< Jeremiah 27 >

1 In the bigynnyng of the rewme of Joachym, the sone of Josie, kyng of Juda, this word was maad of the Lord to Jeremye, and seide,
In principio regni Ioakim filii Iosiæ regis Iuda, factum est verbum istud ad Ieremiam a Domino, dicens:
2 The Lord seith these thingis to me, Make thou to thee boondis and chaynes, and thou schalt putte tho in thi necke;
Hæc dicit Dominus ad me: Fac tibi vincula, et catenas: et pones eas in collo tuo.
3 and thou schalt sende tho to the kyng of Edom, and to the kyng of Moab, and to the kyng of the sones of Amon, and to the kyng of Tyre, and to the kyng of Sidon, bi the hond of messangeris that camen to Jerusalem, and to Sedechie, kyng of Juda.
Et mittes eas ad regem Edom, et ad regem Moab, et ad regem filiorum Ammon, et ad regem Tyri, et ad regem Sidonis: in manu nunciorum qui venerunt Ierusalem ad Sedeciam regem Iuda.
4 And thou schalt comaunde to hem, that thei speke to her lordis, The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Ye schulen seie these thingis to youre lordis,
Et præcipies eis ut ad dominos suos loquantur: Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israel: Hæc dicetis ad dominos vestros:
5 Y made erthe, and man, and beestis that ben on the face of al erthe, in my greet strengthe, and in myn arm holdun forth; and Y yaf it to hym that plesyde bifore myn iyen.
Ego feci terram, et homines, et iumenta, quæ sunt super faciem terræ, in fortitudine mea magna, et in brachio meo extento: et dedi eam ei, qui placuit in oculis meis.
6 And now therfor Y yaf alle these londis in the hond of Nabugodonosor, my seruaunt, the kyng of Babiloyne; ferthermore and Y yaf to hym the beestis of the feeld, that thei serue hym.
Et nunc itaque ego dedi omnes terras istas in manu Nabuchodonosor regis Babylonis servi mei: insuper et bestias agri dedi ei ut serviant illi.
7 And alle folkis schulen serue hym, and his sone, and the sone of his sone, til the tyme of his lond and of hym come; and many folkis and grete kyngis schulen serue hym.
Et servient ei omnes gentes, et filio eius, et filio filii eius: donec veniat tempus terræ eius et ipsius: et servient ei gentes multæ, et reges magni.
8 Forsothe the folk and rewme that serueth not Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, and whoeuer bowith not his necke vndur the yok of the kyng of Babiloyne, Y schal visite on that folk in swerd, and hungur, and pestilence, seith the Lord, til Y waaste hem in his hond.
Gens autem et regnum, quod non servierit Nabuchodonosor regi Babylonis, et quicumque non curvaverit collum suum sub iugo regis Babylonis: in gladio, et in fame, et in peste visitabo super gentem illam, ait Dominus: donec consumam eos in manu eius.
9 Therfor nyle ye here youre profetis, and false dyuynouris, and dremeris, and dyuyneris bi chiteryng and fleyng of briddis, and witchis, that seien to you, Ye schulen not serue the kyng of Babiloyne;
Vos ergo nolite audire prophetas vestros, et divinos, et somniatores, et augures, et maleficos, qui dicunt vobis: Non servietis regi Babylonis.
10 for thei profesien a lessyng to you, that thei make you fer fro youre lond, and caste out you, and ye perische.
Quia mendacium prophetant vobis: ut longe vos faciant de terra vestra, et eiiciant vos, et pereatis.
11 Certis the folk that makith suget her nol vndur the yok of the kyng of Babiloyne, and serueth hym, Y schal dismytte it in his lond, seith the Lord; and it schal tile that lond, and schal dwelle therynne.
Porro gens, quæ subiecerit cervicem suam sub iugo regis Babylonis, et servierit ei; dimittam eam in terra sua, dicit Dominus: et colet eam, et habitabit in ea.
