< Isaiah 6 >

1 In the yeer in which the kyng Osie was deed, Y siy the Lord sittynge on an hiy seete, and reisid; and the hous was ful of his mageste, and tho thingis that weren vndur hym, filliden the temple.
2 Serafyn stoden on it, sixe wyngis weren to oon, and sixe wyngis to the tothir; with twei wyngis thei hiliden the face of hym, and with twei wyngis thei hiliden the feet of hym, and with twei wyngis thei flowen.
3 And thei crieden `the toon to the tother, and seiden, Hooli, hooli, hooli is the Lord God of oostis; al erthe is ful of his glorie.
彼此呼喊说: 圣哉!圣哉!圣哉!万军之耶和华; 他的荣光充满全地!
4 And the lyntels aboue of the herris were moued togidere of the vois of the criere, and the hous was fillid with smoke.
5 And Y seide, Wo to me, for Y was stille; for Y am a man defoulid in lippis, and Y dwelle in the myddis of the puple hauynge defoulid lippis, and Y siy with myn iyen the kyng Lord of oostis.
6 And oon of serafyn flei to me, and a brennynge cole was in his hond, which cole he hadde take with a tonge fro the auter.
7 And he touchide my mouth, and seide, Lo! Y haue touchid thi lippis with this cole, and thi wickidnesse schal be don awei, and thi synne schal be clensid.
8 And Y herde the vois of the Lord, seiynge, Whom schal Y sende, and who schal go to you? And Y seide, Lo! Y; sende thou me.
9 And he seide, Go thou, and thou schalt seie to this puple, Ye herynge here, and nyle ye vndurstonde; and se ye the profesie, and nyle ye knowe.
他说:“你去告诉这百姓说: 你们听是要听见,却不明白; 看是要看见,却不晓得。
10 Make thou blynde the herte of this puple, and aggrege thou the eeris therof, and close thou the iyen therof; lest perauenture it se with hise iyen, and here with hise eeris, and vndurstonde with his herte, and it be conuertid, and Y make it hool.
要使这百姓心蒙脂油, 耳朵发沉, 眼睛昏迷; 恐怕眼睛看见, 耳朵听见, 心里明白, 回转过来,便得医治。”
11 And Y seide, Lord, hou long? And he seide, Til citees ben maad desolat with out dwellere, and housis with out man. And the lond schal be left desert,
我就说:“主啊,这到几时为止呢?”他说: 直到城邑荒凉,无人居住, 房屋空闲无人,地土极其荒凉。
12 and the Lord schal make men fer. And that that was forsakun in the myddil of erthe, schal be multiplied, and yit tithing schal be ther ynne;
并且耶和华将人迁到远方, 在这境内撇下的地土很多。
13 and it schal be conuertid, and it schal be in to schewyng, as a terebynte is, and as an ook, that spredith abrood hise boowis; that schal be hooli seed, that schal stonde ther ynne.
境内剩下的人若还有十分之一, 也必被吞灭, 像栗树、橡树虽被砍伐, 树墩子却仍存留。 这圣洁的种类在国中也是如此。

< Isaiah 6 >