< Job 26 >

1 Forsothe Joob answeride, and seide, Whos helpere art thou?
Ipapo Jobho akapindura akati:
2 whether `of the feble, and susteyneste the arm of hym, which is not strong?
“Ndiweka wakabatsira vasina simba! Wakaponesa sei ruoko rwakarukutika!
3 To whom hast thou youe counsel? In hap to hym that hath not wisdom; and thou hast schewid ful myche prudence.
Ndiweka wakapa zano kune asina uchenjeri! Ndiweka wakaratidza njere dzakakura kwazvo!
4 Ether whom woldist thou teche? whether not hym, that made brething?
Ndianiko akakubatsira kutaura mashoko aya? Uye mweya waaniko wakataura kubva pamuromo wako?
5 Lo! giauntis weilen vnder watris, and thei that dwellen with hem.
“Vakafa vari pakushungurudzika kukuru, ivo vari pasi pemvura zhinji navose vanogara mairi.
6 Helle is nakid bifor hym, and noon hilyng is to perdicioun. (Sheol h7585)
Sheori yakashama pamberi paMwari; kuparadza hakuna kufukidzwa. (Sheol h7585)
7 Which God stretchith forth the north on voide thing, and hangith the erthe on nouyt.
Anotambanudza matenga nechokumusoro panzvimbo isina chinhu; anorembedza nyika pasina chinhu.
8 `Which God byndith watris in her cloudis, that tho breke not out togidere dounward.
Anoputira mvura zhinji mumakore ake; asi makore acho haabvaruki nokuda kwokuremerwa.
9 `Whych God holdith the cheer of his seete, and spredith abrood theron his cloude.
Anofukidza chiso chomwedzi uzere, achiwarira makore ake pamusoro pawo.
10 He hath cumpassid a terme to watris, til that liyt and derknessis be endid.
Anotara muganhu pamberi pemvura zhinji, kuti ugova muganhu pakati pechiedza nerima.
11 The pilers of heuene tremblen, and dreden at his wille.
Mbiru dzokudenga dzinodengenyeka, dzichivhundutswa nokutuka kwake.
12 In the strengthe of hym the sees weren gaderid togidere sudeynly, and his prudence smoot the proude.
Akaunganidza mvura dzegungwa nesimba rake; akagura-gura Rahabhi nenjere dzake.
13 His spiryt ournede heuenes, and the crokid serpent was led out bi his hond, ledynge out as a mydwijf ledith out a child.
Matenga akashongedzwa nokufema kwake; ruoko rwake rwakabaya nyoka inobhururuka.
14 Lo! these thingis ben seid in partie of `hise weyes; and whanne we han herd vnnethis a litil drope of his word, who may se the thundur of his greetnesse?
Uye izvi ndiwo macheto oga ebasa rake; haiwa tinongonzwa kuzevezera kwake! Zvino ndianiko anganzwisisa kutinhira kwesimba rake?”

< Job 26 >