< Joshua 21 >

1 And the princes of meynees of Leuy neiyiden to Eleazar, preest, and to Josue, sone of Nun, and to the duykis of kynredis, bi alle the lynagis of the sones of Israel;
Hiche jouchun Levi phung sunga lamkaiho chu ahungun Eleazer thempupa toh, Nun chapa Joshua toh chuleh Israel pumpi phung lamkaiho ahung kihoutoh piuvin ahi.
2 and the Leuytis spaken to hem in Sylo, of the lond of Canaan, and seiden, The Lord comaundide bi the honde of Moises, that citees schulden be youun to vs to dwelle ynne, and the subarbis of tho to werk beestis to be fed.
Amaho chu Canaan gam'a Shiloh munna ahungun hiti hin aseijuve, “Keihohi kaganchateo nehding hampa phatna gamleh keiho chenna ding khopiho eipehna diuvin Pakaiyin Mose kommah anaseijin ahi,” atiuve.
3 And the sones of Israel yauen `of her possessiouns, bi comaundement of the Lord, citees and the subarbis of tho.
Hitichun Pakai thupeh dungjuijin Israel mipite chun hiche khopiho le hampa phatna gamhohi amaho gamchan dingin Levite chu ana piuvin ahi.
4 And the lot yede out in to the meynee of Caath, of the sones of Aaron, preest, of the lynages of Juda, and of Symeon, and of Beniamyn, threttene citees;
Levi phungsunga konna Kohath phung bahkai insung miho Aaron chilhah hochu atil abulla Judah, Simeon leh Benjamin phungho ana kipe khopi somlethum hochu ape taovin ahi.
5 and to the othere of the sones of Caath, that is, to dekenes that weren left, of the lynagis of Effraym, and of Dan, and of the half lynage of Manasse, ten citees.
Tumasang Ephraim, Dan leh Manasseh phung akehkhat anakipesa khopi somkhat chu Kohath phungkhai insungmi dangho chu anapeovin ahi.
6 Sotheli lot yede out to the sones of Gerson, that thei schulden take of the lynagis of Isachar, and of Aser, and of Neptalym, and of the half lynage of Manasses `in Basan, threttene citees in noumbre;
Tumasang’a Issachar, Asher, Naphtali chuleh Manasseh phungkeh khat ana kipesa khopi somle thumchu Gershon phung bahkhai hochu anapeuvin ahi.
7 and to the sones of Merari, bi her meynees, of the lynagis of Ruben, and of Gad, and of Zabulon, twelue citees.
Tumasang’a Reuben, Gad leh Zebulun phungho ana kipesa khopi somleni hochu Merari phungkhai hochu anapeovin ahi.
8 And the sones of Israel yauen to dekenes cytees, and the subarbis `of tho, as the Lord comaundide bi the hond of Moises; and alle yauen bi lot.
Pakaiyin Mose anathupeh dungjuijin Israel chaten khopi hichengse hileh hamhing phatna gam hichenghi vangkisanpeh bang banga Levite anapeh u ahiye.
9 Of the lynagis of the sones of Juda, and of Symeon, Josue yaf citees;
Judah leh Simeon phunga kon in Israel chaten khopi hichengsehi anape taove.
10 to the sones of Aaron, bi the meynees of Caath, of the kyn of Leuy, of whiche citees these ben the names; for the firste lot yede out to hem;
Akhopi chengsehi Aaron chilhah ho Kohath chate insung leh Levi miho mama insungkhat ching taovein ahi, ajeh chu vangkisan chu amaho dia hung pha masa ahi.
11 Cariatharbe, of the fadir of Enach, which is clepid Ebron, in the hil of Juda, and the subarbis therof bi cumpas;
Israel chaten amaho chu Kiriath-arba kiti, hichea Arba hi Anak pa ahin, akhopi Hebron jong kiti, Juda thinglhang gamma khopi le akimvella hamhing gamchengse chu apetaove.
12 sotheli he hadde youe the feeldis and townes therof to Caleph, sone of Jephone, to haue in possessioun.
Khopi loujao chengsele akhoneoho vang chu Jephunneh chapa Caleb chenna dinga kipesa ahitai.
13 Therfor Josue yaf to the sones of Aaron, preest, Ebron, a citee of refuyt, and the subarbis `of it, and Lebnam with hise subarbis,
Aaron thempupa chilhahte chu Israel chaten mithatho kiselna khopi Hebron le ahamhing gamsung jouse apeovin, Libnah le ahamhing gam pumpi jong anapeuve.