12 And Y spak bi alle these wordis to Sedechie, kyng of Juda, and Y seide, Make ye suget youre neckis vndur the yok of the kyng of Babiloyne, and serue ye hym, and his puple, and ye schulen lyue.
Et ad Sedeciam regem Iuda locutus sum secundum omnia verba hæc, dicens: Subiicite colla vestra sub iugo regis Babylonis, et servite ei, et populo eius, et vivetis.
13 Whi schulen ye die, thou and thi puple, bi swerd, and hungur, and pestilence, as the Lord spak to the folk, that nolde serue to the kyng of Babiloyne?
Quare moriemini tu et populus tuus gladio, et fame, et peste, sicut locutus est Dominus ad gentem, quæ servire noluerit regi Babylonis?
14 Nyle ye here the wordis of profetis seiynge to you, Ye schulen not serue the kyng of Babiloyne; for thei speken leesyng to you, for Y sente not hem, seith the Lord;
Nolite audire verba prophetarum dicentium vobis: Non servietis regi Babylonis: quia mendacium ipsi loquuntur vobis.
15 and thei profesien falsly in my name, that thei caste out you, and that ye perische, bothe ye and the profetis that profesien to you.
Quia non misi eos, ait Dominus: et ipsi prophetant in nomine meo mendaciter: ut eiiciant vos, et pereatis tam vos, quam prophetæ, qui vaticinantur vobis.
16 And Y spak to the preestis, and to this puple, and Y seide, The Lord God seith these thingis, Nyle ye here the wordis of youre profetis, that profesien to you, and seien, Lo! the vessels of the Lord schulen turne ayen now soone fro Babiloyne; for thei profesien a leesyng to you.
Et ad sacerdotes, et ad populum istum locutus sum, dicens: Hæc dicit Dominus: Nolite audire verba prophetarum vestrorum, qui prophetant vobis, dicentes: Ecce vasa Domini revertentur de Babylone nunc cito: Mendacium enim prophetant vobis.
17 Therfor nyle ye here hem, but serue ye to the kyng of Babiloyne, that ye lyue; whi is this citee youun in to wildirnesse?
Nolite ergo audire eos, sed servite regi Babylonis, ut vivatis. Quare datur hæc civitas in solitudinem?
18 And if thei ben profetis, and if the word of God is in hem, renne thei to the Lord of oostis, that the vessels whiche weren left in the hous of the Lord, and in the hous of the kyng of Juda, and in Jerusalem, come not in to Babiloyne.
Et si prophetæ sunt, et est verbum Domini in eis: occurrant Domino exercituum, ut non veniant vasa, quæ derelicta fuerant in domo Domini, et in domo regis Iuda, et in Ierusalem, in Babylonem.
19 For the Lord of oostis seith these thingis to the pilers, and to the see, that is, a greet waischyng vessel, and to the foundementis, and to the remenauntis of vessels, that weren left in this citee,
Quia hæc dicit Dominus exercituum ad columnas, et ad mare, et ad bases, et ad reliqua vasorum, quæ remanserunt in civitate hac:
20 whiche Nabugodonosor, king of Babiloyne, took not, whanne he translatide Jeconye, the sone of Joachim, king of Juda, fro Jerusalem in to Babiloyne, and alle the principal men of Juda and of Jerusalem.
quæ non tulit Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis, cum transferret Iechoniam filium Ioakim regem Iuda de Ierusalem in Babylonem, et omnes optimates Iuda et Ierusalem.
21 For the Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis to the vessels that ben left in the hous of the Lord, and in the hous of the king of Juda, and in Jerusalem, Tho schulen be translatid in to Babiloyne,
Quia hæc dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israel ad vasa, quæ derelicta sunt in domo Domini, et in domo regis Iuda et Ierusalem:
22 and schulen be there `til to the dai of her visitacioun, seith the Lord; and Y schal make tho to be brouyt, and to be restorid in this place.
In Babylonem transferentur, et ibi erunt usque ad diem visitationis suæ, dicit Dominus, et afferri faciam ea, et restitui in loco isto.

< Jeremiah 27 >