< Job 6 >

1 Forsothe Joob answeride, and seide,
Kisha Ayubu akajibu na kusema,
2 Y wolde, that my synnes, bi whiche Y `desseruede ire, and the wretchidnesse which Y suffre, weren peisid in a balaunce.
“Oo, laiti maumivu yangu makubwa yangepimwa; laiti misiba yangu yote mikubwa ingewekwa kwenye mizani!
3 As the grauel of the see, this wretchidnesse schulde appere greuousere; wherfor and my wordis ben ful of sorewe.
Kwa kuwa sasa ungekuwa mzito kuliko mchanga wa baharini. Kwa sababu hiyo maneno yangu yamekuwa ya haraka.
4 For the arowis of the Lord ben in me, the indignacioun of whiche drynkith vp my spirit; and the dredis of the Lord fiyten ayens me.
Kwa kuwa mishale ya Mwenyezi ipo ndani yangu, moyo wangu umelewa sumu; Vitisho vya Mungu vimejipanga vyenyewe dhidi yangu.
5 Whether a feeld asse schal rore, whanne he hath gras? Ethir whether an oxe schal lowe, whanne he stondith byfor a `ful cratche?
Je punda mwitu hulia akiwa na malisho? Au ng'ombe huwa dhaifu wakati wa njaa ambapo anachakula?
6 Ether whethir a thing vnsauery may be etun, which is not maad sauery bi salt? Ether whether ony man may taaste a thing, which tastid bryngith deeth?
Je inawezekana kitu kisicho na ladha kulika bila chumvi? Au kuna radha yoyote katika ute mweupe wa yai?
7 For whi to an hungri soule, yhe, bittir thingis semen to be swete; tho thingis whiche my soule nolde touche bifore, ben now my meetis for angwisch.
Nakataa kuvigusa; kwangu mimi vinafanana na chakula kichukizacho.
8 Who yyueth, that myn axyng come; and that God yyue to me that, that Y abide?
Oo, kama nigeweza kupata haja yangu; oo, kama Mungu angeridhia jambo nilitamanilo sana:
9 And he that bigan, al to-breke me; releesse he his hond, and kitte me doun?
kama Mungu ingempendeza kuniangamiza mara moja, kwamba angeulegeza mkono wake na kuyakatilia mbali maisha yangu!
10 And `this be coumfort to me, that he turmente me with sorewe, and spare not, and that Y ayenseie not the wordis of the hooli.
Hii ingeweza kuwa faraja yangu hata sasa - hata kama nafurahia sana maumivu yasiyopungua: kwa kuwa sikuyakana maneno yake Mtakatifu.
11 For whi, what is my strengthe, that Y suffre? ethir which is myn ende, that Y do pacientli?
Nguvu yangu ni ipi, hata nijaribu kusubiri? Mwisho wangu ni upi, utakao refusha maisha yangu?
12 Nethir my strengthe is the strengthe of stoonus, nether my fleisch is of bras.
Je nguvu zangu ni nguvu za mawe? Au mwili wangu umeumbwa kwa shaba nyeusi?
13 Lo! noon help is to me in me; also my meyneal frendis `yeden awey fro me.
Je si kweli kwamba sina msaada ndani yangu, na kwamba hekima imeondolewa mbali nami?
14 He that takith awei merci fro his frend, forsakith the drede of the Lord.
Kwa mtu ambaye yu karibu kuzirai, inapasa uaminifu uonyeshwe na rafiki zake; hata kwake yeye aachaye kumcha Mwenyezi.
15 My britheren passiden me, as a stronde doith, that passith ruschyngli in grete valeis.
Lakini ndugu zangu wamekuwa waaminifu kwangu kama mkondo wa maji jangwani, mfano wa mifereji ya maji ipitayo mpaka pasipo kitu,
16 Snow schal come on hem, that dreden frost.
ambayo imekuwa mieusi kwa sababu ya barafu juu yake, na kwa sababu ya theluji ambayo hujificha yenyewe ndani yake.
17 In the tyme wherynne thei ben scaterid, thei schulen perische; and as thei ben hoote, thei schulen be vnknyt fro her place.
Wakati zikiyeyuka, hutoweka; kukiwa na joto, hutoweka mahali hapo.
18 The pathis of her steppis ben wlappid; thei schulen go in veyn, and schulen perische.
Misafara ambayo husafiri kwa njia yao hugeuka na maji; huzurura jangwani na kisha hupotea.
19 Biholde ye the pathis of Theman, and the weies of Saba; and abide ye a litil.
Misafara kutoka Tema huitazama, wakati majeshi ya Sheba huitarajia.
20 Thei ben schent, for Y hopide; and thei camen `til to me, and thei ben hilid with schame.
Wamevunjika moyo kwa sababu walitumaini kupata maji. Wakaenda huko, lakini walidanganywa.
21 Now ye ben comun, and now ye seen my wounde, and dreden.
Kwa sasa ninyi rafiki si kitu kwangu; mmeona hali yangu ya kutisha nanyi mwaogopa.
22 Whether Y seide, Brynge ye to me, and yiue ye of youre catel to me? ethir,
Je nilisema kwenu, 'Nipeni kitu furani?' Au, 'nitoleeni zawadi katika mali zenu?'
23 Delyuere ye me fro the hond of enemy, and rauysche ye me fro the hond of stronge men?
Au, 'Niokoeni toka mkononi mwa mtesi wangu?' Au, 'Nitoleeni fidia kwa watesi wangu?'
24 Teche ye me, and Y schal be stille; and if in hap Y vnknew ony thing, teche ye me.
Nifundishe, nami nitaishika amani yangu; nifanye nifahamu wapi nilipokosea.
25 Whi han ye depraued the wordis of trewthe? sithen noon is of you, that may repreue me.
Jinsi gani maneno ya kweli yanavyo umiza! Lakini hoja zenu, jee hasa zimenionya nini mimi?
26 Ye maken redi spechis oneli for to blame, and ye bryngen forth wordis in to wynde.
Je mnapanga kuyakemea maneno yangu, mnayachukulia maneno ya mtu mwenye kukata tamaa sawa na upepo?
27 Ye fallen in on a fadirles child, and enforsen to peruerte youre frend.
Hasa, mna piga kura kwa ajili ya yatima, na kupatana bei juu ya rafiki yenu kama bidhaa.
28 Netheles fille ye that, that ye han bigunne; yyue ye the eere, and se ye, whether Y lie.
Sasa, kwa sababu hiyo, tafadhari nitazame, kwa hakika sitasema uongo usoni penu.
29 Y biseche, answere ye with out strijf, and speke ye, and deme ye that, that is iust.
Rudini, nawasihi; lisiwepo neno la uonevu na nyinyi; Hasa, rudini, sababu zangu ni za haki.
30 And ye schulen not fynde wickidnesse in my tunge, nethir foli schal sowne in my chekis.
Je mna uovu ulimini mwangu? Je kinywa changu hakiwezi kungundua madhara?

< Job 6 >