< Judges 9 >

1 Forsothe Abymelech, the sone of Gerobaal, yede in to Sichem to the britheren of his modir; and he spak to hem, and to al the kynrede of `the hows of his modir, and seide,
Jerubáalov sin Abiméleh je šel do Sihema, do bratov svoje matere in se z njimi posvetoval in z vso družino hiše očeta svoje matere, rekoč:
2 Speke ye to alle the men of Sichem, What is betere to you, that seuenti men, alle the sones of Gerobaal, be lordis of you, whether that o man be lord to you? and also biholde, for Y am youre boon, and youre fleisch.
»Govorite, prosim vas, na ušesa vsem sihemskim gospodarjem: ›Ali je za vas bolje, da vsi Jerubáalovi sinovi, katerih je sedemdeset oseb, kraljujejo nad vami ali da nad vami kraljuje eden? Spomnite se tudi, da sem jaz vaša kost in vaše meso.‹«
3 And the britheren of his modir spaken of hym alle these wordis to alle the men of Sichem; and bowiden her hertis aftir Abymelech, and seiden, He is oure brother.
Bratje njegove matere so vse te besede o njem govorili v ušesa vseh sihemskih gospodarjev in njihova srca nagnili, da sledijo Abimélehu, kajti rekli so: »On je naš brat.«
4 And thei yauen to hym seuenti weiytis of siluer of the temple of Baal Berith; and he hiride to hym therof men pore and hauynge no certeyn dwellynge, and thei sueden hym.
Iz hiše Baal-berita so mu dali sedemdeset koščkov srebra, s katerimi je Abiméleh najel prazno-glave in nepomembne osebe, ki so mu sledili.
5 And he cam in to `the hows of his fadir in Ephra, and killide hise britheren the sones of Gerobaal, `seuenti men, on o stoon. And Joathan, the leste sone of Gerobaal, lefte, and was hid.
Odšel je v hišo svojega očeta pri Ofri in na enem kamnu usmrtil svoje brate, Jerubáalove sinove, ki jih je bilo sedemdeset oseb. Kljub temu pa je ostal najmlajši Jerubáalov sin Jotám, kajti ta se je skril.
6 Forsothe alle the men of Sichem, and alle the meynees of the citee of Mello, weren gadirid to gydere, and thei yeden, and maden Abymelech kyng, bysidis the ook that stood in Sichem.
Vsi sihemski gospodarji so se zbrali skupaj in vsa Milójeva hiša in odšli ter Abiméleha postavili za kralja pri ravninskem stebru, ki je bil v Sihemu.
7 And whanne this thing was teld to Joathan, he yede, and stood in the cop of the hil Garisym, and cried with `vois reisid, and seide, Ye men of Sichem, here me, so that God here you.
Ko so to povedali Jotámu, je ta odšel in se postavil na vrhu gore Garizím, povzdignil svoj glas, zavpil in jim rekel: »Prisluhnite mi, vi sihemski gospodarji, da bo Bog lahko prisluhnil vam.
8 Trees yeden to anoynte a kyng on hem; and tho seiden to the olyue tre, Comaunde thou to vs.
Drevesa so šla naprej ob času, da mazilijo kralja nad seboj in rekla so oljki: ›Kraljuj nad nami.‹
9 Whiche answeride, Whether Y may forsake my fatnesse, which bothe Goddis and men vsen, and come, that Y be auaunsid among trees?
Toda oljka jim je rekla: ›Mar naj zapustim svojo mastnost, s katero po meni častijo Boga in človeka in grem, da bi bila povišana nad drevesa?‹
10 And the trees seiden to the fige tree, Come thou, and take the rewme on vs.
Drevesa so rekla figovemu drevesu: ›Ti pridi in kraljuj nad nami.‹
11 Which answeride to hem, Whether Y may forsake my swetnesse and swetteste fruytis, and go that Y be auaunsid among othere trees?
