< Isaiah 66 >

1 The Lord seith these thingis, Heuene is my seete, and the erthe is the stool of my feet. Which is this hous, which ye schulen bilde to me, and which is this place of my reste?
ヱホバ如此いひたまふ 天はわが位地はわが足臺なり なんぢら我がために如何なる家をたてんとするか 又いかなる處かわが休憩の場とならん
2 Myn hond made alle these thingis, and alle these thingis ben maad, seith the Lord; but to whom schal Y biholde, no but to a pore man and contrit in spirit, and greetli dredynge my wordis?
ヱホバ宣給く 我手はあらゆる此等のものを造りてこれらの物ことごとく成れり 我はただ苦しみまた心をいため我がことばを畏れをののくものを顧みるなりと
3 He that offrith an oxe, is as he that sleeth a man; he that sleeth a scheep, is as he that brayneth a dogge; he that offrith an offryng, is as he that offrith swynes blood; he that thenketh on encense, is as he that blessith an idol; thei chesiden alle thes thingis in her weies, and her soule delitide in her abhomynaciouns.
牛をほふるものは人をころす者のごとく 羔を犠牲とするものは狗をくびりころす者のごとく 祭物をささぐるものは豕の血をささぐる者のごとく 香をたくものは偶像をほむる者のごとし 彼等はおのが途をえらみその心ににくむべき者をたのしみとせり
4 Wherfor and Y schal chese the scornyngis of hem, and Y schal brynge to hem tho thingis whiche thei dredden; for Y clepide, and noon was that answeride; Y spak, and thei herden not; and thei diden yuel bifor myn iyen, and chesiden tho thingis whiche Y nolde.
我もまた災禍をえらびて彼等にあたへ その懼るるところの事を彼らに臨ましめん そは我よびしとき應ふるものなく我かたりしとき聽ことをせざりき わが目にあしき事をおこなひわが好まざる事をえらみたればなり
5 Here ye the word of the Lord, whiche quaken at his word; youre britheren hatynge you, and castynge a wey for my name, seiden, The Lord be glorified, and we schulen se in youre gladnesse; forsothe thei schulen be schent.
なんぢらヱホバの言をおそれをののく者よヱホバの言をきけ なんぢらの兄弟なんぢらを憎みなんぢらをわが名のために逐出していふ 願くはヱホバその榮光をあらはして我儕になんぢらの歡喜を見せしめよと 然どかれらは恥をうけん
6 The vois of the puple fro the citee, the vois fro the temple, the vois of the Lord yeldynge a reward to hise enemyes.
騒亂るこゑ邑よりきこえ聲ありて宮よりきこゆ 此はヱホバその仇にむくいをなしたまふ聲なり
7 Bifor that sche trauelide of child, sche childide; bifor that the sorewe of hir child beryng cam, sche childide a sone.
シオンは產のなやみを知ざるさきに生 その劬勞きたらざるさきに男子をうみいだせり
8 Who herde euere suche a thing, and who siy a thing lijk this? Whether the erthe schal trauele of child in o dai, ether whether a folk schal be childide togidere? For whi Sion trauelede of child, and childide hir sones.
誰がかかる事をききしや誰がかかる類をみしや 一の國はただ一日のくるしみにて成べけんや 一つの國民は一時にうまるべけんや 然どシオンはくるしむ間もなく直にその子輩をうめり
9 Whether that Y `my silf that make othere to bere child, schal not ber child? seith the Lord. Whether Y that yyue generacioun to othere men, schal be bareyn? seith thi Lord God.
ヱホバ言給く われ產にのぞましめしに何でうまざらしめんや なんぢの神いひたまはく 我はうましむる者なるにいかで胎をとざさんや
10 Be ye glad with Jerusalem, and alle ye that louen that, make ful out ioye ther ynne; alle ye that mourenen on that Jerusalem, make ye ioye with it in ioie;
ヱルサレムを愛するものよ皆かれとともに喜べ かれの故をもてたのしめ 彼のために悲めるものよ皆かれとともに喜びたのしめ
11 that bothe ye souke, and be fillid of the tetis and coumfort therof, that ye mylke, and flowe in delicis, of al maner glorie therof.
そはなんぢら乳をすふ如くヱルサレムの安慰をうけて飽ことを得ん また乳をしぼるごとくその豐なる榮をうけておのづから心さわやかならん
12 For whi the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal bowe doun on it, as a flood of pees, and as a flowynge streem the glorie of hethene men, which ye schulen souke; ye schulen be borun at tetis, and on knees thei schulen speke plesauntly to you.
