< Leviticus 13 >

1 The Lord spak to Moyses and Aaron, and seide,
Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, et Aaron, dicens:
2 A man in whos skyn and fleisch rysith dyuerse colour, ether whelke, ethir as `sum schynynge thing, that is, a wounde of lepre, he schal be brouyt to Aaron preest, ether to oon `who euer of hise sones;
Homo, in cujus cute et carne ortus fuerit diversus color, sive pustula, aut quasi lucens quippiam, id est, plaga lepræ, adducetur ad Aaron sacerdotem, vel ad unum quemlibet filiorum ejus.
3 and whanne he seeth lepre in the skyn, and the heeris chaungide in to whijte colour, and that spice of lepre lowere than the tother skyn and fleisch, it is a wounde of lepre, and he schal be departid at the `doom of the preest.
Qui cum viderit lepram in cute, et pilos in album mutatos colorem, ipsamque speciem lepræ humiliorem cute et carne reliqua: plaga lepræ est, et ad arbitrium ejus separabitur.
4 Sotheli if schynyng whijtnesse is in the skyn, nethir is lower than the tother fleisch, and the heeris ben of the formere colour, the preest schal close hym seuene daies;
Sin autem lucens candor fuerit in cute, nec humilior carne reliqua, et pili coloris pristini, recludet eum sacerdos septem diebus:
5 and schal biholde hym in the seuenthe dai, and sotheli if the lepre wexith not ferther, nethir passith the formere termes in the fleisch, eft the preest schal close hym ayen seuene other daies;
et considerabit die septimo: et si quidem lepra ultra non creverit, nec transierit in cute priores terminos, rursum recludet eum septem diebus aliis.
6 and schal biholde in the seuenthe day, if the lepre is derkere, and wexith not in the fleisch, the preest schal clense hym, for it is a scabbe; and the man schal waische hise clothis, and he schal be clene.
Et die septimo contemplabitur: si obscurior fuerit lepra, et non creverit in cute, mundabit eum, quia scabies est: lavabitque homo vestimenta sua, et mundus erit.
7 That if the lepre wexith eft, aftir that he is seyn of the preest, and is yoldun to clennesse, he schal be brouyt to the preest, and schal be demed of vnclennesse.
Quod si postquam a sacerdote visus est, et redditus munditiæ, iterum lepra creverit: adducetur ad eum,
8 If the wounde of lepre is in man, he schal be brouyt to the preest, and he schal se the man;
et immunditiæ condemnabitur.
9 and whanne whijt colour is in the fleisch, and chaungith the siyt of heeris, and thilke fleisch apperith quyk,
Plaga lepræ si fuerit in homine, adducetur ad sacerdotem,
10 it schal be demid eldest lepre, and growun to the skyn; therfor the preest schal defoule hym,
et videbit eum. Cumque color albus in cute fuerit, et capillorum mutaverit aspectum, ipsa quoque caro viva apparuerit:
11 and he schal not close eft, for it is of opyn vnclennesse.
lepra vetustissima judicabitur, atque inolita cuti. Contaminabit itaque eum sacerdos, et non recludet, quia perspicuæ immunditiæ est.
12 But if lepre rennynge about in the skyn `flourith out, and hilith al the fleisch, fro the heed til to the feet, what euer thing fallith vndur the siyt of iyen; the preest schal biholde hym,
Sin autem effloruerit discurrens lepra in cute, et operuerit omnem cutem a capite usque ad pedes, quidquid sub aspectum oculorum cadit,
13 and schal deme `that he is holdun with clenneste lepre, for all the skyn is turned in to whijtnesse, and therfor the man schal be cleene.
considerabit eum sacerdos, et teneri lepra mundissima judicabit: eo quod omnis in candorem versa sit, et idcirco homo mundus erit.
14 Sotheli whanne quyk fleisch apperith in hym,
Quando vero caro vivens in eo apparuerit,
15 thanne he schal be defoulid bi the doom of the preest, and he schal be arettid among vncleene men; for quyk fleisch is vnclene, if it is spreynt with lepre.
tunc sacerdotis judicio polluetur, et inter immundos reputabitur: caro enim viva, si lepra aspergitur, immunda est.
16 That if the fleisch is turned eft in to whijtnesse, and hilith al the man,
Quod si rursum versa fuerit in alborem, et totum hominem operuerit,
17 the preest schal biholde hym, and schal deme, that he is cleene.
considerabit eum sacerdos, et mundum esse decernet.
18 Fleisch and skyn, in which a botche is bred,
Caro autem et cutis in qua ulcus natum est, et sanatum,
19 and is heelid, and `a step of wounde apperith whijt, ethir `sum deel reed, `in the place of the botche, the man schal be brouyt to the preest;
et in loco ulceris cicatrix alba apparuerit, sive subrufa, adducetur homo ad sacerdotem.
