< Job 15 >

1 Forsothe Eliphat Themanytes answeride, and seide,
2 Whether a wise man schal answere, as spekynge ayens the wynd, and schal fille his stomac with brennyng, `that is, ire?
3 For thou repreuest hym bi wordis, which is not lijk thee, and thou spekist that, that spedith not to thee.
4 As myche as is in thee, thou hast avoidid drede; and thou hast take awey preyeris bifor God.
まことに汝は神を畏るる事を棄て その前に祷ることを止む
5 For wickidnesse hath tauyt thi mouth, and thou suest the tunge of blasfemeris.
なんぢの罪なんぢの口を教ふ 汝はみづから擇びて狡猾人の舌を用ふ
6 Thi tunge, and not Y, schal condempne thee, and thi lippis schulen answere thee.
なんぢの口みづから汝の罪を定む 我には非ず汝の唇なんぢの惡きを證す
7 Whether thou art borun the firste man, and art formed bifor alle little hillis?
汝あに最初に世に生れたる人ならんや 山よりも前に出來しならんや
8 Whether thou herdist the counsel of God, and his wisdom is lower than thou?
神の御謀議を聞しならんや 智慧を獨にて藏めをらんや
9 What thing knowist thou, whiche we knowen not? What thing vndurstondist thou, whiche we witen not?
なんぢが知る所は我らも知ざらんや 汝が曉るところは我らの心にも在ざらんや
10 Bothe wise men and elde, myche eldre than thi fadris, ben among vs.
11 Whether it is greet, that God coumforte thee? But thi schrewid wordis forbeden this.
12 What reisith thin herte thee, and thou as thenkynge grete thingis hast iyen astonyed?
なんぢ何ぞかく心狂ふや 何ぞかく目をしばたたくや
13 What bolneth thi spirit ayens God, that thou brynge forth of thi mouth siche wordis?
なんぢ是のごとく神に對ひて氣をいらだて 斯る言詞をなんぢの口よりいだすは如何ぞや
14 What is a man, that he be with out wem, and that he borun of a womman appere iust?
人は如何なる者ぞ 如何してか潔からん 婦の産し者は如何なる者ぞ 如何してか義からん
15 Lo! noon among hise seyntis is vnchaungable, and heuenes ben not cleene in his siyt.
それ神はその聖者にすら信を置たまはず 諸の天もその目の前には潔からざるなり
16 How myche more a man abhomynable and vnprofitable, that drynkith wickidnesse as water?
17 I schal schewe to thee, here thou me; Y schal telle to thee that, that Y siy.
我なんぢに語る所あらん 聽よ我見たる所を述ん
18 Wise men knoulechen, and hiden not her fadris.
19 To whiche aloone the erthe is youun, and an alien schal not passe bi hem.
20 A wickid man is proud in alle hise daies; and the noumbre of hise yeeris and of his tirauntrie is vncerteyn.
惡き人はその生る日の間つねに悶へ苦しむ 強暴人の年は數へて定めおかる
21 The sown of drede is euere in hise eeris, and whanne pees is, he supposith euere tresouns.
22 He bileueth not that he may turne ayen fro derknessis to liyt; and biholdith aboute on ech side a swerd.
彼は幽暗を出得るとは信ぜず 目ざされて劒に付さる
23 Whanne he stirith hym to seke breed, he woot, that the dai of derknessis is maad redi in his hond.
彼食物は何處にありやと言つつ尋ねありき 黒暗日の備へられて己の側にあるを知る
24 Tribulacioun schal make hym aferd, and angwisch schal cumpas hym, as a kyng which is maad redi to batel.
患難と苦痛とはかれを懼れしめ 戰鬪の準備をなせる王のごとくして彼に打勝ん
25 For he helde forth his hond ayens God, and he was maad strong ayens Almyyti God.
彼は手を伸て神に敵し 傲りて全能者に悖り
26 He ran with neck reisid ayens God, and he was armed with fat nol.
頸を強くし 厚き楯の面を向て之に馳かかり
27 Fatnesse, that is, pride `comyng forth of temporal aboundaunce, hilide his face, `that is, the knowyng of vndurstondyng, and outward fatnesse hangith doun of his sidis.
面に肉を滿せ 腰に脂を凝し
28 He schal dwelle in desolat citees, and in deseert, `ethir forsakun, housis, that ben turned in to biriels.
荒されたる邑々に住居を設けて人の住べからざる家 石堆となるべき所に居る
29 He schal not be maad riche, nether his catel schal dwelle stidefastli; nether he schal sende his roote in the erthe,
是故に彼は富ず その貨物は永く保たず その所有物は地に蔓延ず
30 nether he schal go awei fro derknessis. Flawme schal make drie hise braunchis, and he schal be takun a wey bi the spirit of his mouth.
また自己は黒暗を出づるに至らず 火燄その枝葉を枯さん 而してその身は神の口の氣吹によりて亡ゆかん
31 Bileue he not veynli disseyued bi errour, that he schal be ayenbouyt bi ony prijs.
彼は虚妄を恃みて自ら欺くべからず 其報は虚妄なるべければなり
32 Bifor that hise daies ben fillid, he schal perische, and hise hondis schulen wexe drye;
彼の日の來らざる先に其事成べし 彼の枝は緑ならじ
33 he schal be hirt as a vyne in the firste flour of his grape, and as an olyue tre castinge awei his flour.
彼は葡萄の樹のその熟せざる果を振落すがごとく 橄欖の樹のその花を落すがごとくなるべし
34 For the gaderyng togidere of an ipocrite is bareyn, and fier schal deuoure the tabernaclis of hem, that taken yiftis wilfuli.
邪曲なる者の宗族は零落れ 賄賂の家は火に焚ん
35 He conseyuede sorewe, and childide wickidnesse, and his wombe makith redi tretcheries.
彼等は惡念を孕み 虚妄を生み その胎にて詭計を調ふ

< Job 15 >