< Leviticus 14 >

1 And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, This is the custom of a leprouse man,
Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi:
2 whanne he schal be clensid. He schal be brouyt to the preest,
“Iyi ndiyo mirayiro yomunhu ane chirwere panguva yake yokucheneswa kana auyiswa kumuprista:
3 which preest schal go out of the castels, and whanne he schal fynde that the lepre is clensid,
Muprista anofanira kuenda kunze kwomusasa agonomuongorora. Kana munhu aporeswa kubva kumaperembudzi,
4 he schal comaunde to the man which is clensid, that he offre for hym silf twei quyke sparewis, whiche it is leueful to ete, and a `tree of cedre, and vermylyoun, and isope.
muprista acharayira kuti shiri mbiri mhenyu dzakachena, nedanda romusidhari, nomucheka mutsvuku, nehisopi zviuyiswe kuti acheneswe.
5 And the preest schal comaunde that oon of the sparewes be offrid in `a vessel of erthe,
Ipapo muprista acharayirwa kuti imwe yeshiri idzi iurayiwe pamusoro pemvura yakachena muhari yevhu.
6 on quyke watris; sotheli he schal dippe the tother sparewe quyk with the `tre of cedre, and with a reed threed and ysope, in the blood of the sparewe offrid,
Anofanira zvino kutora shiri mhenyu oinyika pamwe chete nedanda romusidhari, mucheka mutsvuku nehisopi muropa reshiri yaurayiwa pamusoro pemvura yakachena.
7 with which he schal sprenge seuensithis hym that schal be clensid, that he be purgid riytfuli; and he schal delyuere the quyk sparewe, that it fle in to the feeld.
Achasasa uyo anofanira kucheneswa kubva kuchirwere chamaperembudzi kanomwe, agozivisa kuti akachena. Ipapo anofanira kuregera shiri mhenyu ichienda musango.
8 And whanne the man hath waische hise clothis, he schal schaue alle the heeris of the bodi, and he schal be waischun in watir, and he schal be clensid, and he schal entre in to the castels; so oneli that he dwelle without his tabernacle bi seuene daies;
“Munhu anofanira kucheneswa anofanira kusuka nguo dzake agoveura bvudzi rake rose agoshamba nemvura, ipapo achava akacheneswa. Mushure maizvozvi anogona kuuya mumusasa asi anofanira kugara kunze kwetende rake kwamazuva manomwe.
9 and that in the seuenthe dai he schaue the heeris of the heed, and the beerd, and brewis, and the heeris of al the bodi. And whanne the clothis and bodi ben waischun,
Pazuva rechinomwe anofanira kuveura bvudzi rake rose. Anofanira kuveura musoro wake, ndebvu dzake, tsiye dzake, nerimwe bvudzi rake rose. Anofanira kusuka nguo dzake agozvishambidza nemvura uye achava akachena.
10 eft in the eiyetithe dai he schal take twei lambren without wem, and a scheep of o yeer without wem, and thre dymes of wheete flour, in to sacrifice, which be spreynte with oile, and bi it silf a sextarie of oyle.
“Pazuva rorusere anofanira kuuya namakwayana maviri amakondobwe nesheshe imwe chete, dzose dzine gore dzisina kuremara, pamwe chete nezvikamu zvitatu kubva mugumi zveefa zvoupfu hwakatsetseka hwakasanganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo nerogi imwe chete yamafuta.
11 And whanne the preest, that purgith the man, hath set hym and alle hise thingis bifor the Lord, in the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng, he schal take a lomb,
Muprista achazivisa kuti akachena, anofanira kuuya nouya anofanira kucheneswa nezvipiriso zvake pamberi paJehovha pamusuo weTende Rokusangana.
12 and schal offre it for trespas, and schal offre the sextarie of oyle; and whanne alle thingis ben offrid bifor the Lord,
“Ipapo muprista anofanira kutora gwayana rimwe chete gono agoripa sechipiriso chemhosva pamwe chete nerogi ramafuta; achazvininira pamberi paJehovha sechipiriso chokuninira.
13 he schal offre the lomb, where the sacrifice for synne and the brent sacrifice is wont to be offrid, that is, in the hooli place; for as for synne so and for trespas the offryng perteyneth to the preest; it is hooli of the noumbre of hooli thingis.