20 and whanne the preest seeth the place of lepre lowere than the tother fleisch, and the heeris turned in to whijtnesse, the preest schal defoule hym; for the wounde of lepre is bred in the botche.
Qui cum viderit locum lepræ humiliorem carne reliqua, et pilos versos in candorem, contaminabit eum: plaga enim lepræ orta est in ulcere.
21 That if the heer is of the former colour, and the signe of wounde is sumdeel derk, and is not lowere than the `nyy fleisch, the preest schal close the man seuene daies;
Quod si pilus coloris est pristini, et cicatrix subobscura, et vicina carne non est humilior, recludet eum septem diebus:
22 and sotheli, if it wexith, the preest schal deme the man of lepre;
et si quidem creverit, adjudicabit eum lepræ;
23 forsothe if it stondith in his place, it is a signe of botche, and the man schal be cleene.
sin autem steterit in loco suo, ulceris est cicatrix, et homo mundus erit.
24 Fleisch and skyn, which the fier hath brent, and is heelid, and hath a whijt ethir reed `signe of wounde,
Caro autem et cutis, quam ignis exusserit, et sanata albam sive rufam habuerit cicatricem,
25 the preest schal biholde it, and lo! if it is turned in to whijtnesse, and the place therof is lowere than the tothir skyn, the preest schal defoule the man, for a wounde of lepre is bred in the `signe of wounde.
considerabit eam sacerdos: et ecce versa est in alborem, et locus ejus reliqua cute est humilior, contaminabit eum, quia plaga lepræ in cicatrice orta est.
26 That if the colour of heeris is not chaungid, nether the wounde is lowere than the tother fleisch, and thilke spice of lepre is sumdeel derk, the preest schal close the man bi seuene daies;
Quod si pilorum color non fuerit immutatus, nec humilior plaga carne reliqua, et ipsa lepræ species fuerit subobscura, recludet eum septem diebus,
27 and in the seuenthe dai he schal biholde; if the lepre wexith in the fleisch, the preest schal defoule the man;
et die septimo contemplabitur: si creverit in cute lepra, contaminabit eum.
28 ellis if the whijtnesse stondith in his place, and is not cleer ynow, it is a wounde of brennyng, and therfor the man schal be clensid, for it is a signe of brennyng.
Sin autem in loco suo candor steterit non satis clarus, plaga combustionis est, et idcirco mundabitur, quia cicatrix est combusturæ.
29 A man ethir womman, in whos heed ether beerd lepre buriounneth, the preest schal se hem;
Vir, sive mulier, in cujus capite vel barba germinaverit lepra, videbit eos sacerdos.
30 and if the place is lowere than the tothir fleisch, and the heer is whijt, `and is sotilere, `ether smallere, than it is wont, the preest schal defoule hem, for it is lepre of the heed, and of the beerd.
Et si quidem humilior fuerit locus carne reliqua, et capillus flavus, solitoque subtilior, contaminabit eos, quia lepra capitis ac barbæ est.
31 Ellis if he seeth the place of wem euene with the nyy fleisch, and seeth the here blak, the preest schal close hem bi seuene daies, and schal se in the seuenthe dai;
Sin autem viderit locum maculæ æqualem vicinæ carni, et capillum nigrum: recludet eum septem diebus,
32 if the wem waxith not, and the heer is of his colour, and the place of wounde is euene with the tother fleisch,
et die septimo intuebitur. Si non creverit macula, et capillus sui coloris est, et locus plagæ carni reliquæ æqualis:
33 the man schal be schauun, without the place of wem, and he schal be closid eft bi seuene othere daies.
radetur homo absque loco maculæ, et includetur septem diebus aliis.
34 If in the seuenthe day the wounde is seyn to haue stonde in his place, nether is lowere than the tother fleisch, the preest schal clense the man; and whanne his clothis ben waischun, he schal be cleene.
Si die septimo visa fuerit stetisse plaga in loco suo, nec humilior carne reliqua, mundabit eum: lotisque vestibus suis, mundus erit.
35 Ellis if aftir the clensyng a spotte wexith eft in the skyn,
Sin autem post emundationem rursus creverit macula in cute,
36 the preest schal no more enquere, whether the heer is chaungid in to whijt colour, for apeertli he is vncleene.
non quæret amplius utrum capillus in flavum colorem sit immutatus, quia aperte immundus est.
37 Sotheli if the spotte stondith, and the heeris ben blake, knowe the preest that the man is heelid, and tristili `pronounce he the man cleene.
Porro si steterit macula, et capilli nigri fuerint, noverit hominem sanatum esse, et confidenter eum pronuntiet mundum.
