< Jeremiah 37 >

1 And kyng Sedechie, the sone of Josie, regnede for Jeconye, the sone of Joachym, whom Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, made kyng in the lond of Juda.
Nebukadduneeza kabaka w’e Babulooni n’afuula Zeddekiya mutabani wa Yosiya kabaka wa Yuda okuba kabaka wa Yuda mu kifo kya Koniya mutabani wa Yekoyakimu.
2 And he, and hise seruauntis, and his puple obeieden not to the wordis of the Lord, whiche he spak in the hond of Jeremye, the profete.
Wabula ye wadde abakungu be wadde abantu ab’omu nsi tebaafaayo ku bigambo Mukama bye yali ayogedde ng’ayita mu nnabbi Yeremiya.
3 And kyng Sedechie sente Jothal, the sone of Selemye, and Sofonye, the preest, the sone of Maasie, to Jeremye, the profete, and seide, Preie thou for vs oure Lord God.
Wabula kabaka Zeddekiya n’atuma Yekukaali mutabani wa Seremiya ne Zeffaniya mutabani wa Maaseya kabona eri nnabbi Yeremiya, bamutegeeze nti, “Tusabire eri Mukama Katonda waffe.”
4 Forsothe Jeremye yede freli in the myddis of the puple; for thei hadden not sente hym in to the kepyng of the prisoun.
Awo Yeremiya yali alina eddembe okujja nga bw’ayagala mu bantu, kubanga yali tannaba kuteekebwa mu kkomera.
5 Therfor the oost of Farao yede out of Egipt, and Caldeis, that bisegiden Jerusalem, herden sich a message, and yeden awei fro Jerusalem.
Eggye lya Falaawo lyali livudde e Misiri era Abakaludaaya abaali balumbye Yerusaalemi bwe baakiwulira, ne bava e Yerusaalemi.
6 And the word of the Lord was maad to Jeremye, the profete,
Awo ekigambo kya Mukama ne kijjira nnabbi Yeremiya nga kigamba nti,
7 and seide, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Thus ye schulen seie to the kyng of Juda, that sente you to axe me, Lo! the oost of Farao, which yede out to you in to help, schal turne ayen in to his lond, in to Egipt.
“Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama, Katonda wa Isirayiri nti, Mugambe kabaka wa Yuda eyabatumye okunnebuuzako nti, ‘Eggye lya Falaawo erizze okubayambako, lijja kuddayo mu nsi yaalyo e Misiri.
8 And Caldeis schulen come ayen, and schulen fiyte ayens this citee, and schulen take it, and schulen brenne it bi fier.
Abakaludaaya bakomewo balumbe ekibuga kino; bajja kukiwamba bakyokye.’
9 The Lord seith these thingis, Nyle ye disseyue youre soulis, seiynge, Caldeis goynge schulen go a wey, and schulen departe fro vs; for thei schulen not go a wei.
“Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama nti, Temwerimbarimba nga mulowooza nti, ‘Abakaludaaya ddala baakutuleka.’ Tebajja kubaleka.
10 But thouy ye sleen al the oost of Caldeis, that fiyten ayens you, and summe woundid men of hem be left, ech man schal rise fro his tente, and thei schulen brenne this citee bi fier.
Wadde nga mwandiwangudde, eggye lyonna erya Babulooni eribalumbye, abatuusiddwako ebisago bokka nga be basigadde mu weema zaabwe, bandivuddeyo ne bookya ekibuga kino.”
11 Therfor whanne the oost of Caldeis hadde goon awei fro Jerusalem, for the oost of Farao, Jeremye yede out of Jerusalem,
Awo eggye ly’Abakaludaaya nga livudde mu Yerusaalemi olw’eggye lya Falaawo,
12 to go in to the lond of Beniamyn, and to departe there the possessioun in the siyt of citeseyns.
Yeremiya n’ava mu kibuga agende mu bitundu bya Benyamini afune omugabo gwe ogw’ebintu mu bantu eyo.
