< Leviticus 10 >

1 And whanne Nadab and Abyu, the sones of Aaron, hadden take censeris, thei puttiden fier and encense aboue, and offriden bifor the Lord alien fier, which thing was not comaundid to hem.
Chule Nadab le Abihu, Aaron chateni chun meibom chu akilah lhon tan, asung achun mei atih kou lhon in, gimnamtui jong akoiluttha lhon in, Pathen thupeh loubeh in achon lhontai, thenna beihel khop in Pathen angsunga chun hiche gimnamtui chu ahal lha lhon in ahi.
2 And fier yede out fro the Lord, and deuouride hem, and thei weren deed bifor the Lord.
Chuin Meikong hattah Pathen akon in ahung kou doh in, Pathen angsunga chun ani lhon in thina atoh lhon tan ahi.
3 And Moises seide to Aaron, This thing it is which the Lord spak, Y schal be halewid in hem that neiyen to me, and Y schal be glorified in the siyt of al the puple; which thing Aaron herde, and was stille.
Mose’n jong Aaron henga aseipeh in, hiche hi Pathen in ana thupeh keima heng lam hin nailut chan chu, Keiman jong thengsel'a kakimu sah ding, chitin namtin anga choi-at a kaum ding ahi, tia asei chu ahi, chuin Aaron jong thip chat in aumtai.
4 Sotheli whanne Moises hadde clepid Mysael and Elisaphan, the sones of Oziel, brother of Aaron's fadir, he seide to hem, Go ye, and take awey youre britheren fro the siyt of seyntuarie, and bere ye out of the castels.
Uzziel chapte ni Mishael le Elzaphan chu Aaron in akou lhon in, ajah lhona hiti hin aseipeh lhon in, muntheng sunga hung lut lhon in nasopite ni longdamsa hi polang ngahmun khat a gathah doh lhon in, ati.
5 And anoon thei yeden, and token hem, as thei laien clothid with lynnun cootis, and castiden out, as it was comaundid to hem.
Chuin amanin jong muntheng achun alut lhon in, Mose thupeh bang in asopi teni longdamsa chun asang khol len achun, akhu lhon in polang ngahmun achun apodoh lhon tan ahi.
6 And Moises spak to Aaron, and to Eliasar and Ithamar, the sones of Aaron, Nyle ye make nakid youre heedis, and nyle ye reende clothis, lest perauenture ye dien, and indignacioun rise on al the cumpany; youre britheren and all the hows of Israel byweile the brennyng which the Lord reiside.
Mose’n jong Aaron ahin achapateni Zar chule Ithamar henga hiti hin aseipeh in, na jangtel sam uchu lhaideh a naput louhel diu ahi, hitia chu na ponsil jeng-u jong na kesah lou diu, hichu nanit lou uva ahileh thina na chan jeng thei uahi, chugoh hi louvin na khopi sung uva jong lunghanna kibung lha thei ahi. Pathen lung hanna aso jah khah a ahileh, Israel chate jouse chu kap ding ahiuve.
7 But ye schulen not go out of the yatis of the tabernacle, ellis ye schulen perische; for the oile of hooli anoyntyng is on you. Whiche diden alle thingis bi the comaundement of Moises.
Kikhop khomna ponbuh kotbul chu jabol unlang khokal hih un, hiche jong chu nanit lou uva ahileh thinan naphah diu ahi, ajeh chu nang hohi Pathen adia thaonu chang nahi tauve. Hiti chun Mose’n athupeh bang bang uchun abol tauvin ahi.
8 Also the Lord seide to Aaron,
Pathen in Aaron henga hiti hin jong aseipeh in,
9 Thou and thi sones schulen not drynke wyn, and al thing that may make drunkun, whanne ye schulen entre in to the tabernacle of witnessing, lest ye dien; for it is euerlastynge comaundement in to youre generaciouns,
Kikhop khomna pobuh sung lam nalut ding uva ahileh, na chapate jouse ahin chule nangma tah nahin nabonchauva ju leh khamna thei kitiphot nadon theilou diu ahi, ajeh chu thina na chan jeng thei diu; hijeh chun nakhang nakhang uva najui diuva thupeh ahi.
10 that ye haue kunnyng to make doom bytwixe hooli thing and vnhooli, bitwixe pollutid thing and cleene;
Thil theng le thil ijakai athenglou hose chu, na chomkhen sohkei diu, atheng le atheng lou chu datkhen jidan nathep diu ahi.
11 and that ye teche the sones of Israel alle my lawful thingis, whiche the Lord spak to hem bi the hond of Moyses.
