< Joshua 12 >

1 These ben the kyngis whiche the sones of Israel han smyte, and weldiden `the lond of hem, biyende Jordan, at the `risyng of the sunne, fro the stronde of Arnon `til to the hil of Hermon, and al the eest coost that biholdith the wildirnesse.
Hi sunt reges, quos percusserunt filii Israël, et possederunt terram eorum trans Jordanem ad solis ortum, a torrente Arnon usque ad montem Hermon, et omnem orientalem plagam, quæ respicit solitudinem.
2 Seon, the kyng of Amorreis, that dwellide in Esebon, was lord fro Aroer, which is set on the brenke of the stronde of Arnon, and of the myddil part in the valey, and of half Galaad, til to the stronde of Jaboth, which is the terme of the sones of Amon, and fro the wildirnesse `til to the see of Ceneroth,
Sehon rex Amorrhæorum, qui habitavit in Hesebon, dominatus est ab Aroër, quæ sita est super ripam torrentis Arnon, et mediæ partis in valle, dimidiæque Galaad, usque ad torrentem Jaboc, qui est terminus filiorum Ammon.
3 ayens the eest, and `til to the see of deseert, which is the saltist see at the eest coost, bi the weie that ledith to Bethessymoth, and fro the south part that liggith vndur Assedoch, `til to Phasga.
Et a solitudine usque ad mare Ceneroth contra orientem, et usque ad mare deserti, quod est mare salsissimum, ad orientalem plagam per viam quæ ducit Bethsimoth: et ab australi parte, quæ subjacet Asedoth, Phasga.
4 The terme of Og, kyng of Basan, of the relikis of Raphaym, `that is, giauntis, that dwelliden in Astoroth and in Edraym, and he was lord in the hil of Hermon, and in Salacha, and in al Basan, `til to the termes of Gessuri and Machati,
Terminus Og regis Basan, de reliquiis Raphaim, qui habitavit in Astaroth, et in Edrai, et dominatus est in monte Hermon, et in Salecha, atque in universa Basan, usque ad terminos
5 and of the half part of Galaad, and to the terme of Seon, kyng of Esebon.
Gessuri, et Machati, et dimidiæ partis Galaad: terminos Sehon regis Hesebon.
6 Moyses, the `seruaunt of the Lord, and the sones of Israel `smytiden hem; and Moises yaf `the lond of hem in to possessioun to Rubenytis and `to Gadditis and to half the lynage of Manaasses.
Moyses famulus Domini et filii Israël percusserunt eos, tradiditque terram eorum Moyses in possessionem Rubenitis, et Gaditis, et dimidiæ tribui Manasse.
7 These ben the kyngis of the lond, whiche Josue and the sones of Israel smytiden biyende Jordan, at the west coost, fro Algad in the feeld of Liban, `til to the hil whos part stieth in to Seir; and Josue yaf it in to possessioun to the lynagis of Israel, to ech his owne part,
Hi sunt reges terræ, quos percussit Josue et filii Israël trans Jordanem ad occidentalem plagam, a Baalgad in campo Libani, usque ad montem cujus pars ascendit in Seir: tradiditque eam Josue in possessionem tribubus Israël, singulis partes suas,
8 as wel in `hilli placis as in pleyn and feeldi placis; in Asseroth, and in wildirnesse, and in the south was Ethei, and Ammorrei, Cananie, and Pheresei, Euey, and Jebusei.
tam in montanis quam in planis atque campestribus. In Asedoth, et in solitudine, ac in meridie, Hethæus fuit et Amorrhæus, Chananæus, et Pherezæus, Hevæus et Jebusæus.
9 The kyng of Jerico oon; the kyng of Hai, which is at the side of Bethel, oon;
Rex Jericho unus: rex Hai, quæ est ex latere Bethel, unus:
10 the kyng of Jerusalem, oon; the kyng of Ebron, oon;
rex Jerusalem unus, rex Hebron unus,
11 the kyng of Herymoth, oon; the kyng of Lachis, oon; the kyng of Eglon, oon;
rex Jerimoth unus, rex Lachis unus,
12 the kyng of Gazer, oon;
rex Eglon unus, rex Gazer unus,
13 the kyng of Dabir, oon; the kyng of Gader, oon;
rex Dabir unus, rex Gader unus,
14 the kyng of Herma, oon;
rex Herma unus, rex Hered unus,
15 the kyng of Hedreth, oon; the kyng of Lempna, oon; the kyng of Odollam, oon;
rex Lebna unus, rex Odullam unus,
16 the kyng of Maceda, oon; the kyng of Bethel, oon;
rex Maceda unus, rex Bethel unus,
17 the kyng of Thaphua, oon;
rex Taphua unus, rex Opher unus,
18 the kyng of Affer, oon; the kyng of Affeth, oon; the kyng of Saron, oon; the kyng of Madon, oon;
rex Aphec unus, rex Saron unus,
19 the king of Asor, oon;
rex Madon unus, rex Asor unus,
20 the kyng of Semeron, oon; the kyng of Axaph, oon;
rex Semeron unus, rex Achsaph unus,
21 the kyng of Thenach, oon; the kyng of Magedo, oon; the kyng of Cetes, oon;
rex Thenac unus, rex Mageddo unus,
22 the kyng of Jachanaem of Carmele, oon;
rex Cades unus, rex Jachanan Carmeli unus,
23 the kyng of Dor and of the prouince of Dor, oon; the kyng of folkis of Galgal, oon;
rex Dor et provinciæ Dor unus, rex gentium Galgal unus,
24 the kyng of Thersa, oon; alle the kyngis, oon and thretti.
rex Thersa unus: omnes reges triginta unus.

< Joshua 12 >