< Job 25 >

1 Forsothe Baldach Suytes answeride, and seide,
2 Power and drede is anentis hym, that is, God, that makith acordyng in hise hiye thingis.
神有治理之权,有威严可畏; 他在高处施行和平。
3 Whether noumbre is of hise knyytis? and on whom schyneth not his liyt?
他的诸军岂能数算? 他的光亮一发,谁不蒙照呢?
4 Whether a man comparisound to God mai be iustified, ether borun of a womman mai appere cleene?
这样在 神面前,人怎能称义? 妇人所生的怎能洁净?
5 Lo! also the moone schyneth not, and sterris ben not cleene in `his siyt;
在 神眼前,月亮也无光亮, 星宿也不清洁。
6 hou miche more a man rot, and the sone of a man a worm, is vncleene `and vile, if he is comparisound to God.
何况如虫的人, 如蛆的世人呢!

< Job 25 >