Hiche jeh’a chu Pathen in Isarel chate jouse, Mose mangchaa athusei jouse nun le khan ding dan chengse chu phatah a na seipeh soh kei diu ahi, tin a seipeh in ahi.
12 And Moises spak to Aaron, and to Eliazar and Ythamar, hise sones, that weren residue, Take ye the sacrifice that lefte of the offryng of the Lord, and ete ye it with out sour dow, bisidis the auter, for it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis.
Chuin Aaron chapa teni Eleazar le Ithamr adam nalai teni jah chun, Mose’n hiti hin aseipeh lhon in, Pathen adia lhosohga maicham thilto amoh chengse chu chomtup unlang, chol jaolou in maicham phung kom achun netauvin, hichu thil theng lah a achungnung pen ahi.
13 Sotheli ye schulen ete in the hooli place that that is youun to thee and to thi sones, of the offryngis of the Lord, as it is comaundid to me Also thou,
Hiche hi muntheng lai khat a naneh diu ahi, ajeh chu hiche hi Pathen adia pumgo maicham govam dinga thilto lah a kona kihom khena chapateu janaa nangho ding dia a-itih a kichom koi chu ahi. Hiche hi keima tah henga thupeh ahi, ati.
14 and thi sones, and thi douytris with thee, schulen ete in the clenneste place the brest which is offrid, and the schuldur which is departid; for tho ben kept to thee and to thi fre sones, of the heelful sacrifices of the sones of Israel;
Hinlah ana kithensosa oplhang le sa amal anakitoh dohsa chu na chapate jouseu le na chanute jouseu janan, muntheng lailung khat a naneh khom diu ahi. Hichengse chu Nangho jouse chule Israel chate jousen chamna maicham thilto kilhaina gancha tha chu ahin, nangho le na chapa teu neh dinga a-itih a thupeh le aki koitup chu ahi.
15 for thei reiseden bifor the Lord the schuldur and brest, and the ynnere fatnessis that ben brent in the auter; and perteynen tho to thee, and to thi sones, bi euerlastynge lawe, as the Lord comaundide.
Sa aoplhang le sa amal ana kitoh dohsa chu hin choi unlang, pumgo maicham thilto ahin sathao jaona ahin pohlut diu, chuteng leh Pathen angsunga thensona maicham thilto dinga thensona umding, a-imatih chana dinga hiche maicham thilto jouse chu nangho jaonaa na chapate jouse chan ding ahin, Pathen thupeh bang banga chu umding ahi tin aseipeh in ahi.
16 Among these thingis whanne Moises souyte the `buk of geet that was offrid for synne, he foond it brent, and he was wrooth ayens Eliazar and Ythamar, `the sones of Aaron that weren left.
Chuin Chonset maicham thilto kelcha chungchang thua Mose’n kholchilna aneiyin, kelcha chu ana gouvam un ahi. Mose’n jong Aaron chapateni adamna lai Eleazar ahin Ithamar lunghanna achutan, hiti hin aseipeh lhon tai.
17 And he seide, Whi eten not ye the sacrifice for synne in the hooli place, which sacrifice is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis, and is youun to you, that ye bere the wickydnesse of the multitude, and preye for it in the siyt of the Lord;
Chonset maicham thilto chu ipi dinga munthenga naneh lhon lou hitam? Thil lah a atheng chungnungpen nang ni chanvou ahitan, Pathen masanga khopi sung japi thoidamnaa na natoh lhon ding ahitia mopohna sangpen nakipe lhon hilou ham?
18 moost sithen of the blood therof is not borun yn with ynne hooli thingis, and ye ouyten ete it in the seyntuarie, as it is comaundid to me?
Tun ganthisan chu muntheng lailunga akikoi lut tapon, kathu hetsah bang chun nangnin jong muntheng lai lunga chu naneh teitei lhon ding ahi, tin aseipeh lhon in ahi.
19 And Aaron answeride, Sacrifice for synne, and brent sacrifice is offrid to dai bifor the Lord; sotheli this that thou seest, bifelde to me; how myyte Y ete it, ether plese God in cerymonyes with soreuful soule?
Aaron in jong Mose henga aseitan, chonset jeh a Pumgo maicham thilto ding chu Pathen angsunga akat lhon in, hiche thilto hi angai ngai ahina laiye, hijeh chun keima tah mo eiki chansah ahi. Tuni hin hiche chonset maicham thilto sa hi kananeh hitaleh, Pathen mitmua san theidol ahidem? tin aseiyin ahi.
20 And whanne Moises hadde herd this, he resseyuede satisfaccioun.
Mose’n jong hitia Aaron in ahenga, aseiphat chun alung dam tan ahi.

< Leviticus 10 >