< Lamentations 3 >

1 Aleph. I am a man seynge my pouert in the yerde of his indignacioun.
Ndini munhu akaona kutambudzika neshamhu yehasha dzake.
2 Aleph. He droof me, and brouyte in to derknessis, and not in to liyt.
Akandidzingira kure akaita kuti ndifambe murima panzvimbo yomuchiedza;
3 Aleph. Oneli he turnede in to me, and turnede togidere his hond al dai.
zvirokwazvo, akashandura ruoko rwake kuti rundirwise nguva nenguva, zuva rose.
4 Beth. He made eld my skyn, and my fleisch; he al to-brak my boonys.
Akasakadza ganda rangu nenyama yangu uye akavhuna mapfupa angu.
5 Beth. He bildid in my cumpas, and he cumpasside me with galle and trauel.
Akandikomba akandipoteredza neshungu nokurwadziswa.
6 Beth. He settide me in derk places, as euerlastynge deed men.
Akandigarisa murima savanhu vakafa kare kare.
7 Gymel. He bildide aboute ayens me, that Y go not out; he aggregide my gyues.
Akandipfigira kuti ndisapunyuka, akandiremedza nengetani.
8 Gymel. But and whanne Y crie and preye, he hath excludid my preier.
Kunyange ndikadana kana kuridza mhere kuti ndibatsirwe, anopfigira munyengetero wangu kunze.
9 Gymel. He closide togidere my weies with square stoonus; he distriede my pathis.
Akadzivira nzira yangu namatombo; akaminamisa nzira dzangu.
10 Deleth. He is maad a bere settinge aspies to me, a lioun in hid places.
Sebere rakavandira, seshumba yakavanda,
11 Deleth. He distriede my pathis, and brak me; he settide me desolat.
akandikwekweredza kubva munzira uye akandibvarura-bvarura akandisiya ndisina mubatsiri.
12 Deleth. He bente his bowe, and settide me as a signe to an arowe.
Akawembura uta hwake akandiita chinhu chinonangwa nemiseve yake.
13 He. He sente in my reynes the douytris of his arowe caas.
Akabaya mwoyo wangu nemiseve yaibva mugoba rake.
14 He. Y am maad in to scorn to al the puple, the song of hem al dai.
Ndakava chiseko chavanhu vangu vose; vakandihomera nenziyo pazuva rose.
15 He. He fillide me with bitternesses; he gretli fillide me with wermod.
Akandigutsa nemiriwo inovava, uye akandinwisa nduru.
16 Vau. He brak at noumbre my teeth; he fedde me with aische.
Akagura mazino angu nerukangarabwe; akanditsokodzera muguruva.
17 Vau. And my soule is putte awei; Y haue foryete goodis.
Ndakatorerwa rugare; ndakakanganwa kuti kubudirira chii.
18 Vau. And Y seide, Myn ende perischide, and myn hope fro the Lord.
Naizvozvo ndinoti, “Kubwinya kwangu kwaenda, uye nezvose zvandanga ndakatarisira kuna Jehovha.”
19 Zai. Haue thou mynde on my pouert and goyng ouer, and on wermod and galle.
Ndinorangarira kutambudzika kwangu nokudzungaira kwangu, kurwadziwa uye nenduru.
20 Zai. Bi mynde Y schal be myndeful; and my soule schal faile in me.
Ndinozvirangarira kwazvo, uye mweya wangu wasuruvara mukati mangu.
21 Zai. Y bithenkynge these thingis in myn herte, schal hope in God.
Asi izvi ndinozvirangarira mupfungwa uye naizvozvo ndine tariro:
22 Heth. The mercies of the Lord ben manye, for we ben not wastid; for whi hise merciful doyngis failiden not.
Nokuda kwerudo rukuru rwaJehovha, hatina kuparadzwa, nokuti tsitsi dzake hadzitongoperi.
23 Heth. Y knew in the morewtid; thi feith is miche.
Itsva mangwanani oga oga, kutendeka kwenyu kukuru.
