< Jeremiah 40 >

1 The word that was maad of the Lord to Jeremye, aftir that he was delyuered of Nabusardan, maister of chyualrie, fro Rama, whanne he took hym boundun with chaynes, in the myddis of alle men that passiden fro Jerusalem, and fro Juda, and weren led in to Babyloyne.
Shoko rakasvika kuna Jeremia richibva kuna Jehovha mushure mokusunungurwa kwake paRama naNebhuzaradhani mukuru wavarindi. Akanga awana Jeremia akasungwa nengetani ari pakati pavatapwa vose vaibva kuJerusarema neJudha avo vakanga vachiendeswa kuutapwa kuBhabhironi.
2 Therfor the prince of chyualrie took Jeremye, and seide to hym, Thi Lord God spak this yuel on this place,
Mukuru wavarindi akati awana Jeremia, akati kwaari, “Jehovha Mwari wako akatenda kuti njodzi iyi iwire nzvimbo ino.
3 and the Lord hath brouyt, and hath do, as he spak; for ye synneden to the Lord, and herden not the vois of hym, and this word is doon to you.
Zvino Jehovha aita kuti zviitike, aita sezvaakareva kuti achaita. Izvi zvose zvakaitika nokuti imi vanhu makatadzira Jehovha uye hamuna kumuteerera.
4 Now therfor lo! Y haue releessid thee to dai fro the chaynes that ben in thin hondis; if it plesith thee to come with me in to Babiloyne, come thou, and Y schal sette myn iyen on thee; sotheli if it displesith thee to come with me in to Babiloyne, sitte thou here; lo! al the lond is in thi siyt, that that thou chesist, and whidur it plesith thee to go, thidur go thou,
Asi nhasi ndinokusunungura kubva pangetani dziri mumaoko ako. Uya tiende tose kuBhabhironi, kana uchida, ini ndichakuchengeta; asi kana usingadi, usauya. Tarira, nyika yose iri pamberi pako; enda hako kwose kwaunoda.”
5 and nyle thou come with me. But dwelle thou with Godolie, sone of Aicham, sone of Saphan, whom the kyng of Babiloyne made souereyn to the citees of Juda; therfor dwelle thou with hym in the myddis of the puple, ether go thou, whidir euer it plesith thee to go. And the maister of chyualrie yaf to hym metis, and yiftis, and lefte hym.
Kunyange zvakadaro hazvo, Jeremia asati atendeuka kuti aende, Nebhuzaradhani akaenderera mberi achiti, “Dzokera kuna Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami, mwanakomana waShafani uyo akagadzwa namambo weBhabhironi kuti ave mubati wemaguta eJudha, undogara naye pakati pavanhu, kana kuti woenda kwose kwaunoda.” Ipapo mukuru wavarindi akamupa zvokudya zvokutakura nezvipo akamurega achienda.
6 Forsothe Jeremye cam to Godolie, sone of Aicham, in to Masphat, and dwellide with hym, in the myddis of the puple that was left in the lond.
Saka Jeremia akaenda kuna Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami paMizipa akandogara naye pakati pavanhu vakanga vasara munyika.
7 And whanne alle princes of the oost hadden herd, that weren scatered bi cuntreis, thei and the felowis of hem, that the kyng of Babiloyne hadde maad Godolie souereyn of the lond, the sone of Aicham, and that he hadde bitake to Godolie men, and wymmen, and litle children, and of pore men of the lond, that weren not translatid in to Babiloyne,
Vakuru vehondo navanhu vakanga vachigara mumasango enyika vakati vanzwa kuti mambo weBhabhironi akanga agadza Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami kuti ave mubati wenyika uye kuti mambo akanga amuita mutariri wavarume, vakadzi navana, avo vakanga vari varombo zvakanyanya munyika uye vakanga vasina kuendeswa pautapwa kuBhabhironi,
8 thei camen to Godolie in Masphat; and Ismael, the sone of Nathanye, and Johannan, the sone of Caree, and Jonathan, and Sareas, the sone of Tenoemeth, and the sones of Offi, that weren of Nethophati, and Jeconye, the sone of Machati; bothe thei and her men camen to Godolie.
vakauya kuna Gedharia paMizipa, Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania, Johanani naJonatani vanakomana vaKarea, naSeraya mwanakomana waTanhumeti, mwanakomana waEfai muNetofati, naJaazania mwanakomana womuMaakati, ivo navanhu vavo.
