< Jeremiah 10 >

1 The hous of Israel, here ye the word which the Lord spak on you.
Nụrụnụ ihe Onyenwe anyị na-agwa unu, ụmụ Izrel.
2 The Lord seith these thingis, Nyle ye lerne aftir the weies of hethene men, and nyle ye drede of the signes of heuene, whiche signes hethene men dreden.
Nʼihi na otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwuru, “Unu amụtala ụzọ ndị mba ọzọ, unu atụkwala ụjọ ihe ịrịbama niile nke na-apụta ihe na mbara eluigwe, ọ bụ ezie na ndị mba dị iche iche na-atụ ha ụjọ.
3 For the lawis of puplis ben veyn, for whi the werk of hondis of a crafti man hath kit doun with an axe a tre of the forest.
Nʼihi na omenaala ndị mmadụ ahụ abaghị uru. Ha na-aba nʼọhịa gbute osisi, nke onye ǹka osisi na-eji anyụike pịara ha ihe.
4 He made it fair with siluer and gold; with naylis and hameris he ioynede it togidere, that it be not loosid.
Ha na-eji ọlaọcha na ọlaedo chọọ ihe ahụ a pịrị apị mma, jiri mkpirisi igwe na ǹtu kụọ ya ka o sie ike, ka ọ ghara ịda.
5 Idols ben maad in the licnesse of a palm tree, and schulen not speke; tho schulen be takun and be borun, for tho moun not go; therfor nyle ye drede tho, for tho moun nether do yuel, nethir wel.
Arụsị ha yiri osisi eguzobere nʼubi kukumba maka iji chụọ anụ ufe ọsọ, ha adịghị ekwu okwu. A na-ebugharị ha nʼaka nʼihi na ha adịghị eje ije. Unu atụla ha egwu, nʼihi na ha apụghị imerụ unu ahụ, ha enwekwaghị ike imere unu ihe ọma ọbụla.”
6 Lord, noon is lijk thee; thou art greet, and thi name is greet in strengthe.
O nweghị onye dịka gị, Onyenwe anyị. Ị dị ukwuu. Aha gị dị ukwuu, na-arụpụtakwa ihe dị ike.
7 A! thou king of folkis, who schal not drede thee? for whi onour is thin among alle wise men of hethene men, and in alle the rewmes of hem noon is lijk thee.
Onye ka ọ bụ nke na-ekwesighị ịtụ gị egwu? Ọ bụ gị bụ eze mba niile. Ọ bụkwa gị ka e kwesiri ịtụ egwu. Nʼetiti ndị niile maara ihe na mba niile, na nʼalaeze niile, ọ dịghị onye dịka gị.
8 Thei schulen be preued, vnwise and foolis togidere; the techyng of her vanyte is a tre.
Ha niile bụ ndị na-enweghị uche na ndị nzuzu. Ọ bụkwa arụsị osisi na-abaghị uru na-ezi ha ihe.
9 Siluer wlappid is brouyt fro Tharsis, and gold fro Ophaz; it is the werk of a crafti man, and of the hond of a worchere in metel; iacynct and purpur ben the clothing of tho; alle these thingis ben the werk of werk men.
A na-esite na Tashish bubata ọlaọcha e tipịaziri nke ọma, site na Ụfaz bubata ọlaedo. Ihe ahụ nke ọka osisi pịrị, nke ndị ọkpụ ụzụ ọlaedo chọrọ mma ka a na-eyikwasị uwe na-acha anụnụ anụnụ, na uwe na-acha odo odo. Ọ bụkwa ndị ǹka dị iche iche na-eme ha niile.
10 Forsothe the Lord is veri God; he is God lyuynge, and a kyng euerlastynge; the erthe schal be mouyd togidere of his indignacioun, and hethene men schulen not suffre the manaassing of hym.
Ma naanị Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke nʼezie. Ọ bụ Chineke dị ndụ, na Eze nke ebighị ebi. Mgbe iwe were ya, ụwa na-ama jijiji. Mba niile apụghịkwa ịnagide iwe ya dị ọkụ.
11 Therfor thus ye schulen seie to hem, Goddis that maden not heuene and erthe, perische fro erthe, and fro these thingis that ben vndur heuene.
“Ihe ndị a ka unu ga-agwa ha, ‘Chi ndị ahụ niile a na-esiteghị nʼaka ha mee eluigwe na ụwa niile ga-ala nʼiyi. A ga-ewezuga ha site nʼụwa na nʼokpuru eluigwe niile.’”
12 He is God, that makith the erthe in his strengthe, makith redi the world in his wisdom, and stretchith forth heuenes bi his prudence.
Ma Chineke sitere nʼike ya mee ụwa. Ọ tọrọ ntọala ụwa mee ka o guzosie ike site nʼamamihe ya, ọ jikwa nghọta ya setịpụ eluigwe niile.
13 At his vois he yyueth the multitude of watris in heuene, and he reisith mystis fro the endis of erthe; he makith leitis into reyn, and ledith out wynd of his tresouris.