24 Heth. My soule seide, The Lord is my part; therfor Y schal abide hym.
Ndinoti kumwoyo wangu, “Jehovha ndiye mugove wangu; naizvozvo ndichamumirira.”
25 Teth. The Lord is good to hem that hopen in to hym, to a soule sekynge hym.
Jehovha akanaka kuna avo vanovimba naye, kumunhu anomutsvaka;
26 Teth. It is good to abide with stilnesse the helthe of God.
chinhu chakanaka kumirira ruponeso rwaJehovha unyerere.
27 Teth. It is good to a man, whanne he hath bore the yok fro his yongthe.
Chinhu chakanaka kuti munhu atakure joko achiri mudiki.
28 Joth. He schal sitte aloone, and he schal be stille; for he reiside hym silf aboue hym silf.
Ngaagare ari oga anyerere, nokuti Jehovha ndiye akariturika paari.
29 Joth. He schal sette his mouth in dust, if perauenture hope is.
Ngaavige chiso chake muguruva, zvimwe tariro ichiripo.
30 Joth. He schal yyue the cheke to a man that smytith hym; he schal be fillid with schenschipis.
Ngaape dama rake kumunhu anomurova, uye ngaazadzwe nenyadzi.
31 Caph. For the Lord schal not putte awei with outen ende.
Nokuti vanhu havangaraswi naIshe nokusingaperi.
32 Caph. For if he castide awei, and he schal do merci bi the multitude of hise mercies.
Kunyange achiuyisa kusuwa, achanzwira hake tsitsi, rukuru sei rudo rwake rusingaperi.
33 Caph. For he makide not low of his herte; and castide not awei the sones of men. Lameth.
Nokuti haafariri kuuyisa kurwadziwa kana kusuwa kuvana vavanhu.
34 That he schulde al to-foule vndur hise feet alle the boundun men of erthe. Lameth.
Kutsikira pasi petsoka vasungwa vose venyika,
35 That he schulde bowe doun the dom of man, in the siyt of the cheer of the hiyeste.
kurambira munhu kodzero yake pamberi peWokumusoro-soro,
36 Lameth. That he schulde peruerte a man in his dom, the Lord knew not.
kutadzisa munhu kuwana kururamisirwa kwake ko, Ishe haangaoni zvinhu zvakadai here?
37 Men. Who is this that seide, that a thing schulde be don, whanne the Lord comaundide not?
Ndiani angataura akaita kuti zviitike kana Ishe asina kuzvirayira?
38 Men. Nether goodis nether yuels schulen go out of the mouth of the hiyeste.
Ko, hazvibvi mumuromo weWokumusoro-soro here zvose zvakaipa nezvinhu zvakanaka zvinouya?
39 Men. What grutchide a man lyuynge, a man for hise synnes?
Ko, munhu mupenyu anonyunyutirei kana arangwa nokuda kwezvivi zvake?
40 Nun. Serche we oure weies, and seke we, and turne we ayen to the Lord.
Ngatinzverei nzira dzedu uye ngatidziedzei, uyewo ngatidzokerei kuna Jehovha.
41 Nun. Reise we oure hertis with hondis, to the Lord in to heuenes.
Ngatisimudzei mwoyo yedu namaoko edu kuna Mwari ari kudenga, tigoti:
42 Nun. We han do wickidli, and han terrid thee to wraththe; therfor thou art not able to be preied.
“Takatadza uye takakumukirai uye imi hamuna kukanganwira.
43 Sameth. Thou hilidist in stronge veniaunce, and smitidist vs; thou killidist, and sparidist not.
“Makazvifukidza nokutsamwa mukatidzingirira; makauraya musinganzwiri ngoni.
44 Sameth. Thou settidist a clowde to thee, that preier passe not.
Makazvifukidza negore kuti kurege kuva nomunyengetero ungasvikako.
45 Sameth. Thou settidist me, drawing vp bi the roote, and castynge out, in the myddis of puplis.
Makatiita marara netsvina pakati pendudzi.