13 And whanne he was comun to the yate of Beniamyn, ther was a kepere of the yate bi whiles, Jerie bi name, the sone of Selemye, sone of Ananye; and he took Jeremye, the prophete, and seide, Thou fleest to Caldeis.
Naye bwe yatuuka ku mulyango gwa Benyamini, Omukulu w’abaserikale eyali ayitibwa Iriya mutabani wa Seremiya mutabani wa Kananiya n’amukwata n’agamba nti, “Ogenda kwegatta ku Bakaludaaya!”
14 And Jeremye answeride, It is fals; Y fle not to Caldeis. And he herde not Jeremye, but Jerie took Jeremye, and brouyte hym to the princes.
Yeremiya n’amuddamu nti, “Ompayiriza! Sigenda kusenga Bakaludaaya.” Naye Iriya n’atamuwuliriza; n’akwata Yeremiya n’amutwala eri abakungu.
15 Wherfor the princes weren wrooth ayens Jeremye, and beeten hym, and senten hym in to the prisoun, that was in the hous of Jonathas, the scryuen; for he was souereyn on the prisoun.
Baanyiigira Yeremiya ne bamukuba ne bamusibira mu nnyumba ya Yonasaani omuwandiisi, gye baali bafudde ekkomera.
16 Therfor Jeremye entride in to the hous of the lake, and in to the prisoun of trauel; and Jeremye sat there manye daies.
Yeremiya yateekebwa mu kasenge akaali mu kkomera mwe yamala ebbanga eddene.
17 Therfor kyng Sedechie sente, and took hym a wei, and axide hym priuyli in his hous, and seide, Gessist thou, whether a word is of the Lord? And Jeremye seide, Ther is. And Jeremye seide, Thou schalt be bitakun in to the hond of the kyng of Babiloyne.
Awo kabaka Zeddekiya n’amutumya n’amuleeta mu lubiri gye yamubuuliza mu kyama nti, “Olinayo ekigambo kyonna okuva eri Mukama?” Yeremiya n’addamu nti, “Weewaawo, ojja kuweebwayo eri kabaka w’e Babulooni.”
18 And Jeremye seide to Sedechie, the kyng, What haue Y synned to thee, and to thi seruauntis, and to thi puple, for thou hast sent me in to the hous of prisoun?
Awo Yeremiya n’agamba Kabaka Zeddekiya nti, “Musango ki gwe nzizizza gy’oli oba eri abakungu bo oba abantu bano; mulyoke munteeke mu kkomera?
19 Where ben youre profetis, that profesieden to you, and seiden, The king of Babiloyne schal not come on you, and on this lond?
Bannabbi bo baluwa abakulagula nti, ‘Kabaka w’e Babulooni tajja kukulumba ggwe wadde ensi eno?
20 Now therfor, my lord the kyng, Y biseche, here thou, my preier be worth in thi siyt, and sende thou not me ayen in to the hous of Jonathas, the scryuen, lest Y die there.
Naye kaakano mukama wange kabaka nsaba owulirize, nkwegayirira, tonzizaayo mu nnyumba ya Yonasaani omuwandiisi, kuba nandifiira eyo.’”
21 Therfor Sedechie comaundide, that Jeremye schulde be bitakun in to the porche of the prisoun, and that a cake of breed schulde be youun to hym ech dai, outakun seew, til alle looues of the citee weren wastid; and Jeremye dwellide in the porche of the prisoun.
Kabaka Zeddekiya n’alyoka alagira Yeremiya okuteekebwa mu luggya lw’abakuumi n’aweebwanga omugaati buli lunaku okuva ew’omufumbi waagyo mu Yerusaalemi, okutuusa emigaati lwe gyaggwa mu kibuga. Awo Yeremiya n’asigala mu luggya lw’abaserikale abakuumi.

< Jeremiah 37 >