< Job 9 >

1 Joob answeride, and seide, Verili Y woot, that it is so,
2 and that a man comparisound to God schal not be maad iust.
我まことに其事の然るを知り 人いかでか神の前に義かるべけん
3 If he wole stryue with God, he may not answere to God oon for a thousynde.
4 He is wiys in herte, and strong in myyt; who ayenstood hym, and hadde pees?
神は心慧く力強くましますなり 誰か神に逆ひてその身安からんや
5 Which bar hillis fro o place to anothir, and thei wisten not; whiche he distriede in his strong veniaunce.
彼山を移したまふに山しらず 彼震怒をもて之を飜倒したまふ
6 Which stirith the erthe fro his place, and the pilers therof schulen `be schakun togidere.
7 Which comaundith to the sunne, and it risith not; and he closith the sterris, as vndur a signet.
日に命じたまへば日いでず 又星辰を封じたまふ
8 Which aloone stretchith forth heuenes, and goith on the wawis of the see.
9 Which makith Ariture, and Orionas, and Hiadas, `that is, seuene sterris, and the innere thingis of the south.
10 Which makith grete thingis, and that moun not be souyt out, and wondurful thingis, of whiche is noon noumbre.
11 If he cometh to me, `that is, bi his grace, Y schal not se hym; if he goith awey, `that is, in withdrawynge his grace, Y schal not vndurstonde.
視よ彼わが前を過たまふ 然るに我これを見ず彼すすみゆき賜ふ然るに我之を曉ず
12 If he axith sodeynli, who schal answere to hym? ethir who may seie to hym, Whi doist thou so?
彼奪ひ去賜ふ 誰か能之を沮まん 誰か之に汝何を爲やと言ことを得爲ん
13 `God is he, whos wraththe no man may withstonde; and vndur whom thei ben bowid, that beren the world.
神其震怒を息賜はず ラハブを助る者等之が下に屈む
14 Hou greet am Y, that Y answere to hym, and speke bi my wordis with hym?
然ば我爭か彼に回答を爲ことを得ん 爭われ言を選びて彼と論ふ事をえんや
15 Which also schal not answere, thouy Y haue ony thing iust; but Y schal biseche my iuge.
假令われ義かるとも彼に回答をせじ 彼は我を審判く者なれば我彼に哀き求ん
16 And whanne he hath herd me inwardli clepynge, Y bileue not, that he hath herd my vois.
17 For in a whirlewynd he schal al to-breke me, and he schal multiplie my woundis, yhe, without cause.
彼は大風をもて我を撃碎き 故なくして我に衆多の傷を負せ
18 He grauntith not, that my spirit haue reste, and he fillith me with bittirnesses.
我に息をつかさしめず 苦き事をもて我身に充せ賜ふ
19 If strengthe is souyt, `he is moost strong; if equyte of doom is souyt, no man dar yelde witnessynge for me.
強き者の力量を言んか 視よ此にあり 審判の事ならんか 誰か我を喚出すことを得爲ん
20 If Y wole make me iust, my mouth schal dampne me; if Y schal schewe me innocent, he schal preue me a schrewe.
假令われ義かるとも我口われを惡しと爲ん 假令われ完全かるとも尚われを罪ありとせん
21 Yhe, thouy Y am symple, my soule schal not knowe this same thing; and it schal anoye me of my lijf.
我は全し 然ども我はわが心を知ず 我生命を賤む
22 O thing is, which Y spak, he schal waste `bi deth also the innocent and wickid man.
皆同一なり 故に我は言ふ神は完全者と惡者とを等しく滅ぼしたまふと
23 If he betith, sle he onys, and leiye he not of the peynes of innocent men.
24 The erthe is youun in to the hondis of the wickid; he hilith the face of iugis; that if he is not, who therfor is?
世は惡き者の手に交されてあり 彼またその裁判人の面を蔽ひたまふ 若彼ならずば是誰の行爲なるや
25 Mi daies weren swiftere than a corour; thei fledden, and sien not good.
わが日は驛使よりも迅く 徒に過さりて福祉を見ず
26 Thei passiden as schippis berynge applis, as an egle fleynge to mete.
其はしること葦舟のごとく 物を攫まんとて飛かける鷲のごとし
27 Whanne Y seie, Y schal not speke so; Y chaunge my face, and Y am turmentid with sorewe.
28 Y drede alle my werkis, witynge that thou `woldist not spare the trespassour.
尚この諸の苦痛のために戰慄くなり 我思ふに汝われを釋し放ちたまはざらん
29 Sotheli if Y am also thus wickid, whi haue Y trauelid in veyn?
30 Thouy Y am waischun as with watris of snow, and thouy myn hondis schynen as moost cleene,
われ雪水をもて身を洗ひ 灰汁をもて手を潔むるとも
31 netheles thou schalt dippe me in filthis, and my clothis, `that is, werkis, schulen holde me abhomynable.
汝われを汚はしき穴の中に陷いれたまはん 而して我衣も我を厭ふにいたらん
32 Trewli Y schal not answere a man, which is lijk me; nether that may be herd euenli with me in doom.
神は我のごとく人にあらざれば我かれに答ふべからず 我ら二箇して共に裁判に臨むべからず
33 `Noon is, that may repreue euer eithir, and sette his hond in bothe.
34 Do he awei his yerde fro me, and his drede make not me aferd.
願くは彼その杖を我より取はなし その震怒をもて我を懼れしめたまはざれ
35 Y schal speke, and Y schal not drede hym; for Y may not answere dredynge.
然らば我 言語て彼を畏れざらん 其は我みづから斯る者と思はざればなり

< Job 9 >