< John 2 >
1 And the thridde dai weddyngis weren maad in the Cane of Galilee; and the modir of Jhesu was there.
anantaraM trutIyadivase gAlIl pradeshiye kAnnAnAmni nagare vivAha AsIt tatra cha yIshormAtA tiShThat|
2 And Jhesus was clepid, and hise disciplis, to the weddyngis.
tasmai vivAhAya yIshustasya shiShyAshcha nimantritA Asan|
3 And whanne wijn failide, the modir of Jhesu seide to hym, Thei han not wijn.
tadanantaraM drAkShArasasya nyUnatvAd yIshormAtA tamavadat eteShAM drAkShAraso nAsti|
4 And Jhesus seith to hir, What to me and to thee, womman? myn our cam not yit.
tadA sa tAmavochat he nAri mayA saha tava kiM kAryyaM? mama samaya idAnIM nopatiShThati|
5 His modir seith to the mynystris, What euere thing he seie to you, do ye.
tatastasya mAtA dAsAnavochad ayaM yad vadati tadeva kuruta|
6 And there weren set `sixe stonun cannes, aftir the clensyng of the Jewis, holdynge ech tweyne ether thre metretis.
tasmin sthAne yihUdIyAnAM shuchitvakaraNavyavahArAnusAreNADhakaikajaladharANi pAShANamayAni ShaDvR^ihatpAtrANiAsan|
7 And Jhesus seith to hem, Fille ye the pottis with watir. And thei filliden hem, vp to the mouth.
tadA yIshustAn sarvvakalashAn jalaiH pUrayituM tAnAj nApayat, tataste sarvvAn kumbhAnAkarNaM jalaiH paryyapUrayan|
8 And Jhesus seide to hem, Drawe ye now, and bere ye to the architriclyn. And thei baren.
atha tebhyaH ki nchiduttAryya bhojyAdhipAteHsamIpaM netuM sa tAnAdishat, te tadanayan|
9 And whanne the architriclyn hadde tastid the watir maad wiyn, and wiste not wherof it was, but the mynystris wisten that drowen the watir, the architriclyn clepith the spouse,
apara ncha tajjalaM kathaM drAkShAraso. abhavat tajjalavAhakAdAsA j nAtuM shaktAH kintu tadbhojyAdhipo j nAtuM nAshaknot tadavalihya varaM saMmbodyAvadata,
10 and seith to hym, Ech man settith first good wiyn, and whanne men ben fulfillid, thanne that that is worse; but thou hast kept the good wiyn `in to this tyme.
lokAH prathamaM uttamadrAkShArasaM dadati taShu yatheShTaM pitavatsu tasmA ki nchidanuttama ncha dadati kintu tvamidAnIM yAvat uttamadrAkShArasaM sthApayasi|
11 Jhesus dide this the bigynnyng of signes in the Cane of Galilee, and schewide his glorie; and hise disciplis bileueden in hym.
itthaM yIshurgAlIlapradeshe AshcharyyakArmma prArambha nijamahimAnaM prAkAshayat tataH shiShyAstasmin vyashvasan|
12 Aftir these thingis he cam doun to Cafarnaum, and his modir, and hise britheren, and hise disciplis; and thei dwelliden `there not many daies.
tataH param sa nijamAtrubhrAtrusshiShyaiH sArddhM kapharnAhUmam Agamat kintu tatra bahUdinAni AtiShThat|
13 And the pask of Jewis was nyy, and Jhesus wente vp to Jerusalem.
tadanantaraM yihUdiyAnAM nistArotsave nikaTamAgate yIshu ryirUshAlam nagaram AgachChat|
14 And he foond in the temple men sillynge oxun, and scheep, and culueris, and chaungeris sittynge.
tato mandirasya madhye gomeShapArAvatavikrayiNo vANijakShchopaviShTAn vilokya
15 And whanne he hadde maad as it were a scourge of smale cordis, he droof out alle of the temple, and oxun, and scheep; and he schedde the money of chaungeris, and turnede vpsedoun the boordis.
rajjubhiH kashAM nirmmAya sarvvagomeShAdibhiH sArddhaM tAn mandirAd dUrIkR^itavAn|
16 And he seide to hem that selden culueris, Take awei fro hennus these thingis, and nyle ye make the hous of my fadir an hous of marchaundise.
vaNijAM mudrAdi vikIryya AsanAni nyUbjIkR^itya pArAvatavikrayibhyo. akathayad asmAt sthAnAt sarvANyetAni nayata, mama pitugR^ihaM vANijyagR^ihaM mA kArShTa|
17 And hise disciplis hadden mynde, for it was writun, The feruent loue of thin hous hath etun me.
tasmAt tanmandirArtha udyogo yastu sa grasatIva mAm| imAM shAstrIyalipiM shiShyAHsamasmaran|
18 Therfor the Jewis answeriden, and seiden to hym, What token schewist thou to vs, that thou doist these thingis?
tataH param yihUdIyalokA yIShimavadan tavamidR^ishakarmmakaraNAt kiM chihnamasmAn darshayasi?
19 Jhesus answerde, and seide to hem, Vndo ye this temple, and in thre daies Y schal reise it.
tato yIshustAnavochad yuShmAbhire tasmin mandire nAshite dinatrayamadhye. ahaM tad utthApayiShyAmi|
20 Therfor the Jewis seiden to hym, In fourti and sixe yeer this temple was bildid, and schalt thou in thre daies reise it?
tadA yihUdiyA vyAhArShuH, etasya mandirasa nirmmANena ShaTchatvAriMshad vatsarA gatAH, tvaM kiM dinatrayamadhye tad utthApayiShyasi?
21 But he seide of the temple of his bodi.
kintu sa nijadeharUpamandire kathAmimAM kathitavAn|
22 Therfor whanne he was risun fro deeth, hise disciplis hadden mynde, that he seide these thingis of his bodi; and thei bileueden to the scripture, and to the word that Jhesus seide.
sa yadetAdR^ishaM gaditavAn tachChiShyAH shmashAnAt tadIyotthAne sati smR^itvA dharmmagranthe yIshunoktakathAyAM cha vyashvasiShuH|
23 And whanne Jhesus was at Jerusalem in pask, in the feeste dai, many bileueden in his name, seynge his signes that he dide.
anantaraM nistArotsavasya bhojyasamaye yirUshAlam nagare tatkrutAshcharyyakarmmANi vilokya bahubhistasya nAmani vishvasitaM|
24 But Jhesus trowide not hym silf to hem, for he knewe alle men;
kintu sa teShAM kareShu svaM na samarpayat, yataH sa sarvvAnavait|
25 and for it was not nede to hym, that ony man schulde bere witnessyng, for he wiste, what was in man.
sa mAnaveShu kasyachit pramANaM nApekShata yato manujAnAM madhye yadyadasti tattat sojAnAt|