< Lamentations 4 >

1 Aleph. How is gold maad derk, the beste colour is chaungid? the stonys of the seyntuarie ben scaterid in the heed of alle stretis.
ああ黄金は光をうしなひ純金は色を變じ 聖所の石はもろもろの街衢の口に投すてられたり
2 Beth. The noble sones of Sion, and clothid with the best gold, hou ben thei arettid in to erthene vessels, in to the werk of the hondis of a pottere?
3 Gimel. But also lamyes maden nakid her tetis, yauen mylk to her whelpis; the douyter of my puple is cruel, as an ostrig in desert.
山犬さへも乳房をたれてその子に乳を哺す 然るにわが民の女は殘忍荒野の鴕鳥のごとくなれり
4 Deleth. The tonge of the soukynge childe cleued to his palat in thirst; litle children axiden breed, and noon was that brak to hem.
乳哺兒の舌は渇きて上顎にひたと貼き 幼兒はパンをもとむるも擘てあたふる者なし
5 He. Thei that eeten lustfuli, perischiden in weies; thei that weren nurschid in cradels, biclippiden toordis.
肥甘物をくらひ居りし者はおちぶれて街衢にあり 紅の衣服にて育てられし者も今は塵堆を抱く
6 Vau. And the wickidnesse of the douyter of my puple is maad more than the synne of men of Sodom, that was distried in a moment, and hondis token not therynne.
今我民の女のうくる愆の罰はソドムの罪の罰よりもおほいなり ソドムは古昔人に手を加へらるることなくして瞬く間にほろぼされしなり
7 Zai. Nazareis therof weren whitere than snow, schynyngere than mylk; rodier than elde yuer, fairere than safire.
わが民の中なる貴き人は從前には雪よりも咬潔に乳よりも白く 珊瑚よりも躰紅色にしてその形貌のうるはしきこと藍玉のごとくなりしが
8 Heth. The face of hem was maad blackere than coolis, and thei weren not knowun in stretis; the skyn cleuyde to her boonys, it driede, and was maad as a tre.
いまはその面くろきが上に黒く 街衢にあるとも人にしられず その皮は骨にひたと貼き 乾きて枯木のごとくなれり
9 Teth. It was betere to men slayn with swerd, than to men slayn with hungur; for these men wexiden rotun, thei weren wastid of the bareynesse of erthe.
劍にて死る者は饑て死る者よりもさいはひなり そは斯る者は田圃の産物の罄るによりて漸々におとろへゆき刺れし者のごとくに成ばなり
10 Joth. The hondis of merciful wymmen sethiden her children; thei weren maad the metis of tho wymmen in the sorewe of the douyter of my puple.
11 Caph. The Lord fillide his strong veniaunce, he schedde out the ire of his indignacioun; and the Lord kyndlide a fier in Sion, and it deuouride the foundementis therof.
ヱホバその憤恨をことごとく洩し 烈しき怒をそそぎ給ひ シオンに火をもやしてその基礎までも焼しめ給へり
12 Lamet. The kyngis of erthe, and alle dwelleris of the world bileueden not, that an aduersarie and enemy schulde entre bi the yatis of Jerusalem.
13 Men. For the synnes of the profetis therof, and for wickidnessis of preestis therof, that schedden out the blood of iust men in the myddis therof.
斯なりしはその預言者の罪によりその祭司の愆によれり かれらは即はち正しき者の血をその邑の中にながしたりき
14 Nun. Blynde men erryden in stretis, thei weren defoulid in blood; and whanne thei miyten not go, thei helden her hemmes.
今かれらは盲人のごとく街衢にさまよひ 身は血にて汚れをれば人その衣服にふるるあたはず
15 Samet. Thei crieden to hem, Departe awei, ye defoulide men, departe ye, go ye awei, nyle ye touche; forsothe thei chidden, and weren stirid; thei seiden among hethene men, God schal no more leie to, that he dwelle among hem.
人かれらに向ひて呼はり言ふ 去れよ穢らはし 去れ去れ觸るなかれと 彼らはしり去りて流離ば異邦人の中間にても人々また言ふ 彼らは此に寓るべからずと
16 Ayn. The face of the Lord departide hem, he schal no more leie to, that he biholde hem; thei weren not aschamed of the faces of preestis, nether thei hadden merci on eld men.
ヱホバ怒れる面をもてこれを散し給へり 再びこれを顧みたまはじ 人々祭司の面をも尊ばず長老をもあはれまざりき
17 Phe. The while we stoden yit, oure iyen failiden to oure veyn help; whanne we bihelden ententif to a folc, that myyte not saue vs.
われらは頼まれぬ救援を望みて目つかれおとろふ 我らは俟ゐたりしが救拯をなすこと能はざる國人を待をりぬ
18 Sade. Oure steppis weren slidir in the weie of oure stretis; oure ende neiyede, oure daies weren fillid, for oure ende cam.
敵われらの脚をうかがへば我らはおのれの街衢をも歩くことあたはず 我らの終ちかづけり 我らの日つきたり 即ち我らの終きたりぬ
19 Coph. Oure pursueris weren swiftere than the eglis of heuene; thei pursueden vs on hillis, thei settiden buschementis to vs in desert.
我らを追ふものは天空ゆく鷲よりも迅し 山にて我らを追ひ 野に伏てわれらを伺ふ
20 Res. The spirit of oure mouth, Crist the Lord, was takun in oure synnes; to whom we seiden, We schulen lyue in thi schadewe among hethene men.
かの我らが鼻の氣息たる者ヱホバに膏そそがれたるものは陷阱にて執へられにき 是はわれらが異邦にありてもこの蔭に住んとおもひたりし者なり
21 Syn. Thou douyter of Edom, make ioye, and be glad, that dwellist in the lond of Hus; the cuppe schal come also to thee, thou schalt be maad drunkun, and schalt be maad bare.
ウズの地に住むエドムの女よ悦び樂しめ 汝にもまたつひに杯めぐりゆかん なんぢも醉て裸になるべし
22 Thau. Thou douyter of Sion, thi wickidnesse is fillid; he schal not adde more, that he make thee to passe ouer; thou douyter of Edom, he schal visite thi wickidnesse, he schal vnhile thi synnes.
シオンの女よ なんぢが愆の罰はをはれり 重ねてなんぢを擄へゆきたまはじ エドムの女よ なんぢの愆を罰したまはん 汝の罪を露はしたまはん

< Lamentations 4 >