< Jeremiah 23 >

1 Wo to the scheepherdis, that scateren and to-drawen the floc of my lesewe, seith the Lord.
2 Therfor the Lord God of Israel seith these thingis to the scheepherdis, that feeden my puple, Ye han scaterid my floc, and han cast hem out, and han not visitid hem; lo! Y schal visite on you the malice of youre studies, seith the Lord.
耶和华—以色列的 神斥责那些牧养他百姓的牧人,如此说:“你们赶散我的羊群,并没有看顾他们;我必讨你们这行恶的罪。这是耶和华说的。
3 And Y schal gadere togidere the remenauntis of my floc fro alle londis, to whiche Y schal caste hem out thidur; and Y schal turne hem to her feeldis, and thei schulen encreesse, and schulen be multiplied.
4 And Y schal reise schepherdis on hem, and thei schulen feede hem; thei schulen no more drede, and schulen not be aferd; and noon schal be souyt of the noumbre seith the Lord.
5 Lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal reise a iust buriownyng to Dauid; and he schal regne a kyng, and he schal be wijs, and he schal make doom and riytfulnesse in erthe.
6 In tho daies Juda schal be sauid, and Israel schal dwelle tristili; and this is the name which thei schulen clepe hym, The Lord oure riytful.
7 For this thing lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and thei schulen no more seie, The Lord lyueth, that ledde the sones of Israel out of the lond of Egipt;
8 but, The Lord lyueth, that ledde out, and brouyte the seed of the hous of Israel fro the lond of the north, and fro alle londis to whiche Y hadde cast hem out thidur; and thei schulen dwelle in her lond.
9 To the prophetis; Myn herte is contrit in the myddis of me, alle my boonys trembliden togidere; Y am maad as a man drunkun, and as a man weet of wyn, of the face of the Lord, and of the face of the hooli wordis of hym;
论到那些先知, 我心在我里面忧伤, 我骨头都发颤; 因耶和华和他的圣言, 我像醉酒的人, 像被酒所胜的人。
10 for the lond is fillid with auowteris. For the erthe mourenede of the face of cursyng; the feeldis of desert ben maad drie, the cours of hem is maad yuel, and her strengthe is vnlijk.
地满了行淫的人! 因妄自赌咒,地就悲哀; 旷野的草场都枯干了。 他们所行的道乃是恶的; 他们的勇力使得不正。
11 For whi the profete and the prest ben defoulid; and in myn hous, seith the Lord, Y foond the yuel of hem.
连先知带祭司都是亵渎的, 就是在我殿中我也看见他们的恶。 这是耶和华说的。
12 Therfor the weie of hem schal be as slidur in derknessis, for thei schulen be hurtlid, and schulen falle doun therynne; for Y schal bringe on hem yuels, the yeer of visitacioun of hem, seith the Lord.
因此,他们的道路必像黑暗中的滑地, 他们必被追赶,在这路中仆倒; 因为当追讨之年, 我必使灾祸临到他们。 这是耶和华说的。
13 And in the profetis of Samarie Y siy fonnednesse, and thei profesieden in Baal, and disseyueden my puple Israel.
我在撒马利亚的先知中曾见愚妄; 他们借巴力说预言, 使我的百姓以色列走错了路。
14 And in the profetis of Jerusalem Y siy licnesse, auoutrie, and the weie of leesyng; and thei confortiden the hondis of the worste men, that ech man schulde not conuerte fro his malice; alle thei ben maad as Sodom to me, and alle the dwellers therof `ben maad as Gommorre.
我在耶路撒冷的先知中曾见可憎恶的事; 他们行奸淫,做事虚妄, 又坚固恶人的手, 甚至无人回头离开他的恶。 他们在我面前都像所多玛; 耶路撒冷的居民都像蛾摩拉。
15 Therfor the Lord of oostis seith these thingis to the prophetis, Lo! Y schal feed hem with wermod, and Y schal yyue drynke to hem with galle; for whi defoulyng is goen out of the profetis of Jerusalem on al the lond.
所以万军之耶和华论到先知如此说: 我必将茵 给他们吃, 又将苦胆水给他们喝; 因为亵渎的事出于耶路撒冷的先知,流行遍地。
16 The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Nyle ye here the wordis of profetis, that profesien to you, and disseyuen you; thei speken the visioun of her herte, not of the mouth of the Lord.