Toda figovo drevo jim je reklo: ›Mar naj zapustim svojo sladkost in svoj dober sad in grem, da bi bilo povišano nad drevesa?‹
12 Also `the trees spaken to the vyne, Come thou, and comaunde to vs.
Potem so drevesa rekla trti: ›Ti pridi in kraljuj nad nami.‹
13 Which answeride, Whether Y may forsake my wyn, that gladith God and men, and be auaunsid among othere trees?
Trta pa jim je rekla: ›Mar naj zapustim svoje vino, ki razveseljuje Boga in človeka in grem, da naj bi bila povišana nad drevesa?‹
14 And alle trees seiden to the ramne, ether theue thorn, Come thou, and be lord on vs.
Potem so vsa drevesa rekla trnovemu grmu: ›Ti pridi in kraljuj nad nami.‹
15 Whiche answeride to hem, If ye maken me verili kyng to you, come ye, and reste vndur my schadewe; sotheli, if ye nylen, fier go out of the ramne, and deuoure the cedris of the Liban.
Trnov grm je rekel drevesom: ›Če me resnično mazilite za kralja nad seboj, potem pridite in svoje zaupanje položite v mojo senco, in če ne, naj ogenj pride iz trnovega grma in použije libanonske cedre.‹
16 Now therfor if riytfuli and without synne `ye han maad Abymelech kyng on you, and ye han do wel with Jerobaal, and with his hows, and ye han yolde while to the benefices of hym,
Zdaj torej, če ste storili resnično in iskreno v tem, da ste si postavili Abiméleha za kralja in če ste dobro postopali z Jerubáalom in njegovo hišo in mu storili glede na ravnanje njegovih rok
17 that fauyt for you, and yaf his lijf to perelis, that he schulde delyuere you fro the hond of Madian;
(kajti moj oče se je bojeval za vas in v ospredju tvegal svoje življenje in vas osvobodil iz roke Midjáncev
18 and ye han rise now ayens the hows of my fadir, and han slayn hyse sones, seuenti men, on o stoon, and `han maad Abymelech, sone of his handmayde, kyng on the dwelleris of Sichem, for he is youre brother;
in ste ta dan vstali zoper hišo mojega očeta in umorili njegove sinove, sedemdeset oseb na enem kamnu in postavili Abiméleha, sina njegove dekle, za kralja nad sihemskimi gospodarji, ker je vaš brat).
19 therfor if ye han do riytfuli, and with out synne with Gerobaal and his hows, to dai be ye glad in Abymelech, and be he glad in you; but if ye han do weiwardli,
Če ste torej ta dan resnično in iskreno postopali z Jerubáalom in njegovo hišo, potem se veselite z Abimélehom in naj se tudi on veseli z vami.
20 fier go out `of hym, and waste the dwelleris of Sichem, and the citee of Mello; and fier go out of the men of Sichem, and of the citee of Mello, and deuoure Abymelech.
Toda če ne, naj ogenj pride od Abiméleha in pogoltne sihemske gospodarje in Milójevo hišo. In ogenj naj pride od sihemskih gospodarjev in od Milójeve hiše in požre Abiméleha.
21 And whanne he hadde seide these thingis, he fledde, and yede in to Berara, and dwellide there, for drede of Abymelech, his brother.
Jotám je stekel proč, pobegnil in odšel v Beêr in tam prebival zaradi strahu pred svojim bratom Abimélehom.
22 And Abymelech regnede on Israel thre yeer.
Ko je Abiméleh tri leta kraljeval nad Izraelom,
23 And the Lord sente the worste spirit bitwixe Abymelech and the dwelleris of Sichem, whiche bigynnen to holde hym abomynable,
je potem Bog med Abiméleha in sihemske gospodarje poslal zlega duha in sihemski gospodarji so zahrbtno postopali z Abimélehom,
24 and to arette the felony of sleyng of seuenti sones of Gerobaal, and the schedyng out of her blood, in to Abymelech her brother, and to othere princes of Sichem, that hadden helpid hym.
da bi ta krutost, storjena sedemdesetim Jerubáalovim sinovom lahko prišla in bi bila njihova kri položena na njihovega brata Abiméleha, ki jih je umoril in na sihemske gospodarje, ki so mu pomagali pri morjenju njegovih bratov.
