< Job 31 >

1 I made couenaunt with myn iyen, that Y schulde not thenke of a virgyn.
“Mụ na anya m gbara ndụ kpebie na o nweghị mgbe m ga-ele nwaagbọghọ ọbụla anya nʼihi agụụ ịkwa iko.
2 For what part schulde God aboue haue in me, and eritage Almyyti God of hiye thingis?
Nʼihi na, gịnị bụ oke mmadụ ketara nʼaka Chineke onye bi nʼelu; gịnị bụkwa ihe nketa ya site nʼaka Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile nọ nʼelu?
3 Whether perdicioun is not to a wickid man, and alienacioun of God is to men worchynge wickidnesse?
Ọ bụghị mbibi nye ndị ajọ omume, nhụju anya nye ndị na-eme ihe ọjọọ?
4 Whether he biholdith not my weies, and noumbrith alle my goyngis?
Ọ bụ na ọ naghị ahụ ụzọ m niile, gụọkwa nzọ ukwu m niile ọnụ?
5 If Y yede in vanyte, and my foot hastide in gile,
“Ọ bụrụ na m gara ije nʼụzọ ụgha maọbụ na ụkwụ m mere ngwangwa gbasoro ụzọ aghụghọ,
6 God weie me in a iust balaunce, and knowe my symplenesse.
ka Chineke were ihe ọtụtụ ziri ezi tụọ m, ọ ga-amata na m bụ onye na-enweghị ịta ụta.
7 If my step bowide fro the weie; if myn iye suede myn herte, and a spotte cleuede to myn hondis;
Ọ bụrụ na nzọ ụkwụ m si nʼụzọ wezuga onwe ya, ọ bụrụ anya m na-edu obi m, ma ọ bụkwanụ na aka m abụọ bụ ihe e merụrụ emerụ,
8 sowe Y, and another ete, and my generacioun be drawun out bi the root.
ọ bụrụ otu a, ka onye ọzọ rie ihe m kụrụ nʼubi, ka e hopuchakwa ihe niile m kụrụ nʼubi.
9 If myn herte was disseyued on a womman, and if Y settide aspies at the dore of my frend; my wijf be the hoore of anothir man,
“Ọ bụrụ na ọ gụọla obi m agụụ ijekwuru nwanyị ọzọ, maọbụ na m ezoola nʼọnụ ụzọ onye agbataobi m,
10 and othir men be bowid doun on hir.
mgbe ahụ, ka nwunye m kwọọrọ nwoke ọzọ nri, ka ndị ikom ọzọ dinaa ya.
11 For this is vnleueful, and the moost wickidnesse.
Nʼihi na nke ahụ ga-abụ ihe ihere, bụrụkwa mmehie kwesiri ka e kpee ya ikpe.
12 Fier is deourynge `til to wastyng, and drawynge vp bi the roote alle generaciouns.
Ọ bụ ọkụ na-ere ruo nʼebe ịla nʼiyi; nke pụrụ ihopu ihe owuwe ubi m niile.
13 If Y dispiside to take doom with my seruaunt and myn hand mayde, whanne thei stryueden ayens me.
“Ọ bụrụ na m jụrụ ikpe ikpe ziri ezi nye nwoke maọbụ nwanyị ọbụla na-ejere m ozi mgbe ha nwere mkpesa megide m,
14 What sotheli schal Y do, whanne God schal rise to deme? and whanne he schal axe, what schal Y answere to hym?
gịnị ka m ga-eme mgbe Chineke bịakwutere m? Gịnị ka m ga-aza ya mgbe ọ jụrụ m ajụjụ?
15 Whether he, that wrouyte also hym, made not me in the wombe, and o God formede me in the wombe?
Ọ bụ na ọ bụghị onye kpụrụ m nʼafọ nne m mekwara ha? Ọ bụghị ya kpụrụ anyị abụọ nʼafọ nne anyị?
16 If Y denyede to pore men that, that thei wolden, and if Y made the iyen of a wydewe to abide;
“Ọ bụrụ na m ajụ inye ndị ogbenye ihe dị ha mkpa, ma ọ bụrụkwa na m eme ka anya nwanyị di ya nwụrụ dalaa ya nʼisi,
17 if Y aloone eet my mussel, and a faderles child eet not therof;
ọ bụrụ na m dobere ihe oriri m maka naanị m, ma jụ inye ya ụmụ mgbei;
18 for merciful doyng encreesside with me fro my yong childhed, and yede out of my modris wombe with me;
ma site nʼokorobịa m, azụlitere m ha dịka nna kwesiri, ọ bụkwa site na nwantakịrị ka m bụ onyendu nye nwanyị di ya nwụrụ.
19 if Y dispiside a man passynge forth, for he hadde not a cloth, and a pore man with out hilyng;
Ọ bụrụ na ọ dị mgbe m hụrụ onye na-ala nʼiyi nʼihi enweghị akwa, maọbụ onye nọ nʼụkọ nke na-enweghị uwe,
20 if hise sidis blessiden not me, and was not maad hoot of the fleeces of my scheep;
ma obi ha agọzighị m nʼihi iji ajị sitere nʼụmụ atụrụ m mee ka o nwee okpomọkụ nʼahụ ya.