9 And Godolie, sone of Aicham, sone of Saphan, swoor to hem, and to the felowis of hem, and seide, Nyle ye drede to serue Caldeis; but dwelle ye in the lond, and serue ye the kyng of Babiloyne, and it schal be wel to you.
Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami, mwanakomana waShafani, akapika mhiko yokuvasimbisa ivo navanhu vavo achiti, “Musatya kushandira vaBhabhironi. Garai henyu munyika mushandire mambo weBhabhironi, zvigokuitirai zvakanaka.
10 Lo! Y dwelle in Mesphath, for to answere to the comaundement of Caldeis, that ben sent to vs; forsothe gadere ye vyndage, and ripe corn, and oile, and kepe ye in youre vessels, and dwelle ye in youre citees whiche ye holden.
Ini pachangu ndichagara paMizipa kuti ndikumirirei pamberi pavaBhabhironi vanouya kwatiri, asi imi munofanira kukohwa waini, nezvibereko zvezhizha namafuta mugozviisa mumidziyo yenyu, mugogara mumaguta amakakunda.”
11 But also alle the Jewis, that weren in Moab, and in the oostis of Amon, and in Ydumee, and in alle the cuntreis, whanne it is herd, that the kyng of Babiloyne hadde youe residues, ether remenauntis, in Judee, and that he hadde maad souereyn on hem Godolie, the sone of Aicham, sone of Saphan,
VaJudha vose vaiva muMoabhu, muAmoni, nevemuEdhomu nedzimwe nyika dzose vakati vanzwa kuti mambo weBhabhironi akanga asiya vamwe vanhu muJudha uye kuti akanga agadza Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami, mwanakomana waShafani, somubati pamusoro pavo,
12 sotheli alle Jewis turneden ayen fro alle places, to whiche thei hadden fled; and thei camen in to the lond of Juda, to Godolie in Masphat, and gaderiden wyn and ripe corn ful myche.
vose vakadzoka kunyika yeJudha, kuna Gedharia paMizipa, vachibva kunyika dzose kwavakanga vakaparadzirwa. Uye vakakohwa waini yakawanda nezvibereko zvezhizha zvizhinji kwazvo.
13 Forsothe Johannan, the sone of Caree, and alle the princes of the oost, that weren scaterid in the cuntreis, camen to Godolie in Masphath,
Johanani mwanakomana waKarea navakuru vose vehondo vakanga vachiri kumasango vakauya kuna Gedharia paMizipa.
14 and seiden to hym, Wite thou, that Bahalis, kyng of the sones of Amon, hath sent Ismael, the sone of Nathanye, to smyte thi lijf. And Godolie, the sone of Aicham, bileuyde not to hem.
Vakati kwaari, “Hauzivi here kuti Bhaarisi mambo wavaAmoni atuma Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania kuti azokuuraya?” Asi Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami haana kuvatenda.
15 Forsothe Johannan, the sone of Caree, seide to Godolie asidis half in Masphath, and spak, Y schal go, and sle Ismael, the sone of Nathanye, while no man knowith, lest he sle thi lijf, and alle the Jewis ben scatered, that ben gaderid to thee, and the remenauntis of Juda schulen perische.
Ipapo Johanani mwanakomana waKarea akati kuna Gedharia muchivande vari paMizipa, “Rega ndinouraya Ishumaeri mwanakomana waNetania, uye hapana achazviziva. Anodirei kukuuraya nokuita kuti vaJudha vose vakaungana, vakakupoteredza, vaparadzirwe uye vakasara veJudha vaparare?”
16 And Godolie, the sone of Aicham, seide to Johannan, the sone of Caree, Nyle thou do this word, for thou spekist fals of Ismael.
Asi Gedharia mwanakomana waAhikami akati kuna Johanani mwanakomana waKarea, “Usaita chinhu chakadaro! Zvauri kutaura pamusoro paIshumaeri hazvisi zvechokwadi.”

< Jeremiah 40 >