< John 19 >

1 Therfor Pilat took thanne Jhesu, and scourgide.
tunc ergo adprehendit Pilatus Iesum et flagellavit
2 And kniytis writhen a coroun of thornes, and setten on his heed, and diden aboute hym a cloth of purpur,
et milites plectentes coronam de spinis inposuerunt capiti eius et veste purpurea circumdederunt eum
3 and camen to him, and seiden, Heil, kyng of Jewis. And thei yauen to him buffatis.
et veniebant ad eum et dicebant have rex Iudaeorum et dabant ei alapas
4 Eftsoone Pilat wente out, and seide to hem, Lo! Y brynge hym out to you, that ye knowe, that Y fynde no cause in him.
exiit iterum Pilatus foras et dicit eis ecce adduco vobis eum foras
5 And so Jhesus wente out, berynge a coroun of thornes, and a cloth of purpur. And he seith to hem, Lo! the man.
ut cognoscatis quia in eo nullam causam invenio et purpureum vestimentum et dicit eis ecce homo
6 But whanne the bischopis and mynystris hadden seyn hym, thei crieden, and seiden, Crucifie, crucifie hym. Pilat seith to hem, Take ye hym, and crucifie ye, for Y fynde no cause in hym.
cum ergo vidissent eum pontifices et ministri clamabant dicentes crucifige crucifige dicit eis Pilatus accipite eum vos et crucifigite ego enim non invenio in eo causam
7 The Jewis answeriden to hym. We han a lawe, and bi the lawe he owith to die, for he made hym Goddis sone.
responderunt ei Iudaei nos legem habemus et secundum legem debet mori quia Filium Dei se fecit
8 Therfor whanne Pilat hadde herd this word, he dredde the more.
cum ergo audisset Pilatus hunc sermonem magis timuit
9 And he wente in to the moot halle eftsoone, and seide to Jhesu, Of whennus art thou? But Jhesus yaf noon answere to him.
et ingressus est praetorium iterum et dicit ad Iesum unde es tu Iesus autem responsum non dedit ei
10 Pilat seith to him, Spekist thou not to me? Woost thou not, that Y haue power to crucifie thee, and Y haue power to delyuere thee?
dicit ergo ei Pilatus mihi non loqueris nescis quia potestatem habeo crucifigere te et potestatem habeo dimittere te
11 Jhesus answeride, Thou schuldist not `haue ony power ayens me, but it were youun to thee from aboue; therfor he that bitook me to thee, hath the more synne.
respondit Iesus non haberes potestatem adversum me ullam nisi tibi esset datum desuper propterea qui tradidit me tibi maius peccatum habet
12 Fro that tyme Pilat souyte to delyuere hym; but the Jewis crieden, and seiden, If thou delyuerist this man, thou art not the emperouris freend; for ech man that makith hym silf king, ayen seith the emperoure.
exinde quaerebat Pilatus dimittere eum Iudaei autem clamabant dicentes si hunc dimittis non es amicus Caesaris omnis qui se regem facit contradicit Caesari
13 And Pilat, whanne he hadde herd these wordis, ledde Jhesu forth, and sat for domesman in a place, that is seid Licostratos, but in Ebrew Golgatha.
Pilatus ergo cum audisset hos sermones adduxit foras Iesum et sedit pro tribunali in locum qui dicitur Lithostrotus hebraice autem Gabbatha
14 And it was pask eue, as it were the sixte our. And he seith to the Jewis, Lo! youre king.
erat autem parasceve paschae hora quasi sexta et dicit Iudaeis ecce rex vester
15 But thei crieden, and seiden, Take awei, take awei; crucifie him. Pilat seith to hem, Schal I crucifie youre king? The bischops answeriden, We han no king but the emperour.
illi autem clamabant tolle tolle crucifige eum dixit eis Pilatus regem vestrum crucifigam responderunt pontifices non habemus regem nisi Caesarem
16 And thanne Pilat bitook him to hem, that he schulde be crucified. And thei token Jhesu, and ledden him out.
tunc ergo tradidit eis illum ut crucifigeretur susceperunt autem Iesum et eduxerunt
17 And he bar to hym silf a cros, and wente out in to that place, that is seid of Caluarie, in Ebreu Golgatha;
et baiulans sibi crucem exivit in eum qui dicitur Calvariae locum hebraice Golgotha
18 where thei crucifieden him, and othere tweyne with him, oon on this side and oon on that side, and Jhesus in the myddil.
ubi eum crucifixerunt et cum eo alios duos hinc et hinc medium autem Iesum
19 And Pilat wroot a title, and sette on the cros; and it was writun, Jhesu of Nazareth, king of Jewis.
scripsit autem et titulum Pilatus et posuit super crucem erat autem scriptum Iesus Nazarenus rex Iudaeorum
20 Therfor manye of the Jewis redden this title, for the place where Jhesus was crucified, was niy the citee, and it was writun in Ebreu, Greek, and Latyn.
hunc ergo titulum multi legerunt Iudaeorum quia prope civitatem erat locus ubi crucifixus est Iesus et erat scriptum hebraice graece et latine
21 Therfor the bischops of the Jewis seiden to Pilat, Nyle thou write kyng of Jewis, but for he seide, Y am king of Jewis.