ヱホバ如此いひたまふ 視よわれ河のごとく彼に平康をあたへ 漲ぎる流のごとく彼にもろもろの國の榮をあたへん 而して汝等これをすひ背におはれ膝におかれて樂しむべし
13 As if a modir spekith faire to ony child, so Y schal coumforte you, and ye schulen be coumfortid in Jerusalem.
母のその子をなぐさむるごとく我もなんぢらを慰めん なんぢらはヱルサレムにて安慰をうべし
14 Ye schulen se, and youre herte schal haue ioie, and youre boonys schulen buriowne as an erbe. And the hond of the Lord schal be knowun in hise seruauntis, and he schal haue indignacioun to hise enemyes.
なんぢら見て心よろこばん なんぢらの骨は若草のさかゆるごとくだるべし ヱホバの手はその僕等にあらはれ又その仇をはげしく怒りたまはん
15 For lo! the Lord schal come in fier, and as a whirlwynd hise charis, to yelde in indignacioun hise strong veniaunce, and his blamyng in the flawme of fier.
視よヱホバは火中にあらはれて來りたまふその 車輦ははやちのごとし 烈しき威勢をもてその怒をもらし火のほのほをもてその譴をほどこし給はん
16 For whi the Lord schal deme in fier, and in hys swerd to ech fleisch; and slayn men of the Lord schulen be multiplied,
ヱホバは火をもて劍をもてよろづの人を刑ひたまはん ヱホバに刺殺さるるもの多かるべし
17 that weren halewid, and gessiden hem cleene, in gardyns aftir o yate with ynne; that eten swynes fleisch, and abhomynacioun, and a mows, thei schulen be waastid togidere, seith the Lord.
ヱホバ宣給く みづからを潔くしみづからを別ちて園にゆき その中にある木の像にしたがひ 豕の肉けがれたる物および鼠をくらふ者はみな共にたえうせん
18 Forsothe Y come to gadere togidere the werkis of hem, and the thouytis of hem, with alle folkis and langagis; and thei schulen come, and schulen se my glorie.
我かれらの作爲とかれらの思念とをしれり 時きたらばもろもろの國民ともろもろの族とをあつめん 彼等きたりてわが榮光をみるべし
19 And Y schal sette a signe in hem, and Y schal sende of hem that ben sauyd to hethene men, in to the see, in to Affrik, and in to Liddia, and to hem that holden arowe, in to Italie, and Greek lond, to ilis fer, to hem that herden not of me, and sien not my glorie. And thei schulen telle my glorie to hethene men,
我かれらのなかに一つの休徴をたてて逃れたる者をもろもろの國すなはちタルシシよく弓をひくブル、ルデおよびトバル、ヤワン又わが聲名をきかずわが榮光をみざる遙かなる諸島につかはさん 彼等はわが榮光をもろもろの國にのべつたふべし
20 and thei schulen brynge alle youre britheren of alle folkis a yifte to the Lord, in horsis, and charis, and in literis, and in mulis, and in cartis, to myn hooli hil, Jerusalem, seith the Lord; as if the sones of Israel bryngen a yifte in a cleene vessel in to the hous of the Lord.
ヱホバいひ給ふ かれらはイスラエルの子輩がきよき器にそなへものをもりてヱホバの家にたづさへきたるが如く なんぢらの兄弟をもろもろの國の中よりたづさへて馬 車 轎 騾 駱駝にのらしめ わが聖山ヱルサレムにきたらせてヱホバの祭物とすべし
21 And Y schal take of hem in to preestis and dekenes, seith the Lord.
ヱホバいひ給ふ 我また彼等のうちより人をえらびて祭司としレビ人とせんと
22 For as newe heuenes and newe erthe, whiche Y make to stonde bifore me, seith the Lord, so youre seed schal stonde, and youre name.
ヱホバ宣給く わが造らんとする新しき天とあたらしき地とわが前にながくとどまる如く なんちの裔となんぢの名はながくとどまらん
23 And a monethe schal be of monethe, and a sabat of sabat; ech man schal come for to worschipe bifore my face, seith the Lord.
24 And thei schulen go out, and schulen se the careyns of men, that trespassiden ayens me; the worm of hem schal not die, and the fier of hem schal not be quenchid; and thei schulen be `til to fillyng of siyt to ech man.
かれら出てわれに逆きたる人の屍をみん その蛆しなずその火きえず よろづの人にいみきらはるべし

< Isaiah 66 >