Anofanira kubaya gwayana panzvimbo tsvene apo panobayirwa chipiriso chezvivi nechipiriso chinopiswa. Sezvakaita chipiriso chezvivi, chipiriso chemhosva ndechomuprista, chitsvene-tsvene.
14 And the preest schal take of the blood of sacrifice which is offrid for trespas, and schal putte on the laste part of the riyt eere `of hym which is clensid, and on the thumbis of the riyt hond and foot.
Muprista anofanira kutora rimwe ropa rechipiriso chemhosva agoriisa pamucheto wenzeve yokurudyi yomunhu anocheneswa, pamunwe wake mukuru wokuruoko rwokurudyi uye napachigunwe chikuru chetsoka yake yokurudyi.
15 And he schal putte of the sextarie of oyle in to his left hond,
Ipapo muprista achatora imwe rogi yamafuta agodira muchanza choruoko rwake rworuboshwe,
16 and he schal dippe the riyt fyngur therynne, and schal sprynge seuensithis bifor the Lord.
agonyika munwe wake wokutendeka nawo wokurudyi mumafuta ari muchanza choruoko rwake agosasa mamwe acho nomunwe kanomwe pamberi paJehovha.
17 Sotheli he schal schede that that is residue of the oile in the left hond, on the laste part of the riyt eere `of hym which is clensid, and on the thombis of the riyt hond and foot, and on the blood which is sched for trespas,
Muprista achaisa mamwe mafuta anosara muchanza panzeve yokurudyi youyo anofanira kucheneswa, pamunwe mukuru woruoko rwake rwokurudyi nepachigunwe chikuru chegumbo rake rokurudyi pamusoro peropa rechipiriso chemhosva.
18 and on the heed `of hym.
Mamwe mafuta ose ari muchanza make muprista achaaisa pamusoro pouyo achada kucheneswa, agomuyananisira pamberi paJehovha.
19 And the preest schal preye for hym bifor the Lord, and schal make sacrifice for synne; thanne he schal offre brent sacrifice,
“Ipapo muprista achabayira chipiriso chechivi agoyananisira uyo anofanira kucheneswa kubva pakusachena kwake. Mushure maizvozvo muprista achabaya chipiriso chinopiswa
20 and schal putte it in the auter with hise fletynge sacrifices, and the man schal be clensid riytfuli.
agochipa paaritari pamwe chete nechipiriso chezviyo, agomuyananisira, uye achava akachena.
21 That if he is pore, and his hoond may not fynde tho thingis that ben seid, he schal take for trespas a lomb to offryng, that the preest preie for him, and the tenthe part of wheete flour spreynt togidire with oile in to sacrifice, and a sextarie of oile,
“Asi kana ari murombo asingakwanisi kuuya naizvozvi, anofanira kutora gwayana gono sechipiriso chemhosva kuti aninire agomuyananisira pamwe chete nechikamu chimwe chete kubva mugumi cheefa youpfu hwakatsetseka hwakasangana namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo, zvikamu zviviri kubva muzvitatu zverogi ramafuta,
22 and twei turtlis, ethir twei `briddis of culueris, of whiche oon be for synne, and the tothir in to brent sacrifice;
njiva mbiri kana hangaiwa mbiri dzaanokwanisa kuuya nadzo, imwe yechipiriso chechivi neimwe yechipiriso chinopiswa.
23 and he schal offre tho in the eiytthe dai of his clensyng to the preest, at the dore of tabernacle of witnessyng bifor the Lord.
“Pazuva rorusere anofanira kuzviuyisa kumuprista pamusuo weTende Rokusangana pamberi paJehovha, kuti acheneswe.
24 And the preest schal take the lomb for trespas, and the sextarie of oile, and schal reise togidere;
Muprista anofanira kutora gwayana rechipiriso chemhosva nerogi ramafuta agozvininira pamberi paJehovha sechipiriso chokuninira.
25 and whanne the lomb is offrid, he schal putte of the blood therof on the laste part of the riyt eere `of hym that is clensid, and on the thumbis of his riyt hond and foot.
Achabaya gwayana rechipiriso chemhosva agotora rimwe ropa raro agoriisa panzeve yokurudyi yomunhu anoda kucheneswa, pamunwe mukuru woruoko rwokurudyi napachigunwe chikuru chepagumbo rokurudyi.