25 And thei settiden buyschementis ayens hym in the hiynesse of hillis; and the while thei abideden `the comyng of hym, thei hauntiden theftis, and token preies of men passynge forth; and it was teld to Abymelech.
Sihemski gospodarji so zanj postavili prežavce v zasedi na vrhu gora in ti so oropali vse, ki so mimo njih prišli po tej poti, in to je bilo povedano Abimélehu.
26 Forsothe Gaal, `the sone of Obed, cam with his britheren, and passide in to Siccima; at whos entryng the dwelleris of Sichem weren reisid, and yeden out `in to feeldis,
Ebedov sin Gáal je prišel s svojimi brati in odšel preko v Sihem in sihemski gospodarji so svoje zaupanje položili vanj.
27 and wastiden vyneris, and `to-traden grapis; and with cumpeneys of syngeris maad thei entriden in to `the temple of her God, and among metis and drynkis thei cursiden Abymalech, while Gaal,
Odšli so ven na polja in obrali svoje vinograde in tlačili grozdje in se veselili in odšli v hišo svojega boga, jedli, pili in preklinjali Abiméleha.
28 the sone of Obed, criede, Who is this Abymelech? And what is Sichem, that we serue hym? Whether he is not the sone of Jerobaal, and made Zebul his seruaunt prince on the men of Emor, fadir of Sichem? Whi therfor schulen we serue hym?
Ebedov sin Gáal je rekel: »Kdo je Abiméleh in kdo je Sihem, da bi mu služili? Mar ni on Jerubáalov sin? In Zebúl njegov častnik? Služite možem Sihemovega očeta Hamórja, kajti zakaj bi mi služili njemu?
29 `Y wolde, that sum man yaf this puple vndur myn hond, that Y schulde take awei Abimelech fro the myddis. And it was seid to Abymelech, Gadere thou the multitude of oost, and come thou.
Bog daj, da bi bilo to ljudstvo pod mojo roko! Potem bi odstranil Abiméleha.« In Abimélehu je rekel: »Okrepi svojo vojsko in pridi ven.«
30 For whanne the wordis of Gaal, sone of Obed, weren herd, Zebul, the prynce of the citee, was ful wrooth;
Ko je Zebúl, vladar mesta, slišal besede Ebedovega sina Gáala, je bila njegova jeza vžgana.
31 and he sente priueli messangeris to Abymelech, and seide, Lo! Gaal, sone of Obed, cam in to Siccymam, with hise britheren, and he excitith the citee to fiyte ayens thee;
Na skrivnem je poslal poslance k Abimélehu, rekoč: »Glej, Ebedov sin Gáal in njegovi bratje so prišli v Sihem in glej, zoper tebe utrjujejo mesto.
32 therfor rise thou bi niyt with the puple, which is with thee, and be thou hid in the feeld;
Zdaj se torej dvigni ponoči ti in ljudstvo, ki je s teboj in na polju prežite v zasedi
33 and first in the morewtid, whanne the sunne rysith, falle on the citee; forsothe whanne he goth out with his puple ayens thee, do thou to hym that that thou maist.
in zgodilo se bo, da zjutraj, takoj ko bo sonce vzšlo, da boš zgodaj vstal in se nameril na mesto. In glej, ko bodo on in ljudstvo, ki je z njim, prišli ven zoper tebe, potem jim boš lahko storil kakor boš našel priložnost.«
34 Therfor Abymelech roos with al his oost bi nyyt, and settide buyschementis bisidis Siccimam, in foure placis.
Abiméleh je ponoči vstal in vse ljudstvo, ki je bilo z njim in so v štirih skupinah prežali zoper Sihem.
