< James 1 >

1 James, the seruaunt of God, and of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, to the twelue kinredis, that ben in scatering abrood, helthe.
Xoossaanne Godaa Yesuus Kiristtoosa aylley, Yayqoobi, biitta ubban laalettida tammanne nam77u sheeshatas kiittida kiita. Saro, ay mela de7eetii?
2 My britheren, deme ye al ioye, whanne ye fallen in to diuerse temptaciouns, witynge,
Ta ishato, hinttena dumma dumma paacey gakkiya wode hintte lo77obaa demmidaada kumetha ufayssan ekkite.
3 that the preuyng of youre feith worchith pacience;
Hintte ammanuwa paacetethay dandda7a hinttew immeyssa ereeta.
4 and pacience hath a perfit werk, that ye be perfit and hole, and faile in no thing.
Hintte wurssethi gakkanaw dandda7ikko aybi pacey baynna polonne kumethi gideta.
5 And if ony of you nedith wisdom, axe he of God, which yyueth to alle men largeli, and vpbreidith not; and it schal be youun to hym.
Hinttefe oodeskka cinccatethi dhayikko Xoossaa woosso. Iyaw imettana. Xoossay oonakka boronna ubbaas keehatethan immiya Xoosse.
6 But axe he in feith, and doute no thing; for he that doutith, is lijk to a wawe of the see, which is moued and borun a boute of wynde.
Shin I woossiya wode sidhonna ammanon Xoossaa woosso. Sidhiya oonikka carkkoy sugin qaaxxiya abbaa zule mela.
7 Therfor gesse not the ilke man, that he schal take ony thing of the Lord.
Nam77u qofi de7eynne ba ogiyan eqqonna oonikka Godaappe aykkoka demmana gidi qoppofo.
8 A man dowble in soule is vnstable in alle hise weies.
9 And a meke brother haue glorie in his enhaunsyng,
Ammaniya manqo asati, Xoossay enttana dhoqqu oothiya wode ufaytto.
10 and a riche man in his lownesse; for as the flour of gras he schal passe.
Qassi ammaniyaa dure asati Xoossay enttana ziqqi oothiya wode ufaytto. Dure asati ciishshada dhayana.
11 The sunne roos vp with heete, and driede the gras, and the flour of it felde doun, and the fairnesse of his chere perischide; and so a riche man welewith in hise weies.
Away ba mishaara keyidi maataa melisin, ciishshay serees; iya lo77otethayka dhayees. Hessadakka, dure asati bantta oosuwan daaburishe dhayana.
12 Blessid is the man, that suffrith temptacioun; for whanne he schal be preued, he schal resseyue the coroun of lijf, which God biheyte to men that louen hym.
Metuwa xoonidi aadhdhidaappe guye, Xoossay bana siiqeyssatas immana gidi qaala gelida de7o kallachcha ekkana gisho, meton gencciya asi anjjettidayssa.
13 No man whanne he is temptid, seie, that he is temptid of God; for whi God is not a temptere of yuele thingis, for he temptith no man.
Oonikka paacettiya wode, “Tana Xoossay paaces” gooppo. Xoossay iitan paacettenna; qassi I oonakka paaccenna.
14 But ech man is temptid, drawun and stirid of his owne coueiting.
Shin issi issi asi ba iita amuwaan gooshettiya wodenne cimettiya wode paacettees.
15 Aftirward coueityng, whanne it hath conseyued, bringith forth synne; but synne, whanne it is fillid, gendrith deth.
Hessafe guye, amotethi qanthattidi nagara yelees; qassi nagari diccidi hayqo yelees.
16 Therfor, my most dereworthe britheren, nyle ye erre.
Ta siiqo ishato, cimettofite.
17 Ech good yifte, and ech perfit yifte is from aboue, and cometh doun fro the fadir of liytis, anentis whom is noon other chaungyng, ne ouerschadewyng of reward.
Lo77o imoynne kumetha anjjo ubbay saloppenne saluwa poo7uwa medhdhida Xoossaa aawappe yees. Xoossay kuyada ubba wode laamettenna.
18 For wilfulli he bigat vs bi the word of treuthe, that we be a bigynnyng of his creature.
Nuuni, iya medhetethaas koyro gidana mela nuna tuma qaalan ba shenen yelis.
19 Wite ye, my britheren moost loued, be ech man swift to here, but slow to speke, and slow to wraththe;
Ta siiqo ishato, hayssa akeekite. Asi ubbay si7anaw elleso, shin odettanawunne hanqettanaw ellesoppo.
20 for the wraththe of man worchith not the riytwisnesse of God.
Asa hanqoy Xoossay koyaa xillotethaa ehenna.
21 For which thing caste ye awei al vnclennesse, and plentee of malice, and in myldenesse resseyue ye the word that is plauntid, that may saue youre soulis.
Hessa gisho, tuna hanotanne iitatetha ubbaa diggidi, Xoossay hintte wozanan tokkida hintte shemppuwa ashshanaw dandda7iya qaala aadatethan ekkite.
22 But be ye doeris of the word, and not hereris oneli, disseiuynge you silf.
Shin Xoossaa qaala ooson peeshshiteppe attin sissa xalaalan hinttena cimmofite.
23 For if ony man is an herere of the word, and not a doere, this schal be licned to a man that biholdith the cheer of his birthe in a mirour;
Qaalaa si7idi oothonna asi, I ba som77uwa masttoten be7iya asa mela.
24 for he bihelde hym silf, and wente awei, and anoon he foryat which he was.
I ba som77uwa be7idi bees, shin I ay daaniyakko ellesi dogees.
25 But he that biholdith in the lawe of perfit fredom, and dwellith in it, and is not maad a foryetful herere, but a doere of werk, this schal be blessid in his dede.
Shin oonikka aylletethafe kessiya polo higgiya akeekan be7idi, kaallidi naagey, si7idayssa dogonna ooson peeshshiya uray, ba ooso ubban anjjettana.
26 And if ony man gessith hym silf to be religiouse, and refreyneth not his tunge, but disseyueth his herte, the religioun of him is veyn.
Ba inxarssaa naagonna ammanays giya uray bana cimmees; iya ammanoy hada.
27 A clene religioun, and an vnwemmed anentis God and the fadir, is this, to visite fadirles and modirles children, and widewis in her tribulacioun, and to kepe hym silf vndefoulid fro this world.
Xoossaa Aawa sinthan borey baynna geeshsha ammanoy hayssa: aaya aawu baynna naytanne am77eta maadonne alamiya tunaappe bana naago.

< James 1 >