Mgbe o bigbọrọ, mmiri niile nke dị nʼeluigwe na-ebigbọkwa. Ọ na-eme ka igwe ojii site na nsọtụ niile nke ụwa kwụlie. Ọ na-ezipụ amụma mgbe mmiri na-ezo, na-esitekwa nʼụlọ nkwakọba ihe ya niile na-ewepụta ifufe.
14 Ech man is maad a fool of kunnyng, ech crafti man is schent in a grauun ymage; for whi that that he wellide togidere is fals, and no spirit is in tho.
Onye ọbụla bụ onye na-enweghị uche nke ihe ọmụma kọrọ. Emeela ka ihere mee onye ọkpụ ụzụ ọlaedo ọbụla site nʼarụsị ọ kpụrụ. Nʼihi na oyiyi niile ọ na-akpụ bụ aghụghọ; ha enweghị nkuume ọbụla nʼime ha.
15 Tho ben veyn, and a werk worthi of scorn; tho schulen perische in the tyme of her visitacioun.
Ha bụ ihe efu, na ihe ịkwa emo, mgbe ikpe ọmụma ha bịakwasịrị ha, ha ga-ala nʼiyi.
16 The part of Jacob is not lijk these, for he that formede alle thingis is God of Jacob, and Israel is the yerde of his eritage; the Lord of oostis is name to hym.
Ma Onye ahụ bụ Oke Jekọb adịghị ka ihe ndị a, nʼihi na Ọ bụ ya na-eke ihe niile, tinyere Izrel bụ ebo nke ihe nketa ya. Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile bụ aha ya.
17 Thou that dwellist in bisegyng, gadere fro the lond thi schenschipe;
Chịkọtaanụ ngwongwo unu niile; nọọnụ na njikere ịhapụ ala a, nʼihi na lee, ndị iro gbara unu gburugburu.
18 for the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal caste awei fer the dwelleris of the loond in this while; and Y schal yyue tribulacioun to hem, so that thei be not foundun.
Nʼihi na ihe ndị a ka Onyenwe anyị kwuru, “Nʼoge a, aga m amafu ndị niile bi nʼala a. M ga-eme ka oke mkpagbu bịakwasị ha, meekwa ka ndị iro ha jide ha.”
19 Wo to me on my sorewe, my wounde is ful yuel; forsothe Y seide, Pleynli this is my sikenesse, and Y schal bere it.
Ahụhụ dịịrị m nʼihi mmerụ ahụ m merụrụ. Ọnya dị m nʼahụ enweghị ọgwụgwọ. Ma ana m akasị onwe m obi na-asị, “Nʼezie, ọrịa a dakwasịrị m bụ ọrịa m, aga m edikwa ya.”
20 My tabernacle is distried, alle my roopis ben brokun; my sones yeden out fro me, and ben not; noon is that schal stretche forth more my tente, and schal reyse my skynnes.
Ebibiela ụlọ ikwu m, e tibisiala ụdọ ya niile. Ụmụ m ndị ikom esitela nʼebe m nọ pụọ, ha anọkwaghị ya. Ọ dịkwaghị onye fọdụrụ nke ga-enyere m aka isetipụ ụlọ ikwu m, maọbụ onye ga-edoziri m ebe m ga-anọ zuo ike.
21 For the scheepherdis diden folili, and souyten not the Lord; therfor thei vndurstoden not, and alle the flok of hem is scaterid.
Nʼihi na ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ a enweghị uche. Ha adịghị ajụta ase site nʼaka Onyenwe anyị, ya mere, na ihe adịghị agara ha nke ọma, igwe atụrụ ha niile agbasasịakwala.
22 Lo! the vois of hering cometh, and a greet mouynge togidere fro the lond of the north, that it sette the citees of Juda in to wildirnesse, and a dwellynge place of dragouns.
Gee ntị, nụrụ! Lee ozi na-abịa, oke ụzụ nke ọgbaaghara site nʼala dị nʼugwu, ime ka obodo niile nke Juda tọgbọrọ nʼefu, ghọọkwa ebe obibi nye nkịta ọhịa.
23 Lord, Y woot, that the weie of a man is not of hym, nether it is of a man that he go, and dresse hise steppis.
O Onyenwe anyị, amaara m na ụzọ mmadụ adịghị nʼaka ya, na ọ bụghị mmadụ ka ọ dịịrị ịtụziri onwe ya ụzọ nke ọ ga-agbaso.
24 Lord, chastise thou me; netheles in doom and not in thi strong veniaunce, lest perauenture thou dryue me to nouyt.
Ya mere, Onyenwe anyị, site nʼụzọ nke ikpe ziri ezi dọọ m aka na ntị, ma ọ bụghị site nʼiwe gị, ma ọ bụghị ya, ị ga-eme ka m ghọọ ihe efu.
25 Schede out thin indignacioun on hethene men that knewen not thee, and on prouynces that clepiden not thi name to help; for thei eeten Jacob, and deuouriden hym, and wastiden hym, and destrieden the onour of hym.
Wụkwasị ọnụma gị nʼelu mba niile dị iche iche bụ ndị na-amaghị gị, wụkwasịkwa ya ndị ahụ niile na-adịghị akpọku aha gị. Nʼihi na ha eripịala Jekọb, ha eripịala ya kpamkpam, bibiekwa ebe obibi ya.

< Jeremiah 10 >