35 And Gaal, the sone of Obed, yede out, and stood in the entryng of `the yate of the citee. Forsothe Abymelech and al the oost with hym roos fro the place of buyschementis.
Ebedov sin Gáal je odšel ven in stal v vhodu velikih vrat mesta. Abiméleh in ljudstvo, ki je bilo z njim, pa je vstalo od prežanja.
36 And whanne Gaal hadde seyn the puple, he seide to Zebul, Lo! a multitude cometh doun fro the hillis. To whom he answeride, Thou seest the schadewis of hillis as the `heedis of men, and thou art disseyued bi this errour.
Ko je Gáal zagledal ljudstvo, je rekel Zebúlu: »Glej, tam prihaja ljudstvo dol iz vrha gorovja.« Zebúl mu je rekel: »Senco gorovja vidiš, kakor bi bili možje.«
37 And eft Gaal seide, Lo! a puple cometh doun fro the myddis of erthe, `that is, fro the hiynesse of hillis, and o cumpeny cometh bi the weie that biholdith the ook.
Gáal je ponovno spregovoril in rekel: »Vidiš, tam prihaja dol ljudstvo po sredi dežele in druga skupina prihaja vzdolž ravnine Maonim.«
38 To whom Zebul seide, Where is now thi mouth, bi which thou spekist, Who is Abymelech, that we serue hym? Whether this is not the puple, whom thou dispisidist? Go thou out, and fiyte ayens hym.
Potem mu je Zebúl rekel: »Kje so sedaj tvoja usta, s katerimi praviš: ›Kdo je Abiméleh, da bi mu služili?‹ Mar ni to ljudstvo, ki si ga preziral? Pojdi sedaj ven, prosim te in se bori z njimi.«
39 Therfor Gaal yede, while the puple of Sichen abood; and he fauyt ayens Abymelech.
Gáal je odšel ven pred sihemskimi gospodarji in se boril z Abimélehom.
40 Which pursuede Gaal fleynge, and constreynede to go in to the citee; and ful many of his part felde doun `til to the yate of the citee.
Abiméleh ga je pregnal in ta je pobegnil pred njim in mnogi so bili zrušeni in ranjeni, celó do vhoda velikih vrat.
41 And Abymelech sat in Ranna; sotheli Zebul puttide Gaal and hise felowis out of the citee, and suffride not to dwelle ther ynne.
Abiméleh je prebival pri Arúmi, Zebúl pa je vrgel ven Gáala in njegove brate, da ne bi prebivali v Sihemu.
42 Therfor in the dai suynge the puple yede out in to the feeld; and whanne this thing was teld to Abymelech,
Naslednji dan se je pripetilo, da je ljudstvo odšlo ven na polje in povedali so Abimélehu.
43 he took his oost, and departide `in to thre cumpenyes, and settide buyschementis in the feeldis; and he siy that the puple yede out of the citee, and he roos,
Ta je vzel ljudstvo in jih razdelil v tri skupine. Na polju so prežali v zasedi in glej, ljudstvo je prišlo ven iz mesta. Vstal je zoper njih in jih udaril.
44 and felde on hem with his cumpeny, and enpugnyde and bisegide the citee. Sothely twei cumpenyes yeden aboute opynli bi the feeld, and pursueden aduersaries.
Abiméleh in skupina, ki je bila z njim, je pohitela naprej in stala na vhodu velikih vrat mesta in dve drugi skupini sta stekli nad vse ljudstvo, ki je bilo na poljih in jih usmrtili.
45 Certis Abymelech fauyt ayens the citee in al that dai, which he took, whanne the dwelleris weren slayn, and that citee was destried, so that he spreynte abrood salt ther ynne.
Abiméleh se je ves tisti dan boril zoper mesto, zavzel mesto, usmrtil ljudstvo, ki je bilo v njem, premagal mesto in ga potresel s soljo.
46 And whanne thei, that dwelliden in the tour of Sichem, hadde herd this, thei entriden in to the temple of her god Berith, where thei hadden maad boond of pees with hym; and of that the place took name, which place was ful strong.