26 Sotheli the preest putte the part of oile in to his left hond,
Muprista achadira mamwe mafuta muchanza choruoko rwake rworuboshwe
27 in which he schal dippe the fyngur of the riyt hond, and schal sprynge seuensithes ayens the Lord;
uye nomunwe wake wokurudyi wokutendeka nawo agomwaya mamwe mafuta anobva muchanza chake kanomwe pamberi paJehovha.
28 and the preest schal touche the laste part of the riyt eere `of hym that is clensid, and the thombe of the riyt hond and foot, in the place of blood which is sched out for trespas.
Mamwe mafuta ari muchanza chake anofanira kuaisa munzvimbo dzimwe chetedzo dzaakaisa ropa rechipiriso chemhosva panzeve yokurudyi youyo anoda kucheneswa, pamunwe mukuru woruoko rwake rwokurudyi napachigunwe chikuru chegumbo rake rokurudyi.
29 Sotheli he schal putte the tother part of oile, which is in the left hond, on the `heed of the man clensid, that he plese the Lord for hym.
Mamwe mafuta ose achasara muchanza muprista achaaisa mumusoro mouyo anofanira kucheneswa, kuti ayananisirwe pamberi paJehovha.
30 And he schal offre a turtle, ethir a culuer brid,
Ipapo achabayira njiva kana hangaiwa diki izvo zvaanogona kuwana,
31 oon for trespas, and the tothir in to brent sacrifice, with her fletynge offryngis.
imwe sechipiriso chechivi neimwe sechipiriso chinopiswa pamwe chete nechipiriso chezviyo. Nenzira iyi muprista achayananisira pamberi paJehovha, panzvimbo youya anofanira kucheneswa.”
32 This is the sacrifice of a leprouse man, that may not haue alle thingis in to the clensyng of hym silf.
Iyi ndiyo mirayiro pamusoro pouyo ane chirwere chamaperembudzi uye asingakwanisi kuuya nezvipiriso zvinofanira kupiwa kuti acheneswe.
33 And the Lord spak to Moises and Aaron, and seide,
Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi naAroni,
34 Whanne ye han entrid in to the lond of Canaan, which lond Y schal yyue to you in to possessioun, if the wounde of lepre is in the housis,
“Kana mapinda munyika yeKenani iyo yandiri kukupai senhaka, ndikaita chirwere chinopararira chamaperembudzi muimba iri munyika iyoyo,
35 he schal go, whos the hous is, `and schal telle to the preest, and schal seie, It semeth to me, that as a wound of lepre is in myn hous.
muridzi weimba anofanira kuenda kundoudza muprista kuti, ‘Ndaona chimwe chinhu chinenge maperembudzi mumba mangu.’
36 And the preest schal comaunde, `that thei bere out of the hous alle thingis bifore that he entre in to it, `and me se where it be lepre, lest alle thingis that ben in the hows, be maad vnclene; and the preest schal entre aftirward, that he se the lepre of the hows.
Ipapo muprista anofanira kurayira kuti vabudise zvose zviri mumba muprista asati apinda kundotarira hosha, kuti kurege kuva nechinhu chiri mumba chichanzi hachina kuchena. Mushure maizvozvo muprista anofanira kupinda agoongorora imba.
37 And whanne he seeth in the wallis therof as litle valeis `foule bi palenesse, ethir bi reednesse, and lowere than the tother hiyere part,
Anofanira kuongorora chakwindi chiri mumadziro eimba uye kana pane makomba makomba ane ruvara rwezerere kana akatsvukuruka,
38 he schal go out at the dore of the hows, and anoon he schal close it bi seuene daies.
muprista anofanira kubuda napamusuo wemba agoipfiga kwamazuva manomwe.
39 And he schal turne ayen in the seuenthe day, and schal se it; if he fyndith that the lepre encreesside,
Pazuva rechinomwe muprista achadzoka kuzoongorora imba. Kana maperembudzi apararira pamadziro,
40 he schal comaunde that the stoonys be cast out, in whyche the lepre is, and that tho stonys be cast out of the citee in an vncleene place.
anofanira kurayira kuti matombo ane utachiona abviswe agorasirwa kunzvimbo isina kuchena kunze kweguta.
