< Job 33 >
1 Therfor, Joob, here thou my spechis, and herkene alle my wordis.
约伯啊,请听我的话, 留心听我一切的言语。
2 Lo! Y haue openyd my mouth, my tunge schal speke in my chekis.
我现在开口, 用舌发言。
3 Of symple herte ben my wordis, and my lippis schulen speke clene sentence.
我的言语要发明心中所存的正直; 我所知道的,我嘴唇要诚实地说出。
4 The spirit of God made me, and the brething of Almyyti God quykenyde me.
神的灵造我; 全能者的气使我得生。
5 If thou maist, answere thou to me, and stoonde thou ayens my face.
你若回答我, 就站起来,在我面前陈明。
6 Lo! God made me as and thee; and also Y am formyd of the same cley.
我在 神面前与你一样, 也是用土造成。
7 Netheles my myracle make thee not afeerd, and myn eloquence be not greuouse to thee.
我不用威严惊吓你, 也不用势力重压你。
8 Therfor thou seidist in myn eeris, and Y herde the vois of thi wordis;
你所说的,我听见了, 也听见你的言语,说:
9 Y am cleene, and with out gilt, and vnwemmed, and wickidnesse is not in me.
我是清洁无过的,我是无辜的; 在我里面也没有罪孽。
10 `For God foond querels in me, therfor he demyde me enemy to hym silf.
神找机会攻击我, 以我为仇敌,
11 He hath set my feet in a stok; he kepte alle my pathis.
把我的脚上了木狗, 窥察我一切的道路。
12 Therfor this thing it is, in which thou art not maad iust; Y schal answere to thee, that God is more than man.
我要回答你说:你这话无理, 因 神比世人更大。
13 Thou stryuest ayenus God, that not at alle wordis he answeride to thee.
你为何与他争论呢? 因他的事都不对人解说?
14 God spekith onys, and the secounde tyme he rehersith not the same thing.
神说一次、两次, 世人却不理会。
15 God spekith bi a dreem in the visioun of nyyt, whanne sleep fallith on men, and thei slepen in the bed.
人躺在床上沉睡的时候, 神就用梦和夜间的异象,
16 Thanne he openith the eeris of men, and he techith hem, `and techith prudence;
开通他们的耳朵, 将当受的教训印在他们心上,
17 that he turne awei a man fro these thingis whiche he made, and delyuere hym fro pride; delyuerynge his soule fro corrupcioun,
好叫人不从自己的谋算, 不行骄傲的事,
18 and his lijf, that it go not in to swerd.
拦阻人不陷于坑里, 不死在刀下。
19 Also God blameth a synnere bi sorewe in the bed, and makith alle the boonys of hym `to fade.
人在床上被惩治, 骨头中不住地疼痛,
20 Breed is maad abhomynable to hym in his lijf, and mete desirable `bifor to his soule.
以致他的口厌弃食物, 心厌恶美味。
21 His fleisch schal faile for rot, and hise boonys, that weren hilid, schulen be maad nakid.
他的肉消瘦,不得再见; 先前不见的骨头都凸出来。
22 His soule schal neiye to corrupcioun, and his lijf to thingis `bryngynge deeth.
他的灵魂临近深坑; 他的生命近于灭命的。
23 If an aungel, oon of a thousynde, is spekynge for hym, that he telle the equyte of man, God schal haue mercy on hym,
一千天使中, 若有一个作传话的与 神同在, 指示人所当行的事,
24 and schal seie, Delyuere thou hym, that he go not doun in to corrupcioun; Y haue founde in what thing Y schal do merci to hym.
神就给他开恩, 说:救赎他免得下坑; 我已经得了赎价。
25 His fleisch is wastid of turmentis; turne he ayen to the daies of his yonge wexynge age.
他的肉要比孩童的肉更嫩; 他就返老还童。
26 He schal biseche God, and he schal be quemeful to hym; and he schal se his face in hertly ioye, and he schal yelde to man his riytfulnesse.
他祷告 神, 神就喜悦他, 使他欢呼朝见 神的面; 神又看他为义。
27 He schal biholde men, and he schal seie, Y haue synned, and verili Y haue trespassid; and Y haue not resseyued, as Y was worthi.
他在人前歌唱说: 我犯了罪,颠倒是非, 这竟与我无益。
28 For he delyueride his soule, that it schulde not go in to perischyng, but that he lyuynge schulde se liyt.
神救赎我的灵魂免入深坑; 我的生命也必见光。
29 Lo! God worchith alle these thingis in thre tymes bi alle men;
30 that he ayen clepe her soulis fro corrupcioun, and liytne in the liyt of lyuynge men.
为要从深坑救回人的灵魂, 使他被光照耀,与活人一样。
31 Thou, Joob, perseyue, and here me, and be thou stille, the while Y speke.
约伯啊,你当侧耳听我的话, 不要作声,等我讲说。
32 Sotheli if thou hast what thou schalt speke, answere thou to me, speke thou; for Y wole, that thou appere iust.
你若有话说,就可以回答我; 你只管说,因我愿以你为是。
33 That if thou hast not, here thou me; be thou stille, and Y schal teche thee wisdom.
若不然,你就听我说; 你不要作声,我便将智慧教训你。