< Jonah 4 >

1 And Jonas was turmentid with greet turment, and was wrooth.
Asi Jona haana kufadzwa nazvo uye akatsamwa.
2 And he preiede the Lord, and seide, Lord, Y biseche, whether this is not my word, whanne Y was yit in my lond? For this thing Y purposide, for to fle in to Tharsis; for Y woot, that thou, God, art meke and merciful, pacient, and of merciful doyng, and foryyuynge on malice.
Akanyengetera kuna Jehovha akati, “Imi Jehovha, izvi hazvisizvo here zvandakataura ndiri kunyika yangu? Ndokusaka ndakakurumidza kutiza ndichienda kuTashishi? Ndaiziva kuti muri Mwari ane tsitsi nenyasha, anononoka kutsamwa uye azere norudo, Mwari anozvidzora pakutumira zvakaipa.
3 And now, Lord, Y preie, take my soule fro me; for deth is betere to me than lijf.
Zvino, imi Jehovha, torai zvenyu upenyu hwangu, nokuti zviri nani kuti ndife zvangu pano kurarama.”
4 And the Lord seide, Gessist thou, whether thou art wel wrooth?
Asi Jehovha akapindura akati, “Zvakanaka here kuti utsamwe?”
5 And Jonas wente out of the citee, and sat ayens the eest of the citee, and made to hym a schadewyng place there; and sat vndur it in schadewe, til he sai what bifelle to the citee.
Jona akabuda akaenda akandogara pasi kunze kweguta nechokumabvazuva. Ikoko akazvivakira dumba, akagara mumumvuri waro ndokumirira kuti aone zvaizoitika kuguta.
6 And the Lord God made redy an yuy, and it stiede vp on the heed of Jonas, that schadewe were on his heed, and kyueride hym; for he hadde trauelid. And Jonas was glad on the yuy, with greet gladnesse.
Ipapo Jehovha Mwari akameresa muti womuzambiringa, akauita kuti ukure kumusoro kwaJona kuti uite mumvuri pamusoro pake, kuti shungu dzake dzidzikire, uye Jona akafara kwazvo nokuda kwomuzambiringa.
7 And God made redi a worm, in stiyng up of grei dai on the morewe; and it smoot the yuy, and it driede up.
Asi chifumi chezuva rakatevera Mwari akatuma gonye rikadya muzambiringa uyu zvokuti wakasvava.
8 And whanne the sunne was risun, the Lord comaundide to the hoot wynd and brennyng; and the sunne smoot on the heed of Jonas, and he swalide. And he axide to his soule that he schulde die, and seide, It is betere to me for to die, than for to lyue.
Zuva rakati richibuda, Mwari akatuma mhepo yokumabvazuva yaipisa kwazvo, uye zuva rikabaya pamusoro paJona zvokuti akaziya. Akademba kufa, uye akati, “Zvingava nani kuti ndife zvangu pano kurarama.”
9 And the Lord seide to Jonas, Gessist thou, whether thou art wel wrooth on the yuy? And he seide, Y am wel wrooth, til to the deth.
Asi Mwari akati kuna Jona, “Zvakanaka here kuti utsamwe nokuda kwomuzambiringa uyu?” Iye akati, “Hongu, ndakatsamwa zvokuti ndife.”
10 And the Lord seide, Thou art sori on the yuy, in which thou trauelidist not, nether madist that it wexide, which was growun vndur o nyyt, and perischide in o nyyt.
Asi Jehovha akati, “Iwe wanga une hanya nomuzambiringa uyu, kunyange zvazvo usina kuuchengeta kana kuukudza. Wakabuda nousiku humwe uye ukaparara nousiku humwe.
11 And schal Y not spare the grete citee Nynyue, in which ben more than sixe score thousynde of men, which witen not what is betwixe her riyt half and left, and many beestis?
Asi Ninevhe rine vanhu vanopfuura zviuru zana namakumi maviri avanhu vasingazivi kuti ruoko rwavo rworudyi ndorupi kana rworuboshwe ndorupi, uye nemombe zhinjiwo. Handingavi nehanya here neguta iro guru?”

< Jonah 4 >