< Lamentations 2 >

1 Aleph. Hou hath the Lord hilid the douyter of Sion with derknesse in his strong veniaunce? he hath caste doun fro heuene in to erthe the noble citee of Israel; and bithouyte not on the stool of hise feet, in the dai of his strong veniaunce.
Ishe akafukidza sei Mwanasikana weZioni negore rokutsamwa kwake! Akapotsera pasi kubwinya kweIsraeri, kubva kudenga kusvika panyika; haana kurangarira chitsiko chetsoka dzake muzuva rokutsamwa kwake.
2 Beth. The Lord castide doun, and sparide not alle the faire thingis of Jacob; he distried in his strong veniaunce the strengthis of the virgyn of Juda, and castide doun in to erthe; he defoulide the rewme, and the princes therof.
Ishe akamedza ugaro hwose hwaJakobho akasavanzwira tsitsi; mukutsamwa kwake akakoromorera pasi nhare dzoMwanasikana weJudha. Akawisira pasi umambo hwake namachinda ahwo mukunyadziswa.
3 Gymel. He brak in the ire of his strong veniaunce al the horn of Israel; he turnede a bak his riyt hond fro the face of the enemy; and he kyndlide in Jacob, as fier of flawme deuowrynge in cumpas.
Mukutsamwa kwake kunotyisa akagura nyanga dzose dzaIsraeri. Akadzosa ruoko rwake rworudyi pakasvika muvengi. Akapisa muna Jakobho somurazvo womoto unoparadza zvose zviri kumativi ose.
4 Deleth. He as an enemye bente his bouwe, he as an aduersarie made stidfast his riyt hond; and he killide al thing that was fair in siyt in the tabernacle of the douytir of Sion; he schedde out his indignacioun as fier.
Akawembura uta hwake somuvengi; ruoko rwake rworudyi rwagadzirira. Somuvengi akauraya vose vaifadza kuona; akadurura hasha dzake semoto patende roMwanasikana weZioni.
5 He. The Lord is maad as an enemy; he castide doun Israel, he castide doun alle the wallis therof; he destriede the strengthis therof, and fillide in the douyter of Juda a man maad low, and a womman maad low.
Ishe akafanana nomuvengi; akamedza Israeri. Akamedza mizinda yake yose uye akaparadza mhare dzake. Akawedzera kuungudza nokuchema kwoMwanasikana weJudha.
6 Vau. And he scateride his tent as a gardyn, he distried his tabernacle; the Lord yaf to foryetyng in Sion a feeste dai, and sabat; and the kyng and prest in to schenschipe, and in to the indignacioun of his strong veniaunce.
Akaparadza ugaro hwake sebindu; akaparadza nzvimbo yake yokusanganira. Jehovha akaita kuti Zioni rikanganwe mitambo yaro yakatarwa namaSabata aro; mukutsamwa kwake kunotyisa, akaramba vose mambo nomuprista.
7 Zai. The Lord puttide awei his auter, he curside his halewyng; he bitook in to the hondis of enemy the wallis of the touris therof; thei yauen vois in the hous of the Lord, as in a solempne dai.
Ishe akaramba aritari yake uye akasiya nzvimbo yake tsvene. Akaisa mumaoko omuvengi masvingo emizinda yake; vakaita ruzha mumba maJehovha sapazuva romutambo wakatarwa.
8 Heth. The Lord thouyte to distrie the wal of the douyter of Sion; he stretchide forth his coorde, and turnede not awei his hond fro perdicioun; the forwal, ether the outerward, mourenyde, and the wal was distried togidere.
Jehovha akafunga kuparadza rusvingo rwakakomberedza Mwanasikana weZioni. Akatambanudza rwodzi rwokuyera uye haana kudzosa ruoko rwake pakuparadza. Akaita kuti mirwi namasvingo zviungudze; zvose zvakaparara pamwe chete.
9 Teth. The yatis therof ben piyt in the erthe, he loste and al to-brak the barris therof; the kyng therof and the princes therof among hethene men; the lawe is not, and the profetis therof founden not of the Lord a visioun.
Masuo aro anyura muvhu, akavhuna mazariro aro ndokuaparadza. Mambo waro namachinda aro vakaenda kuutapwa pakati pendudzi, murayiro hapachina, uye vaprofita varo havachawanizve zviratidzo zvinobva kuna Jehovha.
10 Joth. Thei saten in erthe, the elde men of the douytir of Sion weren stille; thei bispreynten her heedis with aische, the eldere men of Juda ben girt with hairis; the virgyns of Juda castiden doun to erthe her heedis.
Vakuru voMwanasikana weZioni vagere pasi vanyerere; vamwaya guruva pamisoro yavo ndokupfeka masaga. Vakadzi vechidiki veJerusarema vakotamisa misoro yavo pasi.
11 Caph. Myn iyen failiden for teeris, myn entrails weren disturblid; my mawe was sched out in erthe on the sorewe of the douyter of my puple; whanne a litil child and soukynge failide in the stretis of the citee.
Meso angu aneta nokuchema, ndiri kurwadziwa mukati mangu, mwoyo wangu wadururirwa pasi nokuti vanhu vangu vaparadzwa, nokuti vana navacheche voziya munzira dzomuguta.
