of the lond of Egipt.
Nʼihi na mụ ka ụmụ Izrel bụ ndị ohu nye. Ha bụ ndị ohu m, ndị m kpọpụtara site nʼala Ijipt. Mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị Chineke unu.

< Leviticus 25 >