< Joel 1 >

1 The word of the Lord is this, that was maad to Joel, the sone of Phatuel.
Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kuna Joere mwanakomana waPetueri.
2 Elde men, here ye this, and alle dwelleris of the lond, perseyue ye with eeris. If this thing was don in youre daies, ether in the daies of youre fadris.
Inzwai izvi, imi vakuru; teererai imi mose vagere munyika. Ko, zvakadai zvakamboitika here pamazuva enyu, kana pamazuva amadzitateguru enyu?
3 Of this thing telle ye to your sones, and your sones telle to her sones, and the sones of hem telle to another generacioun.
Zvinhu izvi zviudzei vana venyu, uye vana venyu ngavaudzewo vana vavo, vana vavowo vaudze chizvarwa chinotevera.
4 A locuste eet the residue of a worte worm, and a bruke eet the residue of a locuste, and rust eet the residue of a bruke.
Zvakasiyiwa nefararira remhashu zvakadyiwa nemhashu dzemagutaguta; zvakasiyiwa nemhashu dzemagutaguta zvakadyiwa negwatagwata; zvakasiyiwa negwatagwata zvakadyiwa nedzimwewo mhashu.
5 Drunken men, wake ye, and wepe; and yelle ye, alle that drynken wyn in swetnesse; for it perischide fro youre mouth.
Mukai imi zvidhakwa, chemai! Ungudzai imi vanwi vewaini; ungudzai nokuda kwewaini itsva, nokuti yabvutwa pamiromo yenyu.
6 For whi a folc strong and vnnoumbrable stiede on my lond. The teeth therof ben as the teeth of a lioun, and the cheek teeth therof ben as of a whelp of a lioun.
Rudzi rwarwisa nyika yangu, rune simba uye haruverengeki; rune meno eshumba nameno makuru eshumbakadzi.
7 It settide my vyner in to desert, and took awei the riynde of my fige tre. It made nakid and spuylide that vyner, and castide forth; the braunchis therof ben maad white.
Rwakaparadza mizambiringa yangu yose, rukaparadza mionde yangu yose. Rwakasvuura makwati ose emiti, rukaarasira kure, ndokusiya mapazi awo achena kuti mbe-e.
8 Weile thou, as a virgyn gird with a sak on the hosebonde of hir tyme of mariage.
Chemai semhandara yakapfeka masaga inochema murume wouduku hwayo.
9 Sacrifice and moist sacrifice perischide fro the hous of the Lord; and preestis, the mynystris of the Lord, moureneden.
Zvipiriso zvezviyo nezvipiriso zvokunwa hazvichawanikwi muimba yaJehovha. Vaprista vari kuungudza, vaya vanoshumira pamberi paJehovha.
10 The cuntrey is maad bare of puple. The erthe mourenyde; for whete is distried. Wyn is schent, and oile was sijk, ether failide.
Minda yaparadzwa, pasi paoma; zviyo zvaparadzwa, waini itsva yapera, mafuta hakuchina.
11 The erthe tilieris ben schent, the vyn tilieris yelliden on wheete and barli; for the ripe corn of the feeld is perischid.
Pererwai nezano, imi varimi, ungudzai, imi varimi vemizambiringa, chemerai gorosi nebhari, nokuti mukohwo weminda waparadzwa.
12 The vyner is schent; and the fige tre was sijk. The pomgarnate tre, and the palm tre, and the fir tre, and alle trees of the feeld drieden vp; for ioie is schent fro the sones of men.
Muzambiringa waoma, uye muonde wasvava; mutamba, muchindwi nomuti womuapuro, miti yose yesango, yaoma. Zvirokwazvo, mufaro wavanhu wasvava.
13 Ye prestis, girde you, and weile; ye mynystris of the auter, yelle. Mynystris of my God, entre ye, ligge ye in sak; for whi sacrifice and moist sacrifice perischide fro the hous of youre God.
Pfekai masaga mucheme, imi vaprista; ungudzai, imi munoshanda paaritari. Uyai muvate usiku hwose makapfeka masaga, imi munoshumira pamberi paMwari wangu; nokuti zvipiriso zvezviyo nezvokunwa zvadziviswa muimba yaMwari wenyu.
14 Halewe ye fastyng, clepe ye cumpeny, gadere ye togidere elde men, and alle dwelleris of the erthe in to the hous of youre God; and crie ye to the Lord, A!
Tsaurai nguva yokutsanya kutsvene; danai vanhu kuungano tsvene. Kokai vakuru navose vanogara munyika kuimba yaJehovha Mwari wedu, mugodana kuna Jehovha.
15 A! A! to the dai; for the dai of the Lord is niy, and schal come as a tempest fro the myyti.
Rinotyisa sei zuva iro! Nokuti zuva raJehovha rava pedyo; richauya sokuparadza kunobva kuna Wamasimba Ose.
16 Whether foodis perischiden not bifore youre iyen; gladnesse and ful out ioie perischide fro the hous of youre God?
Ko, zvokudya hazvina kubviswa here pamberi pedu chaipo, mufaro nokufarisisa kubva mumba maMwari wedu?
17 Beestis wexen rotun in her drit. Bernes ben distried, celeris ben distried, for wheete is schent.
Mbeu dzinopetana dzisati dzamera pasi pevhu, matura aparara, tsapi dzaputswa nokuti hapachina zviyo.
18 Whi weilide a beeste? whi lowiden the flockis of oxun and kien? for no lesewe is to hem; but also the flockis of scheep perischiden.
Mombe dzinogomera sei! Matanga emombe odzungaira nokuda kwokushayiwa mafuro. Kunyange mapoka amakwai ari kutambudzika.
19 Lord, Y schal crye to thee, for fier eet the faire thingis of desert, and flawme brente all the trees of the cuntrei.
Haiwa Jehovha, ndinodana kwamuri, nokuti moto wapisa mafuro, uye mirazvo yemoto yapisa miti yose musango.
20 But also beestis of the feeld, as a corn floor thirstynge reyn, bihelden to thee; for the wellis of watris ben dried vp, and fier deuouride the faire thingis of desert.
Kunyange mhuka dzesango dzinochema kwamuri; nokuti hova dzesango dzapwa uye moto waparadza mafuro ose.

< Joel 1 >