14 and Jether, and Yschymon,
Jattir khopile Eshtemoa ahamhing gamjong apeovin ahi.
15 and Elon, and Dabir, and Ayn, and Lethan,
Holonle ahamhing gamjouse apeovin, Debirle hamhing gamjong apeh thaovin ahi.
16 and Bethsames, with her subarbis; nyne citees, of twei lynagis, as it is seid.
Chule Ain khopile ahamhing gamsung apehthaovin Juttah le ahamhing gamjong apeove. Beth-shemesh le ahamhing apeh taovin, hitichun hiche phungni sunga kon hin khopi ko apedoh taove.
17 Sotheli of the lynage of the sones of Beniamyn, he yaf Gabaon, and Gabee, and Anatoth, and Almon, with her subarbis;
Benjamin phunga kon in Gibeon khopile ahamhing gamjong apeovin, Giba le ahamhing gamjong apeovin,
18 `foure citees.
Anathoth khopile ahamhing gamsungsese toh apummin Almon khopile ahamhing gamsungse jong apeovin ahi.
19 Alle the citees togidere of the sones of Aaron, preest, weren threttene, with her subarbis.
Aaron thempupa chilhah achate chan khopi chengsechu abonchan khopi somlethum toh ahamhing gamsungse toh ahopthan ahi.
20 Forsothe to `the othere, bi the meynees of the sones of Caath, of the kyn of Leuy, this possessioun was youun;
Levi mite lah a Kohath insungmi, Kohath chate amoh chengse chu Ephraim phunga konna achandio khopi akihoppeh tai.
21 of the lynage of Effraym, the citee of refuyt, Sichen, with hise subarbis, in the hil of Effraym, and Gazer,
Hiche Kohath chate amoh chengse chu mithatho kiselna ding khopi Shechem le ahamhing gamsunga, Ephraim thinglhang gamsung chu apeovin, Gezer khopile ahamhing gamsung jong apeovin ahi.
22 and Sebsam, and Bethoron, with her subarbis;
Kibzaim khopi le ahamhing gamjong apeove, khopi li alhingin ahi.
23 `foure citees; also of the lynage of Dan, Helthece, and Gebethon, and Haialon,
Chule Dan phunga kon in Eltekeh khopile ahamhing gam apeovin Gibbethon khopi le ahamhing gam apeove;
24 and Gethremmon, with her subarbis;
Aijalon khopile ahamhing gamjong apeove, khopi li ma alhing in ahi.
25 `foure citees; sotheli of the half lynage of Manasses, Thanach, and Gethremon, with her subarbis; `twei citees.
Manasseh phunga kon in jong Taanach khopile ahamhing gam apeovin Gath-rimmon khopile ahamhing gam apeove; hichu khopi ni ahi.
26 Alle the citees ten, and the subarbis `of tho weren youun to the sones of Caath, of the lowere degree.
Kohath chate amoh chengse insung mite chan khopichu abonchan khopi somkhat le ahamhing gamjouse toh ahopthai.
27 Also to the sones of Gerson, of the kyn of Leuy, Josue yaf of the half lynage of Manasses, citees of refuyt, Gaulon in Basan, and Bosra, with her subarbis, `twei citees.
Levite inko lah’a ainsung khat Gershon chate jongchu Manasseh phungkah khat a kon in asandiu chu apeovin, Bashan gamsungse Golan khopile ahamhing gamsungse apeove; hiche khopi jong mithat ho kiselna khopi mama ahi, chule Be-eshterah khopi le ahamhing gamsung jong ahin, khopi ni hi apeovin ahi.
28 Forsothe of the lynage of Isachar, he yaf Cesion, and Daberath,
Chujongle Issachar phunga kon in jong Kishion khopi le ahamhing gamsung apeovin, Daberath khopile ahamhing gamsung sese jong apeove.
29 and Jerimoth, and Engannym, with her subarbis; `foure citees.
Chule Jarmuth khopi le ahamhing gamsung apeovin, En-ganmin khopile ahamhing gamsung jong apeh thaovin ahile, khopili alhing in ahi.
30 Of the lynage of Aser, he yaf Masal, and Abdon,
Asher phunga kon in jong Mishal leh Abdon khopi le ahamhing gamjong apeove,
31 and Elecath, and Roob, with her subarbis; `foure citees.
Helkath khopi le ahanhing gamsung jong apeovin chule Rehob khopile ahamhing gamjong apeovin ahileh khopi li ma alhingtai.
