< Joshua 2 >

1 Therfor Josue, the sone of Nun, sente fro Sethym twei men, aspieris in hiddlis, and seide to hem, Go ye, and biholde ye the lond, and the citee of Jerico. Whiche yeden, and entriden into the hous of a womman hoore, `Raab bi name, and restiden at hir.
Kisha Yoshua mwana wa Nuni aliwatuma watu wawili kwa siri kama wapelelezi kutoka Shitimu. Akisema, “Nendeni mkaiangalie nchi, hasa Yeriko.” Walienda na wakafika katika nyumba ya kahaba ambaye jina lake ni Rahabu, na wakalala hapo.
2 And it was teld, `and seid to the kyng of Jerico, Lo! men of the sones of Israel entriden hidir bi nyyt, to aspie the lond.
Mfalme wa Yeriko aliambiwa, “Tazama watu wa Israeli wamekuja kuipeleleza nchi.”
3 Therfor the kyng of Jerico sente to Raab the hoore, and seide, Brynge out the men, that camen to thee, and entriden in to thin hous; for thei ben aspieris, and thei camen to biholde al the lond.
Mfalme akatuma neno kwa Rahabu kusema, “Watoe watu waliokuja kwako ambao wameingia nyumbani mwako, kwa kuwa wamekuja kuipeleleza nchi yote.”
4 And the womman took the men, and hidde hem, and seide, Y knowleche, thei camen to me, but Y wiste not of whenus thei weren;
Lakini mwanamke alikuwa amekwisha kuwachukua wale watu wawili na kuwaficha. Na akasema, “Ndiyo, watu walikuja kwangu, lakini sikujua walikotoka.
5 and whanne the yate was closid in derknessis, and thei yeden out to gidire, Y noot whidur thei yeden; pursue ye soone, and ye schulen take hem.
Ilipokuwa jioni wakati wa kufungwa kwa lango la mji, waliondoka. Sijui mahali walikoelekea. Mnaweza kuwakamata kama mtawafuata upesi.
6 Forsothe sche made the men to stie in to the soler of hir hows, and hilide hem with stobil of flex, that was there.
Lakini yeye aliwapandisha juu darini na kuwaficha kwa mabua ya kitani ambayo alikuwa ameyalaza darini.
7 Sotheli thei, that weren sent, sueden hem bi the weie that ledith to the fordis of Jordan; and whanne thei weren goon out, anoon the yate was closid.
Hivyo, watu waliwafuatilia njiani iliyoeleka katika vivuko vya Yordani. Na milango ilifungwa mara tu baada ya wale watu waliofuata kutoka nje.
8 Thei that weren hid, slepten not yit, and lo! the womman stiede to hem, and seide,
Wale wanaume walikuwa hajalala usiku, wakati alipowaendea kule darini.
9 Y knowe that the Lord hath bitake to you this lond; for youre feerdfulnesse felde in to vs, and alle the dwelleris of the lond `weren sike.
Akawaambia, “Ninajua kwamba Yahweh amewapa ninyi nchi na kwamba hofu juu yenu imetuingia. Watu wote wanaoishi katika nchi watayeyuka mbele yenu.
10 We herden, that the Lord driede the watris of the Reed See at youre entryng, whanne ye yeden out of Egipt; and what thingis ye diden to twei kyngis of Ammorreis, that weren biyende Jordan, to Seon and Og, whiche ye killiden;
Tumesikia jinsi ambavyo Yahweh alivyokausha maji ya Bahari ya Mianzi kwa ajili yenu wakati mkitoka Misri. Na tumesikia mlichokifanya kwa wafalme wawili wa Waamori walioko upande mwingine wa Yordani - Sihoni na Ogu - ambao mmewaangamiza kabisa.
11 and we herden these thingis, and we dredden, and oure herte `was sike, and spirit dwellide not in vs at youre entryng; for youre Lord God hym silf is God in heuene aboue, and in erthe bynethe.
Mara tu tuliposikia, mioyo yetu iliyeyuka na hapakuwa na ujasiri wowote uliosalia kwa mtu yeyote - kwa kuwa Yahweh Mungu wenu, ni Mungu aliye juu mbinguni na chini duniani.
