< Job 2 >

1 Forsothe it was doon, whanne in sum dai the sones of God `weren comun, and stoden bifor the Lord, and Sathan `was comun among hem, and stood in his siyt,
又有一天, 神的众子来侍立在耶和华面前,撒但也来在其中。
2 that the Lord seide to Sathan, Fro whennus comest thou? Which answeride, and seide, Y haue cumpassid the erthe, `and Y haue go thury it.
3 And the Lord seide to Sathan, Whethir thou hast biholde my seruaunt Joob, that noon in erthe is lijk hym; he is a symple man, and riytful, and dredynge God, and goynge awei fro yuel, and yit holdynge innocence? `But thou hast moued me ayens him, that `Y schulde turmente hym in veyn.
耶和华问撒但说:“你曾用心察看我的仆人约伯没有?地上再没有人像他完全正直,敬畏 神,远离恶事。你虽激动我攻击他,无故地毁灭他,他仍然持守他的纯正。”
4 To whom Sathan answeride, and seide, `A man schal yyue skyn for skyn, and alle thingis that he hath for his lijf;
5 `ellis sende thin hond, and touche his boon and fleisch, and thanne thou schalt se, that he schal curse thee in the face.
6 Therfor the Lord seide to Sathan, Lo! he is in `thin hond; netheles kepe thou his lijf.
7 Therfor Sathan yede out fro the face of the Lord, and smoot Joob with `a ful wickid botche fro the sole of the foot `til to his top;
8 which Joob schauyde the quytere with a schelle, `and sat in the dunghil.
9 Forsothe his wijf seide to hym, Dwellist thou yit in thi symplenesse? Curse thou God, and die.
他的妻子对他说:“你仍然持守你的纯正吗?你弃掉 神,死了吧!”
10 And Joob seide, Thou hast spoke as oon of the fonned wymmen; if we han take goodis of the hond of the Lord, whi forsothe suffren we not yuels? In alle these thingis Joob synnede not in hise lippis.
约伯却对她说:“你说话像愚顽的妇人一样。嗳!难道我们从 神手里得福,不也受祸吗?”在这一切的事上约伯并不以口犯罪。
11 Therfor thre frendis of Joob herden al the yuel, that hadde bifelde to hym, and camen ech man fro his place, Eliphath Temanytes, and Baldach Suythes, and Sophar Naamathites; for thei `hadden seide togidere to hem silf, that thei wolden come togidere, and visite hym, and coumforte.
12 And whanne thei hadden reisid afer `her iyen, thei knewen not hym; and thei crieden, and wepten, and to-renten her clothis, and spreynten dust on her heed `in to heuene.
13 And thei saten with hym in the erthe seuene daies and seuene nyytis, and no man spak a word to hym; for thei sien, that his sorewe was greet.

< Job 2 >