< Isaiah 60 >

1 Rise thou, Jerusalem, be thou liytned, for thi liyt is comun, and the glorie of the Lord is risun on thee.
Surge illuminare Ierusalem: quia venit lumen tuum, et gloria Domini super te orta est.
2 For lo! derknessis schulen hile the erthe, and myist schal hile puplis; but the Lord schal rise on thee, and his glorie schal be seyn in thee.
Quia ecce tenebræ operient terram, et caligo populos: super te autem orietur Dominus, et gloria eius in te videbitur.
3 And hethene men schulen go in thi liyt, and kyngis `schulen go in the schynyng of thi risyng.
Et ambulabunt gentes in lumine tuo, et reges in splendore ortus tui.
4 Reise thin iyen in cumpas, and se; alle these men ben gaderid togidere, thei ben comun to thee; thi sones schulen come fro fer, and thi douytris schulen rise fro the side.
Leva in circuitu oculos tuos, et vide: omnes isti congregati sunt, venerunt tibi: filii tui de longe venient, et filiæ tuæ de latere surgent.
5 Thanne thou schalt se, and schalt flowe; and thin herte schal wondre, and schal be alargid, whanne the multitude of the see is conuertid to thee, the strengthe of hethene men is comun to thee;
Tunc videbis, et afflues, mirabitur et dilatabitur cor tuum, quando conversa fuerit ad te multitudo maris, fortitudo gentium venerit tibi:
6 the flowyng of camels schal hile thee, the lederis of dromedis of Madian and of Effa; alle men of Saba schulen come, bryngynge gold and encense, and tellynge heriyng to the Lord.
Inundatio camelorum operiet te, dromedarii Madian et Epha: omnes de Saba venient, aurum et thus deferentes, et laudem Domino annunciantes.
7 Ech scheep of Cedar schal be gaderid to thee, the rammes of Nabaioth schulen mynystre to thee; thei schulen be offrid on myn acceptable auter, and Y schal glorifie the hous of my maieste.
Omne pecus Cedar congregabitur tibi, arietes Nabaioth ministrabunt tibi: offerentur super placabili altari meo, et domum maiestatis meæ glorificabo.
8 Who ben these, that fleen as cloudis, and as culueris at her wyndowis?
Qui sunt isti, qui ut nubes volant, et quasi columbæ ad fenestras suas?
9 Forsothe ilis abiden me, and the schippis of the see in the bigynnyng; that Y brynge thi sones fro fer, the siluer of hem, and the gold of hem is with hem, to the name of thi Lord God, and to the hooli of Israel; for he schal glorifie thee.
Me enim insulæ expectant, et naves maris in principio ut adducam filios tuos de longe: argentum eorum, et aurum eorum cum eis nomini Domini Dei tui, et Sancto Israel, quia glorificavit te.
10 And the sones of pilgrymes schulen bilde thi wallis, and the kyngis of hem schulen mynystre to thee. For Y smoot thee in myn indignacioun, and in my recounselyng Y hadde merci on thee.
Et ædificabunt filii peregrinorum muros tuos, et reges eorum ministrabunt tibi: in indignatione enim mea percussi te: et in reconciliatione mea misertus sum tui.
11 And thi yatis schulen be openyd contynueli, day and niyt tho schulen not be closid; that the strengthe of hethene men be brouyt to thee, and the kyngis of hem be brouyt.
Et aperientur portæ tuæ iugiter: die ac nocte non claudentur, ut afferatur ad te fortitudo gentium, et reges earum adducantur:
12 For whi the folk and rewme that serueth not thee, schal perische, and hethene men schulen be distried bi wildirnesse.
gens enim et regnum, quod non servierit tibi, peribit: et Gentes solitudine vastabuntur.
13 The glorie of the Liban schal come to thee, a fir tre, and box tre, and pyne appil tre togidere, to ourne the place of myn halewyng; and Y schal glorifie the place of my feet.
Gloria Libani ad te veniet, abies et buxus, et pinus simul ad ornandum locum sanctificationis meæ, et locum pedum meorum glorificabo.
14 And the sones of hem that maden thee lowe, schulen come lowe to thee, and alle that bacbitiden thee, schulen worschipe the steppis of thi feet; and schulen clepe thee A citee of the Lord of Sion, of the hooli of Israel.
Et venient ad te curvi filii eorum, qui humiliaverunt te, et adorabunt vestigia pedum tuorum omnes, qui detrahebant tibi, et vocabunt te civitatem Domini, Sion Sancti Israel.
15 For that that thou were forsakun, and hatid, and noon was that passide bi thee, Y schal sette thee in to pryde of worldis, ioie in generacioun and in to generacioun.
Pro eo quod fuisti derelicta, et odio habita, et non erat qui per te transiret, ponam te in superbiam sæculorum, gaudium in generationem et generationem:
16 And thou schalt souke the mylke of folkis, and thou schalt be soclid with the tete of kyngis; and thou schalt wite that Y am the Lord, sauynge thee, and thin ayen biere, the stronge of Jacob.
et suges lac Gentium, et mamilla regum lactaberis: et scies quia ego Dominus Salvans te, et Redemptor tuus Fortis Iacob.
17 For bras Y schal brynge gold, and for irun Y schal brynge siluer; and bras for trees, and yrun for stoonys; and Y schal sette thi visitacioun pees, and thi prelatis riytfulnesse.
Pro ære afferam aurum, et pro ferro afferam argentum: et pro lignis æs, et pro lapidibus ferrum: et ponam visitationem tuam pacem, et præpositos tuos iustitiam.
18 Wickidnesse schal no more be herd in thi lond, nether distriyng and defoulyng in thi coostis; and helthe schal ocupie thi wallis, and heriyng schal ocupie thi yatis.
Non audietur ultra iniquitas in terra tua, vastitas et contritio in terminis tuis, et occupabit salus muros tuos, et portas tuas laudatio.
19 The sunne schal no more be to thee for to schyne bi dai, nether the briytnesse of the moone schal liytne thee; but the Lord schal be in to euerlastynge liyt to thee, and thi God schal be in to thi glorie.
Non erit tibi amplius sol ad lucendum per diem, nec splendor lunæ illuminabit te: sed erit tibi Dominus in lucem sempiternam, et Deus tuus in gloriam tuam.
20 Thi sunne schal no more go doun, and thi moone schal not be decreessid; for the Lord schal be in to euerlastynge liyt to thee, and the daies of thi mourenyng schulen be fillid.
Non occidet ultra sol tuus, et luna tua non minuetur: quia erit tibi Dominus in lucem sempiternam, et complebuntur dies luctus tui.
21 Forsothe thi puple alle iust men, withouten ende schulen enherite the lond, the seed of my plauntyng, the werk of myn hond for to be glorified.
Populus autem tuus omnes iusti, in perpetuum hereditabunt terram, germen plantationis meæ, opus manus meæ ad glorificandum.
22 The leeste schal be in to a thousynde, and a litil man schal be in to a ful stronge folk. Y, the Lord, schal make this thing sudenli, in the tyme therof.
Minimus erit in mille, et parvulus in gentem fortissimam: ego Dominus in tempore eius subito faciam istud.

< Isaiah 60 >