< Joshua 22 >

1 In the same tyme Josue clepide men of Ruben, and men of Gad, and half the lynage of Manasses,
Zvino Joshua akadana vaRubheni navaGadhi nehafu yorudzi rwaManase
2 and seide to hem, Ye han do alle thingis whiche Moises, `seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide to you, also ye obeieden to me in alle thingis;
akati kwavari, “Makaita zvose zvamakarayirwa naMozisi muranda waJehovha uye makateerera zvose zvandakakurayirai.
3 nether ye han lefte youre britheren in mych tyme til in to present dai, and ye kepten the comaundement of youre Lord God.
Kwenguva refu, kusvikira nhasi, hamuna kurasa hama dzenyu, asi makaita zvamakarayirwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu.
4 Therfor for youre Lord God yaf reste and pees to youre britheren, as he bihiyte, turne ye ayen, and go ye in to youre tabernaclis, and in to the loond of youre possessioun, which lond Moyses, the `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to you biyende Jordan;
Zvino Jehovha Mwari wenyu zvaakazorodza hama dzenyu sezvaakavimbisa, imi chidzokerai kumisha yenyu munyika yamakapiwa naMozisi muranda waJehovha mhiri kweJorodhani.
5 so onely that ye kepe bisili, and fille in werk the comaundement and lawe, `which lawe Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide to you; that ye loue youre Lord God, and go in alle hise weies, and kepe hise heestis, and cleue to hym and serue him in al youre herte, and in al youre soule.
Asi muchenjerere kwazvo kuti muchengete murau nomurayiro wake, munamatire paari uye mumushumire nemwoyo yenyu yose, uye nemweya yenyu yose.”
6 And Josue blesside hem, and lefte hem, whiche turneden ayen in to her tabernaclis.
Ipapo Joshua akavaropafadza akati vaende havo, ivo vakaenda kumisha yavo.
7 Sotheli Moyses hadde youe possessioun in Basan to the half lynage of Manasses; and therfor to the half lynage that lefte Josue yaf part among her othere britheren biyendis Jordan, at the west coost therof. And whanne Josue leet hem go in to her tabernaclis, and hadde blessid hem,
(Rudzi rwehafu rwaManase, Mozisi akanga apa nyika yomuBhashani, uye imwe hafu yorudzi rwaManase yakapiwa nyika naJoshua kumavirazuva pamwe chete nehama dzavo.) Joshua akati avaendesa kumusha, akavaropafadza,
8 he seyde to hem, With myche catel and richessis turne ye ayen to youre seetis; with siluer and gold, and bras, and yrun, and myche clothing; departe ye the prey of enemyes with youre britheren.
achiti, “Dzokerai kumisha yenyu nepfuma yenyu zhinji, nemombe dzakawanda, nesirivha, negoridhe, ndarira nesimbi, nenhumbi dzakawanda chose, mundogovana nehama dzenyu zvamakapamba kuvavengi venyu.”
9 And the sones of Ruben, and the sones of Gad, and `half the lynage of Manasses turneden ayen, and yeden fro the sones of Israel fro Silo, which is set in the lond of Canaan, that thei schulden entre in to Galaad, the lond of her possessioun, which thei gaten bi `comaundement of the Lord in the hond of Moises.
Saka vaRubheni, vaGadhi nehafu yorudzi rwaManase vakasiya vaIsraeri paShiro munyika yeKenani vakadzokera kunyika yeGireadhi, nyika yavakanga vapiwa kuti ive yavo, sezvakanga zvarayirwa naJehovha kubudikidza naMozisi.
10 And whanne thei hadden come to the litle hillis of Jordan, in to the lond of Canaan, thei bildiden bisidis Jordan an auter of greetnesse ouer comyn mesure.
Vakati vasvika paGeriroti pedyo neJorodhani munyika yeKenani, vaRubheni, vaGadhi nehafu yorudzi rwaManase vakavaka aritari huru kwazvo ipapo paJorodhani.
11 And whanne the sones of Israel hadden herd this, and certeyn messangeris hadden teld to hem, that the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and the half lynage of Manasses hadden bildid an auter in the lond of Canaan, on the heepis of Jordan, ayens the sones of Israel,
Zvino vaIsraeri vakati vanzwa kuti vakanga vavaka aritari pamuganhu weKenani paGeriroti pedyo neJorodhani kudivi reIsraeri,
12 alle camen togidir in Silo, that thei schulden stie, and fiyte ayens hem.
ungano yose yavaIsraeri yakaungana paShiro kuti vaende kundorwa navo.
