< Joshua 4 >

1 And whanne thei weren passid ouer, the Lord seide to Josue,
Quibus transgressis, dixit Dominus ad Iosue:
2 Chese thou twelue men,
Elige duodecim viros singulos per singulas tribus:
3 by ech lynage o man, and comaunde thou to hem, that thei take fro the myddis of the trow of Jordan, where the `feet of preestis stoden, twelue hardiste stoonys; whiche thou schalt sette in the place of castels, where ye schulen sette tentis in this nyyt.
et præcipe eis ut tollant de medio Iordanis alveo, ubi steterunt pedes sacerdotum, duodecim durissimos lapides, quos ponetis in loco castrorum, ubi fixeritis hac nocte tentoria.
4 And Josue clepide twelue men, whiche he hadde chose of the sones of Israel, of ech lynage o man;
Vocavitque Iosue duodecim viros, quos elegerat de filiis Israel, singulos de singulis tribubus,
5 and he seide to hem, Go ye bifore the arke of youre Lord God to the myddis of Jordan, and bere ye fro thennus in youre schuldris ech man o stoon, bi the noumbre of the sones of Israel,
et ait ad eos: Ite ante arcam Domini Dei vestri ad Iordanis medium, et portate inde singuli singulos lapides in humeris vestris, iuxta numerum filiorum Israel,
6 that it be a signe bitwixe you. And whanne youre sones schulen axe you to morewe, that is, in tyme `to comynge, and schulen seie, What wolen these stonus `to hem silf?
ut sit signum inter vos: et quando interrogaverint vos filii vestri cras, dicentes: Quid sibi volunt isti lapides?
7 ye schulen answere to hem, The watris of Jordan failiden bifor the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, whanne the arke passide Jordan; therfor these stoonus ben set in to mynde of the sones of Israel, til in to withouten ende.
Respondebitis eis: Defecerunt aquæ Iordanis ante arcam fœderis Domini, cum transiret eum: idcirco positi sunt lapides isti in monimentum filiorum Israel usque in æternum.
8 Therfor the sones of Israel diden as Josue comaundide to hem, and baren fro the myddis of the trow of Jordan twelue stoonys, as the Lord comaundide to hem, bi the noumbre of the sones of Israel, `til to the place in which thei settiden tentis; and there thei puttiden tho stonys.
Fecerunt ergo filii Israel sicut præcepit eis Iosue, portantes de medio Iordanis alveo duodecim lapides, ut Dominus ei imperarat, iuxta numerum filiorum Israel, usque ad locum, in quo castrametati sunt, ibique posuerunt eos.
9 Also Josue puttide othire twelue stoonys in the myddis of the trow of Jordan, where the preestis stoden, that baren the arke of boond of pees of the Lord; and tho stoonys ben there `til in to present dai.
Alios quoque duodecim lapides posuit Iosue in medio Iordanis alveo, ubi steterunt sacerdotes, qui portabant arcam fœderis: et sunt ibi usque in præsentem diem.
10 Forsothe the preestis, that baren the arke, stoden in the myddis of Jordan, til alle thingis weren fillid, whiche the Lord comaundide, that Josue schulde speke to the puple, as Moises hadde seide to hym. And the puple hastide, and passide.
Sacerdotes autem, qui portabant arcam, stabant in Iordanis medio, donec omnia complerentur, quæ Iosue, ut loqueretur ad populum, præceperat Dominus, et dixerat ei Moyses. Festinavitque populus, et transiit.
11 And whanne alle men hadden passid, also the arke of the Lord passide, and the preestis yeden bifor the puple.
Cumque transissent omnes, transivit et arca Domini, sacerdotesque pergebant ante populum.
12 Also the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and half the lynage of Manasse, yeden armed bifor the sones of Israel, as Moyses comaundide to hem.
Filii quoque Ruben, et Gad, et dimidia tribus Manasse, armati præcedebant filios Israel, sicut eis præceperat Moyses:
13 And fourti thousynde of fiyters yeden bi her cumpanyes and gaderyngis on the pleyn and feeldi places of the citee of Jerico.
et quadraginta pugnatorum millia per turmas, et cuneos, incedebant per plana atque campestria urbis Iericho.
14 In that day the Lord magnyfiede Josue bifor al Israel, that thei schulden drede hym, as thei dreden Moises, while he lyuede yit.
In die illo magnificavit Dominus Iosue coram omni Israel, ut timerent eum, sicut timuerant Moysen, dum adviveret.
15 And the Lord seide to Josue,
Dixitque ad eum:
16 Comaunde thou to the preestis that beren the arke of boond of pees, that thei stie fro Jordan.
Præcipe sacerdotibus, qui portant arcam fœderis, ut ascendant de Iordane.
17 And Josue comaundide to hem, and seide, Stie ye fro Jordan.
Qui præcepit eis, dicens: Ascendite de Iordane.
18 And whanne thei hadden stied, berynge the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, and hadde bigunne to trede on the drie erthe, the watris turneden ayen in to her trowe, and flowiden, as tho weren wont before.
Cumque ascendissent portantes arcam fœderis Domini, et siccam humum calcare cœpissent, reversæ sunt aquæ in alveum suum, et fluebant sicut ante consueverant.
19 Forsothe the puple stiede fro Jordan in the tenthe dai of the firste monethe, and thei settiden tentis in Galgalis, ayens the eest coost of the citee of Jerico.
Populus autem ascendit de Iordane, decimo die mensis primi, et castrametati sunt in Galgalis contra Orientalem plagam urbis Iericho.
20 Also Josue puttide in Galgalis the twelue stonys, whiche thei hadden take fro the trow of Jordan.
Duodecim quoque lapides, quos de Iordanis alveo sumpserant, posuit Iosue in Galgalis,
21 And he seide to the sones of Israel, Whanne youre sones schulen axe to morewe her fadris, and schulen seie to hem, What wolen these stoonys `to hem silf?
et dixit ad filios Israel: Quando interrogaverint filii vestri cras patres suos, et dixerint eis: Quid sibi volunt lapides isti?
22 ye schulen teche hem, and ye schulen seie, We passiden this Jordan bi the drie botme,
Docebitis eos, atque dicetis: Per arentem alveum transivit Israel Iordanem istum,
23 for oure Lord God driede the watris therof in oure siyt, til we passiden, as he dide bifore in the Reed See, which he driede while we passiden,
siccante Domino Deo vestro aquas eius in conspectu vestro, donec transiretis: sicut fecerat prius in Mari Rubro, quod siccavit donec transiremus:
24 that alle the puplis of londis lurne the strongeste hond of the Lord, that also ye drede youre Lord God in al tyme.
ut discant omnes terrarum populi fortissimam Domini manum, ut et vos timeatis Dominum Deum vestrum omni tempore.

< Joshua 4 >