21 if Y reiside myn hond on a fadirles child, yhe, whanne Y siy me the hiyere in the yate;
Ọ bụrụ na m eweliela aka m megide onye nna ya nwụrụ, nʼihi na m mara na m nwere nkwuwa okwu nʼụlọikpe,
22 my schuldre falle fro his ioynt, and myn arm with hise boonys be al to-brokun.
mgbe ahụ, ka aka m si nʼubu m dapụ, ka e tijiekwa ogwe aka m site na nkwonkwo ya.
23 For euere Y dredde God, as wawis wexynge gret on me; and `Y myyte not bere his birthun.
Nʼihi na atụrụ m egwu mbibi na-esite nʼaka Chineke, nʼihi egwu ebube ya, enweghị m ike ime ihe ndị a.
24 If Y gesside gold my strengthe, and if Y seide to purid gold, Thou art my trist;
“Ọ bụrụ na ntụkwasị obi m dị nʼọlaedo, maọbụ na m sị ọlaedo a nụchara anụcha, ‘Ị bụ ebe ndabere m.’
25 if Y was glad on my many ritchessis, and for myn hond foond ful many thingis;
Ọ bụrụ na m ṅụrịrị ọṅụ nʼihi oke akụ m, ihe nnweta nke aka m ritere nʼuru,
26 if Y siy the sunne, whanne it schynede, and the moone goynge clereli;
ọ bụrụ na m legidere anyanwụ anya nʼebube ya, maọbụ ọnwa nʼike nchawa ya,
27 and if myn herte was glad in priuyte, and if Y kisside myn hond with my mouth;
nke ga-eme ka obi m bụrụ ihe a rafuru na nzuzo, maọbụ aka m abụrụ ihe e weliri ife ha ofufe,
28 which is the moost wickidnesse, and deniyng ayens hiyeste God;
mgbe ahụ, ihe ndị a ga-abụ mmehie nke a ga-ekpe ikpe, nʼihi na m gaara abụ onye na-ekwesighị ntụkwasị obi nye Chineke, Onye bi nʼelu.
29 if Y hadde ioye at the fallyng of hym, that hatide me, and if Y ioide fulli, that yuel hadde founde hym;
“Ọ bụrụ na m ṅụrịrị ọṅụ nʼihi ọdachi nke dakwasịrị onye iro m maọbụ chịa ọchị nʼihi nsogbu nke dakwasịrị ya,
30 for Y yaf not my throte to do synne, that Y schulde asaile and curse his soule;
ekwebeghị m ka ọnụ m mehie megide ha site nʼịbụ ndụ ha ọnụ.
31 if the men of my tabernacle seiden not, Who yyueth, that we be fillid of hise fleischis? a pilgryme dwellide not with outforth;
Ọ bụrụ na o nwebeghị oge ndị nọ nʼezinaụlọ m kwuru okwu sị. ‘Onye ka ọ bụ nke na-erijubeghị afọ site nʼihe oriri Job na-enye?’
32 my dore was opyn to a weiegoere;
Ma ọ dịghị onye ọbịa na-anọ ọnọdụ abalị nʼama, nʼihi ụzọ m na-eghe oghe mgbe ọbụla nye ndị ije.
33 if Y as man hidde my synne, and helide my wickidnesse in my bosum;
Ọ bụrụ na m na-ezo mmehie m dịka ndị ọzọ, site nʼizobe mmehie m nʼime obi m,
34 if Y dredde at ful greet multitude, and if dispisyng of neyyboris made me aferd; and not more Y was stille, and yede not out of the dore;
nʼihi na m tụrụ egwu igwe mmadụ, si otu a, tụọ oke egwu nʼihi nleda anya nke ndị agbụrụ dị iche iche, nke mere ka m gbaa nkịtị ghara ịpụ nʼezi.
35 who yyueth an helpere to me, that Almyyti God here my desire? that he that demeth,
(“O, a sị na o nwere onye ga-ege m ntị! Ana m ebinye aka m nʼokwu ngọpụ m, ka Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile za m, ka onye na-ebo m ebubo depụta ihe o nwere megide m nʼakwụkwọ.
36 write a book, that Y bere it in my schuldre, and cumpasse it as a coroun to me?
Nʼezie, aga m eyiri ya nʼubu m, aga m eyinyekwa ya dịka okpueze.
37 Bi alle my degrees Y schal pronounce it, and Y schal as offre it to the prynce.
Aga m agụkọrọ ya nzọ ụkwụ m niile, aga m ejekwuru ya dịka ọkpara eze.)
38 If my lond crieth ayens me, and hise forewis wepen with it;
“Ọ bụrụ na ala m etie mkpu megide m, ọ bụrụ na olulu dị na ya ejupụta nʼanya mmiri,
39 if Y eet fruytis therof with out money, and Y turmentide the soule of erthetileris of it;
ọ bụrụ na m eripịa ihe o mepụtara na-akwụghị ụgwọ, maọbụ mee ka mmụọ ndị bi nʼime ya daa mba,
40 a brere growe to me for wheete, and a thorn for barli.
ka ogwu pupụta nʼọnọdụ ọka wiiti, ka ahịhịa na-esi isi ọjọọ pupụtakwa nʼọnọdụ ọka balị.” Okwu Job agwụla.

< Job 31 >