13 And in the meene tyme thei senten to hem in to the lond of Galaad, Fynees, preest,
Naizvozvo vaIsraeri vakatuma Finehasi mwanakomana womuprista Ereazari, kunyika yeGireadhi, kuna Rubheni, naGadhi nokuhafu yorudzi rwaManase.
14 the sone of Eleazar, and ten princes with hym; of ech lynage o prince.
Akatumwa iye pamwe chete navakuru vamachinda gumi, mumwe chete akamirira rudzi rumwe chete rwavaIsraeri, mumwe nomumwe wavo ari mukuru weimba pakati pamarudzi aIsraeri.
15 Whiche camen to the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of the half lynage of Manasses, in to the lond of Galaad, and seiden to hem,
Vakati vaenda kuGireadhi, kuna Rubheni, Gadhi nehafu yorudzi rwaManase, vakati kwavari,
16 Al the puple of the Lord sendith these thingis; What is this trespassyng? Whi han ye forsake the Lord God of Israel, and han bildid a cursid auter, and han go awei fro the worschiping of hym?
“Ungano yose yaJehovha inoti, ‘Makarasirei kutenda muna Mwari waIsraeri sezvizvi? Mungadzokera shure seiko muchibva kuna Jehovha mukazvivakira aritari muchimumukira zvino.
17 Whether it is litil to you that ye synneden in Belfegor, and the wem of this trespas dwellith in you til in to present dai, and many of the puple felden doun?
Ko, chivi chepaPeori chakanga chisina kutiringana here? Kusvikira pazuva ranhasi hatina kuzvichenesa pachivi ichocho kunyange zvazvo hasha dzakawira ungano yaJehovha!
18 And to day ye han forsake the Lord, and to morewe, that is, in tyme to comynge, the ire of hym schal be feers ayens al Israel.
Ko, zvino mava kutsauka kubva pana Jehovha here? “‘Kana mukamukira Jehovha nhasi, mangwana achatsamwira ungano yose yavaIsraeri.
19 That if ye gessen, that the lond of youre possessioun is vncleene, passe to the lond, `in which the tabernacle of the Lord is, and dwelle ye among vs, oneli that ye go not awei fro the Lord, and fro oure felouschipe, bi an auter bildid outakun the auter of oure Lord God.
Kana nyika yamunayo yakasvibiswa, yambukirai kuno kunyika yaJehovha, kwakamira tabhenakeri yaJehovha mugogovana nyika nesu. Asi regai kumukira Jehovha, kana kutimukira isu, pakuzvivakira imwe aritari parutivi rwearitari yaJehovha Mwari wedu.
20 Whether not Achar, the sone of Zare, passide the comaundement of the Lord, and his ire felde on al the puple of Israel? And he was o man; and we wolden that he aloone hadde perischid in his trespas.
Akani mwanakomana waZera paakadarika nokusatenda pachinhu chakatsaurwa naJehovha, kutsamwa hakuna kuwira ungano yose yaIsraeri here? Haasi iye oga akafira chivi chake.’”
21 And the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of half the lynage of Manasses, answeriden to the princes of the message of Israel,
Ipapo Rubheni, Gadhi nehafu yorudzi rwaManase vakapindura vakuru vedzimba dzaIsraeri vakati,
22 The strongeste Lord God hym silf of Israel knowith, and Israel schal vndirstonde togidere; if we bildiden this auter for entent of trespassyng, `that is, of ydolatrye, he kepe not vs, but punysche in present time;
“Iye Oga Wamasimba, Mwari, Jehovha! Iye Oga Wamasimba, Mwari, Jehovha! Anoziva! Uye Israeri ngaizive! Kana izvi kwanga kuri kumukira kana kusateerera Jehovha, musatiponesa nhasi.
23 and if we diden bi that mynde, that we schulden putte theronne brent sacrifice, and sacrifice, and pesible sacrifices, he seke, and deme;
Kana takazvivakira aritari yedu kuti tifuratire Jehovha uye kuti tipe zvipiriso zvinopiswa nezvipiriso zvezviyo, kana kuti tibayire zvibayiro zvokuwadzana pamusoro payo, Jehovha pachake ngaatitonge.
24 and not more `bi that thouyt and tretyng that we seiden, Youre sones schulen seie `to morew to oure sones, What is to you and to the Lord God of Israel? Ye sones of Ruben,
“Kwete! Takazviita tichitya kuti rimwe zuva zvizvarwa zvenyu zvichazoti kuzvizvarwa zvedu, ‘Mune chii chokuita naJehovha Mwari waIsraeri?