32 Also of the lynage of Neptalym, `he yaf the citee of refuyt, Cedes in Galile, and Amodor, and Carthan, with her subarbis; `thre citees.
Naphtali phung sunga kon in jong Galilee gamsunga Kedesh le ahamhing gamsung jong apeovin, hiche khopi jonghi mithat ho kiselna khopi ma ahi, Hammoth-dor le ahamhing gamsung jong apeovin, chule kartan khopi le ahamhing gamsung jong apeh thaovin, abonnin khopi thum alhingtai.
33 Alle the citees of the meynees of Gerson weren threttene, with her subarbis.
Gershon chate inko chujat dinga khopi kipedoh chengse chu abonchan khopi somle thum alhingin ahamhing gamsung sesetoh ahi tha cheh in ahi.
34 Sotheli to the sones of Merary, dekenes of the lowere degree, bi her meynees, was youun Getheran, of the linage of Zabulon, and Charcha, and Demna, and Nalol;
Levite mi amoh chengse, Merari chate chu Zubulun phunga kon in achandio akipen, Jok-neam khopi le ahamhing gamsung apeovin, Kartah khopi le ahamhing gamsung apeove.
35 `foure citees, with her subarbis.
Dimnah khopile ahamhing gamsungse apeovin, Nahalal khopile ahamhing gamsung jong apeove, abonnin khopi li alhingin ahi.
36 And of the lynage of Gad, he yaf the citee of refuyt, Ramoth in Galaad, and Manaym, and Esebon, and Jaser; `foure citees, with her subarbis.
Reuben phunga kon in jong Bezer khopile ahamhing gamsung chu apeovin, Jahaz khopile ahamhing gamsungse sejong apeove.
37 And of the lynage of Ruben, biyende Jordan, ayens Jerico, he yaf `the citee of refuyt, Bosor in the wildirnesse of Mysor, and Jazer, and Jecson, and Maspha; `foure citees, with her subarbis.
Kedemoth khopile ahamhing gamsungse apeovin chule Mephaath khopi le ahamhing gamsungse sejong apeovin ahileh khopi li alhinge.
Gad phunga kon in jong Gilead gamsunga Ramoth khopi le ahamhing gamsungse se apeovin, hiche khopi jonghi mithat ho kiselna khopi mama ahiye; Mahanaim khopile ahamhing gamsung jong apeovin,
Heshbon khopile ahamhing gamsungse sejong apeovin, Jazer khopi le ahamhing gamsungse se apeovin ahileh abonnin khopi li alhingin ahi.
40 Alle the citees of Merary, bi her meynees and kynredis, weren twelue.
Merari chate inko chujatpi Levi inkote lah a aum nalaiho dia kipedoh khopi chengse abonchan khopi somleni alhingin ahi.
41 And so alle the citees of Leuytis, in the myddis of possessioun of the sones of Israel, weren eiyte and fourti, with her subarbis;
Israel chate lah a Levite khopi chengse chu abonnin khopi somlileget alhingin, ahamhing gamsungse setoh ahitha cheh in ahi.
42 and alle citees weren departid by meynees.
Khopi hijatchun akimvel khopam dunga hamhing gam aneicheh uvin, hitobanga hi khopi chujat chu changsoh hel ahiuve.
43 And the Lord yaf to Israel al the lond which he swoor hym silf to yyue to the fadris `of hem, and thei hadden it in possessioun, and dwelliden therynne.
Hitobang hin apu apateo henga akihahselna bang bangin Pakaiyin Canaan gam pumpi chu Israelte apetai; Israel tenjong agam pumpi chu atoupha uvin achengtaove.
44 And pees was youun of hym in to alle naciouns `by cumpas; and noon of enemyes was hardi to withstonde hem, but alle weren dryuen in to the lordschip `of hem.
Chujongleh apu apateo henga akihahselna bangchun Pakaiyin Israelte chu ajet avei’a mitea kon in akicholdo sahtai; agalteo khatna khat jengcha jong amaho ting tan jouvah abeihel tan ahi; ijeh nem itileh Pakaiyin agalteo abonchan akhut uva apedoh tan ahi.
45 Forsothe nether o word, which he bihiyte him silf to yyue to hem, was voide, but alle wordis weren fillid in werkis.
Pakaiyin Israelte insung dinga akitepna pha chengse chu khatcha alhinglel abei hellin, abonchan athutep chengse agui lhung sohkeiyin ahi.

< Joshua 21 >