17 Thei seien to hem that blasfemen me, The Lord spak, Pees schal be to you; and thei seiden to ech man that goith in the schrewidnesse of his herte, Yuel schal not come on you.
18 For whi who is present in the councel of the Lord, and siy, and herde his word? who bihelde, and herde the word of hym?
有谁站在耶和华的会中 得以听见并会悟他的话呢? 有谁留心听他的话呢?
19 Lo! the whirlewynd of the Lordis indignacioun schal go out, and tempest brekynge schal come on the heed of wickid men.
看哪!耶和华的忿怒 好像暴风,已经发出; 是暴烈的旋风, 必转到恶人的头上。
20 The strong veniaunce of the Lord schal not turne ayen, til that he do, and til that he fille the thouyt of his herte. In the laste daies ye schulen vndurstonde the councel of hym.
耶和华的怒气必不转消, 直到他心中所拟定的成就了。 末后的日子你们要全然明白。
21 Y sente not the profetis, and thei runnen; Y spak not to hem, and thei profesieden.
我没有打发那些先知, 他们竟自奔跑; 我没有对他们说话, 他们竟自预言。
22 If thei hadden stonde in my councel, and hadde maad knowun my wordis to my puple, forsothe Y hadde turned hem awei fro her yuel weie, and fro her worste thouytis.
他们若是站在我的会中, 就必使我的百姓听我的话, 又使他们回头离开恶道和他们所行的恶。
23 Gessist thou, whether Y am God of niy, seith the Lord, and not God afer?
耶和华说:“我岂为近处的 神呢?不也为远处的 神吗?”
24 A man schal not be priuy in hid places, and Y schal not se hym, seith the Lord. Whether Y fille not heuene and erthe? seith the Lord.
25 Y herde what thingis the profetis seiden, profesiynge a leesyng in my name, and seiynge, Y dremede dremes.
26 Hou longe is this thing in the herte of profetis, profesiynge a leesyng, and profesiynge the disseite of her herte?
27 Whiche wolen make, that my puple foryete my name for the dremes of hem, which ech man tellith to his neiybore, as the fadris of hem foryaten my name for Baal.
28 A profete that hath a dreme, telle a dreem; and he that hath my word, speke verili my word. What is with chaffis to the wheete? seith the Lord.
29 Whether my wordis ben not as fier brennynge, seith the Lord, and as an hamer al to-brekynge a stoon?
30 Therfor lo! Y am redi to the profetis, seith the Lord, that stelen my wordis, ech man fro his neiybore.
31 Lo! Y to the profetis, seith the Lord, that taken her tungis, and seien, The Lord seith.
32 Lo! Y to the profetis, dremynge a leesyng, seith the Lord; which telden tho, and disseyueden my puple in her leesyng, and in her myraclis, whanne Y hadde not sente hem, nether hadde comaundide to hem; whiche profitiden no thing to this puple, seith the Lord.
33 Therfor if this puple, ether profete, ether prest, axith thee, and seith, What is the birthun of the Lord? thou schalt seie to hem, Ye ben the birthun, for Y schal caste you awei, seith the Lord;
34 and a profete, and a prest, and the puple, that seith, The birthun of the Lord, Y schal visite on that man, and on his hous.
35 Ye schulen seie these thingis, ech man to his neiybore, and to his brother, What answeride the Lord? and what spak the Lord?
36 For the birthun of the Lord schal no more be remembrid, and the word of ech man schal be birthun to hym; and ye han peruertid the wordis of lyuynge God, of the Lord of oostis, youre God.
‘耶和华的默示’你们不可再提,各人所说的话必作自己的重担,因为你们谬用永生 神、万军之耶和华—我们 神的言语。
37 Thou schalt seie these thingis to the profete, What answeride the Lord to thee? and what spak the Lord?
38 Forsothe if ye seien, The birthin of the Lord, for this thing the Lord seith these thingis, For ye seiden this word, The birthun of the Lord, and Y sente to you, and Y seide, Nyle ye seie, The birthun of the Lord; therfor lo!
39 Y schal take you awei, and schal bere, and Y schal forsake you, and the citee which Y yaf to you, and to youre fadris, fro my face.
40 And Y schal yyue you in to euerlastynge schenschipe, and in to euerlastynge sclaundir, that schal neuere be doon awei bi foryetyng.

< Jeremiah 23 >