25 and ye sones of Gad, the Lord hath set a terme, the flood Jordan, bitwixe vs and you; and therfor ye han not part in the Lord; and bi this occasioun youre sones schulen turne awei oure sones fro the drede of the Lord. Therfor we gessiden betere,
Jehovha akaita kuti Jorodhani uve muganhu pakati pedu nemi, imi vaRubheni navaGadhi! Hamuna mugove muna Jehovha.’ Saka zvizvarwa zvenyu zvingangokonzera kuti zvizvarwa zvedu zvirege kutya Jehovha.
26 and seiden, Bilde we an auter to vs, not in to brent sacrifices, nethir to sacrifices to be offrid,
“Ndokusaka takati, ‘Ngatizvigadzirirei tivake aritari, asi isiri yezvipiriso zvinopiswa kana yezvibayiro.’
27 but in to witnessyng bitwixe vs and you, and bitwixe oure children and youre generacioun, that we serue the Lord, and that it be of oure riyt to offre brent sacrifices, and sacrifices, and pesible sacrifices; and that youre sones seie not to morewe to oure sones, No part in the Lord is to you.
Asi kuti ive chapupu pakati pedu nemi uye napakati pezvizvarwa zvedu zvinotevera, kuti tichanamata Jehovha panzvimbo yake tsvene, nezvipiriso zvedu zvinopiswa, nezvibayiro uye nezvipiriso zvokuwadzana. Ipapo panguva inouya zvizvarwa zvenyu hazvingazoti kuzvizvarwa zvedu, ‘Hamuna mugove muna Jehovha.’
28 And if `youre sones wolen seie this, `oure sones schulen answere hem, Lo! the auter of the Lord, which oure fadris maden, not in to brent sacrifices, nether in to sacrifice, but in to oure and your witnessing euerlastinge.
“Uye isu tikati, ‘Kana vakazotaura izvo kwatiri, kana kuzvizvarwa zvedu, tichazopindura tichiti: Tarirai muone mufananidzo wearitari yaJehovha, wakaitwa namadzibaba edu; usiri wezvipiriso zvinopiswa kana wokubayira ipapo, asi sechapupu pakati pedu nemi.’
29 Fer be this trespas fro vs, that we go awei fro the Lord, and forsake hise steppis, bi an auter bildid to brent sacrifices, and sacrifices, and sacrifices of preisyng to be offrid, outakun the auter of oure `Lord God, which is bildid bifore his tabernacle.
“Ngazvirege kutomboitika kuti isu timukire Jehovha tichitsauka nhasi kubva kwaari nokuvaka aritari yezvipiriso zvinopiswa, zvipiriso zvezviyo, nezvibayiro kunze kwearitari yaJehovha Mwari wedu, imire pamberi petabhenakeri yake.”
30 And whanne these thingis weren herd, Fynees, preest, and the princes of message of Israel, that weren with hym, weren plesyd; and thei resseyueden gladli the wordis of the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of the half lynage of Manasses.
Finehasi muprista, navatungamiri veungano, vakuru vemhuri dzavaIsraeri, vakati vanzwa zvakanga zvataurwa naRubheni naGadhi naManase, vakafara.
31 And Finees, preest, the sone of Eleazar, seide to hem, Now we wyten, that the Lord is with you; for ye ben alien fro this trespassyng, and ye han delyuered the sones of Israel fro the hond, `that is, punyschyng, of the Lord.
Zvino Finehasi mwanakomana waEreazari, muprista, akati kuna Rubheni, Gadhi naManase, “Nhasi tinoziva kuti Jehovha ari pakati pedu, nokuti hamuna kutadzira Jehovha pachinhu ichi. Zvino madzikinura vana vaIsraeri paruoko rwaJehovha.”
32 And Fynees turnede ayen with the princes fro the sones of Ruben and of Gad, fro the lond of Galaad to the coost of Canaan, to the sones of Israel; and he telde to hem.
Ipapo Finehasi, mwanakomana waEreazari muprista, navatungamiri vakadzokera kuKenani, vachibva kumusangano wavo navaRubheni navaGadhi muGireadhi uye vakandozivisa vaIsraeri zvakanga zvaitika.
33 And the word pleside to alle men herynge; and the sones of Israel preisiden God, and seiden, that no more `thei schulden stie ayens hem, and fiyte, and do awei the lond of her possessioun.
Vakafara kunzwa shoko iri vakarumbidza Mwari. Uye havana kuzotaurazve kuti vachandorwa navo, kuti vaparadze nyika yakanga igere vaRubheni navaGadhi.
34 And the sones of Ruben and the sones of Gad clepiden the auter, which thei hadden bildid, Oure Witnessyng, that the Lord hym silf is God.
Zvino vaRubheni navanakomana vaGadhi vakatumidza aritari iyi kuti: Aritari yeChapupu Pakati Pedu kuti Jehovha ndiye Mwari.

< Joshua 22 >