38 A man ethir a womman, in whos skyn whijtnesse apperith, the preest schal biholde hem;
Vir, sive mulier, in cujus cute candor apparuerit,
39 if he perseyueth, that whijtnesse `sum deel derk schyneth in the skyn, wite he, that it is no lepre, but a spotte of whijt colour, and that the man is cleene.
intuebitur eos sacerdos. Si deprehenderit subobscurum alborem lucere in cute, sciat non esse lepram, sed maculam coloris candidi, et hominem mundum.
40 A man of whos heed heeris fleten awei, is calu, and clene;
Vir, de cujus capite capilli fluunt, calvus et mundus est:
41 and if heeris fallen fro the forheed, he is ballid,
et si a fronte ceciderint pili, recalvaster et mundus est.
42 and is cleene; ellis if in the ballidnesse bifore, ether in the ballidnesse bihynde, whijt ether reed colour is bred, and the preest seeth this,
Sin autem in calvitio sive in recalvatione albus vel rufus color fuerit exortus,
43 he schal condempne the man without doute of lepre, which is bred in the ballidnesse.
et hoc sacerdos viderit, condemnabit eum haud dubiæ lepræ, quæ orta est in calvitio.
44 Therfor whoeuer is defoulid with lepre, and is departid at the doom of the preest,
Quicumque ergo maculatus fuerit lepra, et separatus est ad arbitrium sacerdotis,
45 he schal haue hise clothis vnsewid, bareheed, the mouth hilid with a cloth, he schal crye hym silf defoulid, and viyl;
habebit vestimenta dissuta, caput nudum, os veste contectum, contaminatum ac sordidum se clamabit.
46 in al tyme in which he is lepre and vnclene, he schal dwelle aloone without the castels.
Omni tempore quo leprosus est et immundus, solus habitabit extra castra.
47 A wollun cloth, ethir lynnun, that hath lepre in the warp,
Vestis lanea sive linea, quæ lepram habuerit,
48 ethir oof, ethir certis a skyn, ether what euer thing is maad of skiyn,
in stamine atque subtegmine, aut certe pellis, vel quidquid ex pelle confectum est,
49 if it is corrupt with a whijt spotte, ethir reed, it schal be arettid lepre, and it schal be schewid to the preest;
si alba vel rufa macula fuerit infecta, lepra reputabitur, ostendeturque sacerdoti:
50 which schal close it biholden bi seuene daies.
qui consideratam recludet septem diebus:
51 And eft he schal biholde in the seuenthe dai, and if he perseyueth, that it wexide, it schal be contynuel lepre; he schal deme the cloth defoulid, and al thing in which it is foundun;
et die septimo rursus aspiciens, si deprehenderit crevisse, lepra perseverans est: pollutum judicabit vestimentum, et omne in quo fuerit inventa:
52 and therfor the cloth schal be brent in flawmes.
et idcirco comburetur flammis.
53 That if he seeth that the spotte wexide not, he schal comaunde,
Quod si eam viderit non crevisse,
54 and thei schulen waische that thing wherynne the lepre is, and he schal close it ayen bi seuene othere daies;
præcipiet, et lavabunt id in quo lepra est, recludetque illud septem diebus aliis.
55 and whanne he seeth the formere face not turned ayen, netheles that nether the lepre wexede, he schal deme that thing vnclene, and he schal brenne it in fier, for lepre is sched in the ouer part of the cloth, ether thorouy al.
Et cum viderit faciem quidem pristinam non reversam, nec tamen crevisse lepram, immundum judicabit, et igne comburet, eo quod infusa sit in superficie vestimenti, vel per totum, lepra.
56 Ellis if the `place of lepre is derkere, aftir that the cloth is waischun, he schal breke awey that place, and schal departe fro the hool.
Sin autem obscurior fuerit locus lepræ, postquam vestis est lota, abrumpet eum, et a solido dividet.
57 That if fleynge lepre and vnstidefast apperith ferthermore in these places, that weren vnwemmed bifore, it owith be brent in fier; if it ceessith,
Quod si ultra apparuerit in his locis, quæ prius immaculata erant, lepra volatilis et vaga, debet igne comburi.
58 he schal waische the secounde tyme tho thingis that ben cleene, and tho schulen be cleene.
Si cessaverit, lavabit aqua ea, quæ pura sunt, secundo, et munda erunt.
59 This is the lawe of lepre of cloth, wollun and lynnun, of warp and of oof, and of al purtenaunce of skiyn, hou it owith to be clensyd, ethir `to be defoulid.
Ista est lex lepræ vestimenti lanei et linei, staminis, atque subtegminis, omnisque supellectilis pelliceæ, quomodo mundari debeat, vel contaminari.

< Leviticus 13 >