< Job 24 >

1 Tymes ben not hid fro Almyyti God; sotheli thei that knowen hym, knowen not hise daies.
なにゆゑに全能者時期を定めおきたまはざるや 何故に彼を知る者その日を見ざるや
2 Othere men turneden ouer the termes of neiyboris eritage, thei token awei flockis, and fedden tho.
3 Thei driueden awei the asse of fadirlesse children, and token awei the cow of a widewe for a wed.
孤子の驢馬を驅去り 寡婦の牛を取て質となし
4 Thei distrieden the weie of pore men, and thei oppressiden togidere the mylde men of erthe.
貧しき者を路より推退け 世の受難者をして盡く身を匿さしむ
5 Othere men as wielde assis in deseert goon out to her werk; and thei waken to prey, and bifor maken redy breed to her children.
視よ彼らは荒野にをる野驢馬のごとく出て業を爲て食を求め 野原よりその子等のために食物を得
6 Thei kitten doun a feeld not hern, and thei gaderen grapis of his vyner, whom thei han oppressid bi violence.
圃にて惡き者の麥を刈り またその葡萄の遺餘を摘む
7 Thei leeuen men nakid, and taken awei the clothis, to whiche men is noon hiling in coold;
かれらは衣服なく裸にして夜を明し 覆ふて寒氣を禦ぐべき物なし
8 whiche men the reynes of munteyns weeten, and thei han noon hilyng, and biclippen stoonys.
山の暴風に濡れ 庇はるるところ無して岩を抱く
9 Thei diden violence, and robbiden fadirles and modirles children; and thei spuyliden, `ether robbiden, the comynte of pore men.
孤子を母の懷より奪ふ者あり 貧しき者の身につける物を取て質となす者あり
10 Thei token awey eeris of corn fro nakid men, and goynge with out cloth, and fro hungry men.
貧き者衣服なく裸にて歩き 饑つつ麥束を擔ふ
11 Thei weren hid in myddai among the heepis of tho men, that thirsten, whanne the presses ben trodun.
人の垣の内にて油を搾め また渇きつつ酒醡を踐む
12 Thei maden men of citees to weile, and the soulis of woundid men schulen crye; and God suffrith it not to go awei vnpunyschid.
邑の中より人々の呻吟たちのぼり 傷けられたる者の叫喚おこる 然れども神はその怪事を省みたまはず
13 Thei weren rebel to liyt; thei knewen not the weyes therof, nether thei turneden ayen bi the pathis therof.
また光明に背く者あり 光の道を知ず 光の路に止らず
14 A mansleere risith ful eerli, and sleeth a nedi man, and a pore man; sotheli bi nyyt he schal be as a nyyt theef.
人を殺す者昧爽に興いで 受難者や貧しき者を殺し 夜は盜賊のごとくす
15 The iye of avouter kepith derknesse, and seith, An yye schal not se me; and he schal hile his face.
16 Thei mynen housis in derknessis, as thei seiden togidere to hem silf in the dai; and thei knewen not liyt.
また夜分家を穿つ者あり 彼等は晝は閉こもり居て光明を知らず
17 If the morewtid apperith sudeynli, thei demen the schadewe of deth; and so thei goon in derknessis as in liyt.
彼らには晨は死の蔭のごとし 是死の蔭の怖ろしきを知ばなり
18 He is vnstablere than the face of the water; his part in erthe be cursid, and go he not bi the weie of vyneris.
彼は水の面に疾ながるる物の如し その產業は世の中に詛はる その身重ねて葡萄圃の路に向はず
19 Passe he to ful greet heete fro the watris of snowis, and the synne of hym `til to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
亢旱および炎熱は雪水を直に乾涸す 陰府が罪を犯せし者におけるも亦かくのごとし (Sheol h7585)
20 Merci foryete hym; his swetnesse be a worm; be he not in mynde, but be he al to-brokun as `a tre vnfruytful.
これを宿せし腹これを忘れ 蛆これを好みて食ふ 彼は最早世におぼえらるること無く その惡は樹を折るが如くに折る
21 For he fedde the bareyn, and hir that childith not, and he dide not wel to the widewe.
是すなはち孕まず產ざりし婦人をなやまし 寡婦を憐れまざる者なり
22 He drow doun stronge men in his strengthe; and whanne he stondith in `greet state, he schal not bileue to his lijf.
神はその權能をもて強き人々を保存へさせたまふ 彼らは生命あらじと思ふ時にも復興る
23 God yaf to hym place of penaunce, and he mysusith that in to pride; for the iyen of God ben in the weies of that man.
神かれらに安泰を賜へば彼らは安らかなり 而してその目をもて彼らの道を見そなはしたまふ
24 Thei ben reisid at a litil, and thei schulen not stonde; and thei schulen be maad low as alle thingis, and thei schulen be takun awei; and as the hyynessis of eeris of corn thei schulen be al to-brokun.
25 That if it is not so, who may repreue me, that Y liede, and putte my wordis bifor God?

< Job 24 >