46 Ayn. Alle enemyes openyden her mouth on vs.
“Vavengi vedu vose vakashama miromo yavo kwazvo kuti vatituke.
47 Ayn. Inward drede and snare is maad to vs, profesie and defoulyng.
Takawirwa nokutya uye takateyiwa nehunza, kuparara nokuparadzwa kukuru.”
48 Ayn. Myn iyen ledden doun departyngis of watris, for the defoulyng of the douyter of my puple.
Hova dzemisodzi dzinoyerera kubva mumaziso angu, nokuti vanhu vangu vaparadzwa.
49 Phe. Myn iye was turmentid, and was not stille; for no reste was.
Meso angu acharamba achiyerera misodzi, pasina zvinoyamura,
50 Phe. Vntil the Lord bihelde, and siy fro heuenes.
kusvikira Jehovha aringira pasi kubva kudenga akaona.
51 Phe. Myn iye robbide my soule in alle the douytris of my citee.
Zvandinoona zvinochemedza mweya wangu, nokuda kwavakadzi vose veguta rangu.
52 Sade. Myn enemyes token me with out cause, bi huntyng as a brid.
Avo vakanga vari vavengi vangu ini pasina chikonzero vakandivhima seshiri.
53 Sade. My lijf slood in to a lake; and thei puttiden a stoon on me.
Vakaedza kundiuraya mugomba uye vakapotsera matombo kwandiri;
54 Sade. Watris flowiden ouer myn heed; Y seide, Y perischide.
mvura zhinji yakafukidza musoro wangu, uye ndakafunga kuti ndava pedyo nokufa.
55 Coph. Lord, Y clepide to help thi name, fro the laste lake.
Ndakadana zita renyu, imi Jehovha, ndiri mugomba rakadzika.
56 Coph. Thou herdist my vois; turne thou not awei thin eere fro my sobbyng and cries.
Makanzwa kukumbira kwangu: “Regai kudzivira nzeve dzenyu pandinochemera rubatsiro.”
57 Coph. Thou neiyidist to me in the dai, wherynne Y clepide thee to help; thou seidist, Drede thou not.
Makaswedera pedyo pandakakudanai, mukati, “Usatya.”
58 Res. Lord, ayenbiere of my lijf, thou demydist the cause of my soule.
Haiwa Ishe, makandireverera mhaka yangu; makadzikinura upenyu hwangu.
59 Res. Lord, thou siest the wickidnesse of hem ayens me; deme thou my doom.
Makaona imi Jehovha, zvakaipa zvandakaitirwa. Nditongerei mhaka yangu!
60 Res. Thou siest al the woodnesse, alle the thouytis of hem ayenus me.
Makaona udzamu hwokutsva kwavo, idzo rangano dzavo dzose pamusoro pangu.
61 Syn. Lord, thou herdist the schenshipis of hem; alle the thouytis of hem ayens me.
Haiwa Jehovha, makanzwa kutuka kwavo, idzo rangano dzavo dzose pamusoro pangu,
62 Syn. The lippis of men risynge ayens me, and the thouytis of hem ayens me al dai.
dzinozevezerwa nokungurumwa navavengi vangu pamusoro pangu zuva rose.
63 Syn. Se thou the sittynge and risyng ayen of hem; Y am the salm of hem.
Tarirai kwavari! Vakagara kana kumira, vanondituka nenziyo dzavo.
64 Thau. Lord, thou schalt yelde while to hem, bi the werkis of her hondis.
Varipidzirei zvakavafanira, imi Jehovha, zvakaitwa namaoko avo.
65 Tau. Thou schalt yyue to hem the scheeld of herte, thi trauel.
Isai chidziro pamwoyo yavo, uye kutuka kwenyu ngakuve pamusoro pavo!
66 Tau. Lord, thou schalt pursue hem in thi strong veniaunce, and thou schalt defoule hem vndur heuenes.
Vadzinganisei makatsamwa muvaparadze, vabve pasi pamatenga aJehovha.

< Lamentations 3 >