dicebant ergo Pilato pontifices Iudaeorum noli scribere rex Iudaeorum sed quia ipse dixit rex sum Iudaeorum
22 Pilat answeride, That that Y haue writun, Y haue writun.
respondit Pilatus quod scripsi scripsi
23 Therfor the knyytis whanne thei hadden crucified hym, token hise clothis, and maden foure partis, to ech knyyt a part, and a coot. And the coot was without seem, and wouun al aboute.
milites ergo cum crucifixissent eum acceperunt vestimenta eius et fecerunt quattuor partes unicuique militi partem et tunicam erat autem tunica inconsutilis desuper contexta per totum
24 Therfor thei seiden togidere, Kitte we not it, but caste we lot, whos it is; that the scripture be fulfillid, seiynge, Thei partiden my clothis to hem, and on my cloth thei casten lot. And the kniytis diden these thingis.
dixerunt ergo ad invicem non scindamus eam sed sortiamur de illa cuius sit ut scriptura impleatur dicens partiti sunt vestimenta mea sibi et in vestem meam miserunt sortem et milites quidem haec fecerunt
25 But bisidis the cros of Jhesu stoden his modir, and the sistir of his modir, Marie Cleofe, and Marie Maudeleyne.
stabant autem iuxta crucem Iesu mater eius et soror matris eius Maria Cleopae et Maria Magdalene
26 Therfor whanne Jhesu hadde seyn his modir, and the disciple stondynge, whom he louyde, he seith to hise modir, Womman, lo thi sone.
cum vidisset ergo Iesus matrem et discipulum stantem quem diligebat dicit matri suae mulier ecce filius tuus
27 Aftyrward he seith to the disciple, Lo! thi modir. And fro that our the disciple took hir in to his modir.
deinde dicit discipulo ecce mater tua et ex illa hora accepit eam discipulus in sua
28 Aftirward Jhesus witynge, that now alle thingis ben endid, that the scripture were fulfillid, he seith, Y thirste.
postea sciens Iesus quia iam omnia consummata sunt ut consummaretur scriptura dicit sitio
29 And a vessel was set ful of vynegre. And thei `leiden in isope aboute the spounge ful of vynegre, and putten to his mouth.
vas ergo positum erat aceto plenum illi autem spongiam plenam aceto hysopo circumponentes obtulerunt ori eius
30 Therfor whanne Jhesus hadde `takun the vynegre, he seid, It is endid. And `whanne his heed was bowid doun, `he yaf vp the goost.
cum ergo accepisset Iesus acetum dixit consummatum est et inclinato capite tradidit spiritum
31 Therfor for it was the pask eue, that the bodies schulden not abide on the cros in the sabat, for that was a greet sabat dai, the Jewis preiden Pilat, that the hipis of hem schulden be brokun, and thei takun awei.
Iudaei ergo quoniam parasceve erat ut non remanerent in cruce corpora sabbato erat enim magnus dies ille sabbati rogaverunt Pilatum ut frangerentur eorum crura et tollerentur
32 Therfor knyytis camen, and thei braken the thies of the firste, and of the tothere, that was crucified with hym.
venerunt ergo milites et primi quidem fregerunt crura et alterius qui crucifixus est cum eo
33 But whanne thei weren comun to Jhesu, as thei sayn him deed thanne, thei braken not hise thies;
ad Iesum autem cum venissent ut viderunt eum iam mortuum non fregerunt eius crura
34 but oon of the knyytis openyde his side with a spere, and anoon blood and watir wenten out.
sed unus militum lancea latus eius aperuit et continuo exivit sanguis et aqua
35 And he that saiy, bare witnessyng, and his witnessing is trewe; and he woot that he seith trewe thingis, that ye bileue.
et qui vidit testimonium perhibuit et verum est eius testimonium et ille scit quia vera dicit ut et vos credatis
36 And these thingis weren don, that the scripture schulde be fulfillid, Ye schulen not breke a boon of hym.
facta sunt enim haec ut scriptura impleatur os non comminuetis ex eo
37 And eftsoone another scripture seith, Thei schulen se in whom thei piyten thorow.
et iterum alia scriptura dicit videbunt in quem transfixerunt
38 But after these thingis Joseph of Armathi preyede Pilat, that he schulde take awei the bodi of Jhesu, for that he was a disciple of Jhesu, but priui for drede of the Jewis. And Pilat suffride. And so he cam, and took awei the bodi of Jhesu.
post haec autem rogavit Pilatum Ioseph ab Arimathia eo quod esset discipulus Iesu occultus autem propter metum Iudaeorum ut tolleret corpus Iesu et permisit Pilatus venit ergo et tulit corpus Iesu
39 And Nychodeme cam also, that hadde come to hym first bi nyyt, and brouyte a meddlynge of myrre and aloes, as it were an hundrid pound.
venit autem et Nicodemus qui venerat ad Iesum nocte primum ferens mixturam murrae et aloes quasi libras centum
40 And thei token the bodi of Jhesu, and boundun it in lynun clothis with swete smellynge oynementis, as it is custom to Jewis for to birie.
acceperunt ergo corpus Iesu et ligaverunt eum linteis cum aromatibus sicut mos Iudaeis est sepelire
41 And in the place where he was crucified, was a yerd, and in the yerd a newe graue, in which yit no man was leid.
erat autem in loco ubi crucifixus est hortus et in horto monumentum novum in quo nondum quisquam positus erat
42 Therfor there thei putten Jhesu, for the vigilie of Jewis feeste, for the sepulcre was niy.
ibi ergo propter parasceven Iudaeorum quia iuxta erat monumentum posuerunt Iesum

< John 19 >