12 Now therfor swere ye to me bi the Lord God, that as Y dide merci with you, so and ye do with the hows of my fadir; and yyue ye to me a veri signe,
Sasa basi, tafadhali mniapie kwa Yahweh kwamba kama nilivyokuwa mwema kweu, nanyi pia mtaitendea mema nyumba ya baba yangu. Nipeni ishara ya uhakika
13 that ye saue my fadir and modir, and my britheren and sistris, and alle thingis that ben herne, and dilyuere oure lyues fro deeth.
kwamba mtanihifadhi maisha ya baba, mama, kaka, dada zangu na famiie zao, na kwamba mtatuokoa kutoka katika kifo.
14 Whiche answeriden to hir, Oure lijf be for you in to deeth, if netheles thou bitraiest not vs; and whanne the Lord hath bitake to vs the lond, we schulen do mercy and treuthe in thee.
Wanaume wakamjibu, “maisha yetu kwa ajili ya yenu, hata kifo! Kama hamtasema habari zetu, na Yahweh akisha kutupa nchi hii, tutakuwa wenye huruma na waaminifu kwenu.”
15 Therfor sche let hem doun fro the wyndow bi a corde; for hir hows cleuyde to the wal.
hivyo aliwashusha chini kwa kupitia dirishani kwa kutumia kamba. Nyumba ambayo alikuwa anaishi ilijengwa katika ukuta wa mji.
16 And sche seide to hem, Stie ye to the hilli places, lest perauenture men turnynge ayen meete you; and be ye hidde there three daies, til thei comen ayen; and so ye schulen go bi youre weie.
Akawaambia, “Nendeni milimani la sivyo watu waliowafuata watawaona. Jificheni huko kwa siku tatu mpaka watu waliowafuata watakaporudi. Kisha nendeni zenu.”
17 Whiche seiden to hir, We schulen be giltles of this ooth, bi which thou hast chargid vs,
Wanaume wakamwambia, “Hatutakuwa tumefungwa na ahadi ulizotufanya tuape mbele zako, kama hautalifanya hili.
18 if, whanne we entren in to the lond, this reed corde is not a signe, and thou byndist it not in the wyndow, bi which thou lettist vs doun; and thou gaderist not in to thi hows thi fadir and modir, and britheren, and al thi kynrede; the blood of hym schal be on his heed,
Tutakapokuja katika nchi, ni lazima uifunge kamba hii nyekundu katika dirisha ulilotushushia chini, na utawakusanya katika nyumba baba yako, mama yako, kaka zako na wote wa nyumba ya baba yako.
19 that goith out at the dore of thin hows, and we schulen be alien, that is, giltles; forsothe the blood of alle men that ben in the hows with thee, schal turne in to oure heed, if ony man touchith hem.
Na yeyote aendaye mtaani nje ya milango ya nyumba yako, damu yao itakuwa juu ya vichwa vyao na hatutakuwa na hatia yoyote. Lakini kama mkono utanyoshwa juu ya mtu yeyote aliye pamoja nawe katika nyumba, damu yake itakuwa juu ya vichwa vyetu.
20 `That if thou wolt betraie vs, and brynge forth in to the myddis this word, we schulen be cleene of this ooth, bi which thou hast chargid vs.
Na ikiwa utaongea juu ya suala letu, tutakuwa huru dhidi ya kiapo ulichotuapisha.
21 And sche answeride, As ye han spoke, so be it doon. And sche lefte hem, that thei schulden go, and sche hangide a reed corde in her wyndow.
Rahabu akawajibu, “Yote mliyosema nayatimie.” Akawatoa mbali na wakaondoka. Kisha akaifunga kamba nyekundu katika dirisha.
22 Sotheli thei yeden, and camen to the hilli places, and dwelliden there three daies, til thei turneden ayen that pursueden; for thei souyten bi ech weie, and founden not hem.
Wakaondoka na kwenda juu milimani na walikaa huko kwa siku tatu hadi pale wale waliowafuatilia waliporudi. Wale waliowafuata walitafuta njiani pote bila kuwaona.
23 And whanne the sekeris entriden in to the citee, the spieris turneden ayen, and camen doun fro the hille; and whanne thei hadde passid Jordan, thei camen to Josue, the sone of Nun;
Wale watu wawili walirudi na kuvuka mto na wakafika kwa Yoshua mwana wa Nuni, na walimwambia kila kitu kilichotokea kwao.
24 and thei telden to hym alle thingis that bifelden to hem, and seiden, The Lord hath bitake al the lond in to oure hondis, and alle the dwelleris thereof ben casten doun bi drede.
Nao wakasema kwa Joshua, “kwa kweli Yahweh ametupa nchi hii. Wenyeji wote wa nchi wanayeyuka kwasababu yetu.

< Joshua 2 >