< Job 5 >

1 Therfor clepe thou, if `ony is that schal answere thee, and turne thou to summe of seyntis.
請ふなんぢ龥びて看よ 誰か汝に應ふる者ありや 聖者の中にて誰に汝むかはんとするや
2 Wrathfulnesse sleeth `a fonned man, and enuye sleeth a litil child.
夫愚なる者は憤恨のために身を殺し 癡き者は嫉媢のために己を死しむ
3 Y siy a fool with stidefast rote, and Y curside his feirnesse anoon.
4 Hise sones schulen be maad fer fro helthe, and thei schulen be defoulid in the yate, and `noon schal be that schal delyuere hem.
その子等は助援を獲ることなく 門にて惱まさる 之を救ふ者なし
5 Whos ripe corn an hungri man schal ete, and an armed man schal rauysche hym, and thei, that thirsten, schulen drynke hise richessis.
その穡とれる物は飢たる人これを食ひ 荊棘の籬の中にありてもなほ之を奪ひいだし 羂をその所有物にむかひて口を張る
6 No thing is doon in erthe with out cause, and sorewe schal not go out of the erthe.
災禍は塵より起らず 艱難は土より出ず
7 A man is borun to labour, and a brid to fliyt.
8 Wherfor Y schal biseche the Lord, and Y schal sette my speche to my God.
もし我ならんには我は必らず神に告求め 我事を神に任せん
9 That makith grete thingis, and that moun not be souyt out, and wondurful thingis with out noumbre.
神は大にして測りがたき事を行ひたまふ 其不思議なる事を爲たまふこと數しれず
10 Which yyueth reyn on the face of erthe, and moistith alle thingis with watris.
雨を地の上に降し 水を野に遣り
11 Which settith meke men an hiy, and reisith with helthe hem that morenen.
卑き者を高く擧げ 憂ふる者を引興して幸福ならしめたまふ
12 Which distrieth the thouytis of yuel willid men, that her hondis moun not fille tho thingis that thei bigunnen.
神は狡しき者の謀計を敗り 之をして何事をもその手に成就ること能はざらしめ
13 Which takith cautelouse men in the felnesse `of hem, and distrieth the counsel of schrewis.
慧き者をその自分の詭計によりて執へ 邪なる者の謀計をして敗れしむ
14 Bi dai thei schulen renne in to derknessis, and as in nyyt so thei schulen grope in myddai.
彼らは晝も暗黒に遇ひ 卓午にも夜の如くに摸り惑はん
15 Certis God schal make saaf a nedi man fro the swerd of her mouth, and a pore man fro the hond of the violent, `ethir rauynour.
神は惱める者を救ひてかれらが口の劍を免かれしめ 強き者の手を免かれしめたまふ
16 And hope schal be to a nedi man, but wickidnesse schal drawe togidere his mouth.
是をもて弱き者望あり 惡き者口を閉づ
17 Blessid is the man, which is chastisid of the Lord; therfor repreue thou not the blamyng of the Lord.
神の懲したまふ人は幸福なり 然ば汝全能者の儆責を輕んずる勿れ
18 For he woundith, and doith medicyn; he smytith, and hise hondis schulen make hool.
神は傷け又裹み 撃ていため又その手をもて善醫したまふ
19 In sixe tribulaciouns he schal delyuere thee, and in the seuenthe tribulacioun yuel schal not touche thee.
彼はなんぢを六の艱難の中にて救ひたまふ 七の中にても災禍なんぢにのぞまじ
20 In hungur he schal delyuere thee fro deeth, and in batel fro the power of swerd.
饑饉の時にはなんぢを救ひて死を免れしめ 戰爭の時には劍の手を免れしめたまふ
21 Thou schalt be hid fro the scourge of tunge, and thou schalt not drede myseiste, `ethir wretchidnesse, whanne it cometh.
汝は舌にて鞭たるる時にも隱るることを得 壞滅の來る時にも懼るること有じ
22 In distriyng maad of enemyes and in hungur thou schalt leiye, and thou schalt not drede the beestis of erthe.
23 But thi couenaunt schal be with the stonys of erthe, and beestis of erthe schulen be pesible to thee.
24 And thou schalt wite, that thi tabernacle hath pees, and thou visitynge thi fairnesse schalt not do synne.
汝はおのが幕屋の安然なるを知ん 汝の住處を見まはるに缺たる者なからん
25 And thou schalt wite also, that thi seed schal be many fold, and thi generacioun schal be as an erbe of erthe.
汝また汝の子等の多くなり 汝の裔の地の草の如くになるを知ん
26 In abundaunce thou schalt go in to the sepulcre, as an heep of wheete is borun in his tyme.
汝は遐齡におよびて墓にいらん 宛然麥束を時にいたりて運びあぐるごとくなるべし
27 Lo! this is so, as we han souyt; which thing herd, trete thou in minde.
視よ我らが尋ね明めし所かくのごとし 汝これを聽て自ら知れよ

< Job 5 >