41 Sotheli he schal comaunde that thilke hows be rasid with ynne bi cumpas, and that the dust of the rasyng be spreynt without the citee, in an vnclene place,
Ipapo ngaarayire kuti madziro ose omukati memba aparwe uye zvaparwa zvigoraswa kunzvimbo isina kuchena kunze kweguta.
42 and that othere stoonys be put ayen for these, that ben takun awey, and that the hows be daubid with othir morter.
Ipapo vanofanira kutora mamwe matombo vagotsiva aya vagotora ivhu idzva vakodzura imba.
43 But if aftir that the stoonus ben takun awey, and the dust is borun out,
“Kana chakwindi chikaonekwa zvakare mumba mushure mokunge matombo abviswa imba yaparwa uye yadzurwa,
44 and othere erthe is daubid, the preest entrith, and seeth the lepre turned ayen, and the wallis spreynt with spottis, the lepre is stidfastly dwellynge, and the hows is vnclene;
muprista anofanira kuenda kunozvinanʼanidza. Kana maperembudzi apararira ihosha inoparadza, imba haina kuchena.
45 which hows thei schulen destrye anoon, and thei schulen caste out of the citee, in an vnclene place, the stoonys therof, and the trees, and al the dust.
Inofanira kupazwa, matombo ayo, mapuranga nokudzura kwose, zvotorwa zvoendeswa kunze kweguta kunzvimbo isina kuchena.
46 He that entrith in to the hous, whanne it is schit, schal be vnclene `til to euentid,
“Munhu upi noupi achapinda muimba iyi painenge ichakapfigwa achava asina kuchena kusvika manheru.
47 and he that slepith and etith ony thing therynne, schal waische hise clothis.
Munhu wose achavata kana kuti achadya ari mumba iyoyo anofanira kusuka nguo dzake.
48 That if the preest entrith, and seeth that the lepre encreesside not in the hows, aftir that it was daubid the secounde tyme, he schal clense it; for heelthe is yoldun.
“Asi kana muprista akauya kuzoiongorora, akaona kuti maperembudzi haana kupararira mumba mushure mokunge yadzurwa, achati imba yakachena nokuti maperembudzi aenda.
49 And in the clensyng therof he schal take twey sparewis, and `a tre of cedre, and `a reed threed, and isope.
Kuti anatse imba, anofanira kutora shiri mbiri nedanda romusidhari, mucheka mutsvuku nehisopi.
50 And whanne o sparewe is offrid in a vessel of erthe, on quyk watris,
Achaurayira imwe shiri pamusoro pemvura yakachena iri muhari yevhu.
51 he schal take the `tre of cedre, and ysope, and reed threed, and the quyk sparewe, and he schal dippe alle thingis in the blood of the sparewe offrid, and in lyuynge watris;
Ipapo anofanira kutora puranga romusidhari, hisopi, mucheka mutsvuku, shinda neshiri mhenyu ozvinyika muropa reshiri yafa nemvura yakachena, uye agosasa mumba kanomwe.
52 and he schal sprynge the hows seuen sithis; and he schal clense it as wel in the blood of the sparewe as in lyuynge watris, and in the quyk sparewe, and in the `tre of cedre, and in ysope, and `reed threed.
Achanatsa imba neropa reshiri, mvura yakachena, shiri mhenyu, danda romusidhari, hisopi uye nomucheka mutsvuku.
53 And whanne he hath left the sparewe to fle in to the feeld frely, he schal preye for the hows, and it schal be clensid riytfuli.
Ipapo anofanira kuregedza shiri mhenyu kuti iende hayo kunze kweguta kusango. Nenzira iyi achayananisira imba uye ichava yakachena.”
54 This is the lawe of al lepre,
Iyi ndiyo mirayiro yechirwere chamaperembudzi, kuvava,
55 and of smytyng, of lepre of clothis, and of housis,
maperembudzi pamucheka kana mumba,
56 of syngne of wounde, and of litle whelkis brekynge out, of spotte schynynge, and in colours chaungid in to dyuerse spices,
uye kuzvimba, kufunuka, kana gwapa rakacheneruka,
57 that it may be wist, what is cleene, ether uncleene.
kuti mugoziva kuti chinhu chakachena kana kuti hachina kuchena. Iyi ndiyo mirayiro yezvirwere zvinotapuriranwa zvamaperembudzi.

< Leviticus 14 >