< Job 36 >

1 Also Helyu addide, and spak these thingis,
2 Suffre thou me a litil, and Y schal schewe to thee; for yit Y haue that, that Y schal speke for God.
暫らく我に容せ我なんぢに示すこと有ん 尚神のために言ふべき事あればなり
3 Y schal reherse my kunnyng fro the bigynnyng; and Y schal preue my worchere iust.
4 For verili my wordis ben with out leesyng, and perfit kunnyng schal be preued to thee.
わが言語は眞實に虚僞ならず 知識の完全き者なんぢの前にあり
5 God castith not awei myyti men, sithen he is myyti;
視よ神は權能ある者にましませども何をも藐視めたまはず その了知の能力は大なり
6 but he saueth not wickid men, and he yyueth dom to pore men.
惡しき者を生し存ず 艱難者のために審判を行ひたまふ
7 He takith not awei hise iyen fro a iust man; and he settith kyngis in seete with out ende, and thei ben reisid there.
義しき者に目を離さず 位にある王等とともに永遠に坐せしめて之を貴くしたまふ
8 And if thei ben in chaynes, and ben boundun with the roopis of pouert,
もし彼ら鏈索に繋がれ 艱難の繩にかかる時は
9 he schal shewe to hem her werkis, and her grete trespassis; for thei weren violent, `ethir rauenours.
10 Also he schal opene her eere, that he chastise; and he schal speke, that thei turne ayen fro wickidnesse.
彼らの耳を開きて教を容れしめ かつ惡を離れて歸れよと彼らに命じたまふ
11 If thei heren, and kepen, thei schulen fille her daies in good, and her yeris in glorie.
もし彼ら聽したがひて之に事へなば繁昌てその日を送り 樂しくその年を渉らん
12 Sotheli if thei heren not, thei schulen passe bi swerd, and thei schulen be wastid in foli.
若かれら聽したがはずば刀劍にて亡び 知識を得ずして死なん
13 Feyneris and false men stiren the ire of God; and thei schulen not crye, whanne thei ben boundun.
しかれども心の邪曲なる者等は忿怒を蓄はへ 神に縛しめらるるとも祈ることを爲ず
14 The soule of hem schal die in tempest; and the lijf of hem among `men of wymmens condiciouns.
かれらは年わかくして死亡せ 男娼とその生命をひとしうせん
15 He schal delyuere a pore man fro his angwisch; and he schal opene `the eere of hym in tribulacioun.
神は艱難者を艱難によりて救ひ 之が耳を虐遇によりて開きたまふ
16 Therfor he schal saue thee fro the streit mouth of the broddeste tribulacioun, and not hauynge a foundement vndur it; sotheli the rest of thi table schal be ful of fatnesse.
然ば神また汝を狹きところより出して狹からぬ廣き所に移したまふあらん 而して汝の席に陳ぬる物は凡て肥たる物ならん
17 Thi cause is demed as the cause of a wickid man; forsothe thou schalt resseyue thi cause and doom.
今は惡人の鞫罰なんぢの身に充り 審判と公義となんぢを執ふ
18 Therfor ire ouercome thee not, that thou oppresse ony man; and the multitude of yiftis bowe thee not.
なんぢ忿怒に誘はれて嘲笑に陷いらざるやう愼しめよ 收贖の大なるが爲に自ら誤るなかれ
19 Putte doun thi greetnesse with out tribulacioun, and putte doun alle stronge men bi strengthe.
なんぢの號叫なんぢを艱難の中より出さんや 如何に力を盡すとも所益あらじ
20 Dilaie thou not nyyt, that puplis stie for hem.
21 Be thou war, that thou bowe not to wickidnesse; for thou hast bigunne to sue this wickidnesse aftir wretchidnesse.
愼しみて惡に傾くなかれ 汝は艱難よりも寧ろ之を取んとせり
22 Lo! God is hiy in his strengthe, and noon is lijk hym among the yyueris of lawe.
それ神はその權能をもて大いなる事を爲したまふ 誰か能く彼のごとくに教晦を埀んや
23 Who mai seke out the weies of God? ethir who dar seie to hym, Thou hast wrouyt wickidnesse?
たれか彼のためにその道を定めし者あらんや 誰かなんぢは惡き事をなせりと言ふことを得ん
24 Haue thou mynde, that thou knowist not his werk, of whom men sungun.
なんぢ神の御所爲を讚歎ふることを忘れざれ これ世の人の歌ひ崇むる所なり
25 Alle men seen God; ech man biholdith afer.
人みな之を仰ぎ觀る 遠き方より人これを視たてまつるなり
26 Lo! God is greet, ouercomynge oure kunnyng; the noumbre of hise yeeris is with out noumbre.
神は大なる者にいまして我儕かれを知たてまつらず その御年の數は計り知るべからず
27 Which takith awei the dropis of reyn; and schedith out reynes at the licnesse of floodyatis,
28 whiche comen doun of the cloudis, that hilen alle thingis aboue.
29 If he wole stretche forthe cloudis as his tente,
30 and leite with his liyt fro aboue, he schal hile, yhe,
視よ彼その光明を自己の周圍に繞らし また海の底をも蔽ひたまひ
31 the herris of the see. For bi these thingis he demeth puplis, and yyueth mete to many deedli men.
32 In hondis he hidith liyt; and comaundith it, that it come eft.
33 He tellith of it to his freend, that it is his possessioun; and that he may stie to it.
その鳴聲かれを顯はし 家畜すらも彼の來ますを知らすなり

< Job 36 >