Ko so vsi gospodarji sihemskega stolpa to slišali, so vstopili v trdnjavo hiše boga Berita.
47 And Abymelech herde the men of the tour of Sichem gaderid to gidere,
To je bilo povedano Abimélehu, da so bili vsi gospodarji sihemskega stolpa zbrani skupaj.
48 and he stiede in to the hil Selmon with al his puple; and with an axe takun he kittide doun a boow of a tre, and he bar it, put on the schuldur, and seide to felowis, Do ye this thing, which ye seen me do.
Abiméleh se je povzpel na goro Calmón, on in vse ljudstvo, ki je bilo z njim in Abiméleh je v svojo roko vzel sekiro, odsekal vejo iz dreves, jo vzel in jo položil na svojo ramo in rekel ljudstvu, ki je bilo z njim: »Kar ste videli storiti mene, pohitite in storite, kakor sem storil jaz.«
49 Therfor with strijf thei kittiden doun bowis of the trees, and sueden the duyk; whiche cumpassiden and brenten `the tour; and so it was doon, that with smooke and fier a thousynde of men weren slayn, men togidere and wymmen, of the dwelleris of the tour of Sichem.
Podobno je vse ljudstvo odsekalo vsak svojo vejo, sledilo Abimélehu, jih položili k trdnjavi in zažgali trdnjavo nad njimi. Tako da so umrli tudi vsi ljudje iz sihemskega stolpa, okoli tisoč mož in žena.
50 Forsothe Abymelech wente forth fro thennus, and cam to the citee of Thebes, which he cumpasside, and bisegide with an oost.
Potem je Abiméleh odšel v Tebéc, se utaboril zoper Tebéc in ga zavzel.
51 Forsothe the tour was hiy in the myddis of the citee, to which men togidere and wymmen fledden, and alle the princes of the citee, while the yate was closid stronglieste; and thei stoden on the roof of the tour bi toretis.
Toda tam, znotraj mesta, je bil močan stolp in tja so pobegnili vsi možje in žene in vsi iz mesta in ga za seboj zaprli in se spravili na vrh stolpa.
52 And Abymelech cam bisidis the tour, and fauyt strongli, and he neiyede to the dore, and enforside to putte fier vndur; and lo!
Abiméleh je prišel k stolpu, se boril zoper njega in se približal vratom stolpa, da bi ga zažgal z ognjem.
53 o womman castide fro aboue a gobet of a mylnestoon, and hurtlide to `the heed of Abymelech, and brak his brayn.
Neka ženska je kos mlinskega kamna vrgla na Abimélehovo glavo in razbila njegovo lobanjo.
54 And he clepide soone his squyer, and seide to hym, Drawe out thi swerd, and sle me, lest perauenture it be seid, that Y am slan of a womman. Which performede `the comaundementis, and `killide Abymelech;
Potem je naglo zaklical k mladeniču, svojemu nosilcu bojne opreme in mu rekel: »Izvleci svoj meč in me usmrti, da ne bodo ljudje o meni rekli: ›Ubila ga je ženska.‹« In njegov mladenič ga je prebodel in ta je umrl.
55 and whanne he was deed, alle men of Israel that weren with hym turneden ayen to her seetis.
Ko so možje iz Izraela videli, da je bil Abiméleh mrtev, so odšli vsak mož na svoj kraj.
56 And God yeldide to Abymelech the yuel that he dide ayens his fadir, for he killide hise seuenti britheren.
Tako je Bog povrnil Abimélehovo zlobnost, ki jo je storil svojemu očetu z umorom svojih sedemdesetih bratov
57 Also that thing was yoldun to men of Sichem, which thei wrouyten, and the curs of Joathan, sone of Jerobaal, cam on hem.
in vse zlo sihemskih ljudi je Bog povrnil na njihove glave in nadnje je prišlo prekletstvo Jerubáalovega sina Jotáma.

< Judges 9 >