12 Lameth. Thei seiden to her modris, Where is wheete, and wyn? whanne thei failiden as woundid men in the stretis of the citee; whanne thei senten out her soulis in the bosum of her modris.
Vanoti kuna vanamai vavo, “Zvokudya newaini zviripiko?” pavanoziya somurume akuvadzwa munzira dzomuguta, panodururwa upenyu hwavo. Mumaoko avanamai vavo.
13 Men. To whom schal Y comparisoun thee? ether to whom schal Y licne thee, thou douyter of Jerusalem? to whom schal Y make thee euene, and schal Y coumforte thee, thou virgyn, the douyter of Sion? for whi thi sorewe is greet as the see; who schal do medicyn to thee?
Ndingareveiko pamusoro pako? Ndingakuenzanisa neiko, iwe Mwanasikana weJerusarema? Ndingakufananidze neiko, kuti zvimwe ndikunyaradze, iwe Mhandara Mwanasikana weZioni? Vanga rako rakadzika segungwa. Ndianiko achakuporesa?
14 Nun. Thi profetis sien to thee false thingis, and fonned; and openyden not thi wickidnesse, that thei schulden stire thee to penaunce; but thei sien to thee false takyngis, and castyngis out.
Zviratidzo zvavaprofita vako zvakanga zviri zvenhema uye zvisina maturo; havana kubudisa zvivi zvako pachena kuti vabvise kutapwa kwako, zvirevo zvavakakupa zvakanga zviri zvenhema uye zvaitsausa.
15 Sameth. Alle men passynge on the weie flappiden with hondis on thee; thei hissiden, and mouyden her heed on the douyter of Jerusalem; and seiden, This is the citee of perfit fairnesse, the ioie of al erthe.
Vose vanopfuura nepauri vacharova maoko vachikuseka; vanoseka uye vanodzungudza misoro yavo pamusoro peMhandara yeJerusarema vachiti: “Ko, ndiro here guta rainzi kukwana kworunako, mufaro wenyika yose?”
16 Ayn. Alle thin enemyes openyden her mouth on thee; thei hissiden, and gnaistiden with her teeth, and seiden, We schulen deuoure; lo! this is the dai which we abididen, we founden, we sien.
Vavengi vako vose vanoshama miromo yavo pamusoro pako; vanoseka uye vanorumanya meno avo vachiti, “Tarimedza. Iri ndiro zuva ratanga takamirira; takararama kuti tirione.”
17 Phe. The Lord dide tho thingis whiche he thouyte, he fillide hise word which he hadde comaundid fro elde daies; he distriede, and sparide not; and made glad the enemy on thee, and enhaunside the horn of thin enemyes.
Jehovha aita zvaakaronga; azadzisa shoko rake, raakatema kare. Akakukoromora asina tsitsi, akarega muvengi achifara pamusoro pako, akasimudza runyanga rwavavengi vako.
18 Sade. The herte of hem criede to the Lord, on the wallis of the douyter of Syon; leede thou forth teeris as a stronde, bi dai and niyt; yyue thou not reste to thee, nether the appil of thin iye be stille.
Mwoyo yavanhu inodana kuna She. Iwe rusvingo rwoMwanasikana weZioni, rega misodzi yako iyerere sorwizi masikati nousiku; usazvipa zororo, meso ako asazorora.
19 Coph. Rise thou togidere, herie thou in the nyyt, in the begynnyng of wakyngis; schede out thin herte as watir, bifore the siyt of the Lord; reise thin hondis to hym for the soulis of thi litle children, that failiden for hungur in the heed of alle meetyngis of weies.
Simuka, danidzira usiku, panotanga varindi vousiku; durura mwoyo wako semvura pamberi paShe. Simudzira maoko ako kwaari nokuda kwoupenyu hwavana vako, vanoziya nenzara pamavambo enzira dzose.
20 Res. Se thou, Lord, and byholde, whom thou hast maad so bare; therfor whether wymmen schulen ete her fruyt, litle children at the mesure of an hond? for a prest and profete is slayn in the seyntuarie of the Lord.
“Tarirai, imi Jehovha, murangarire kuti: Ndiani wamakamboitira zvakadai? Ko, vakadzi vanofanira kudya vana vavo, ivo vana vavakarera here? Ko, vaprista navaprofita vangaurayirwa munzvimbo tsvene yaShe here?
21 Syn. A child and an elde man laien on the erthe withoutforth; my virgyns and my yonge men fellen doun bi swerd; thou hast slayn hem in the dai of thi strong veniaunce, thou smotist `and didist no merci.
“Majaya navatana vavata pamwe chete muguruva romunzira; majaya angu navarandakadzi vangu vaurayiwa nomunondo. Makavauraya pazuva rokutsamwa kwenyu; makavabaya musina tsitsi.
22 Thau. Thou clepidist, as to a solempne dai, hem that maden me aferd of cumpas; and noon was that ascapide in the dai of the strong veniaunce of the Lord, and was left; myn enemy wastide hem, whiche Y fedde, and nurschide up.
“Sokukokera kwamunoita zuva romutambo, saizvozvo makandikokera kutyisa kumativi ose. Pazuva rokutsamwa kwaJehovha hakuna akapunyuka kana kurarama; vaya vandakachengeta uye ndikarera, vaparadzwa navavengi vangu.”

< Lamentations 2 >