< Isaiah 56 >

1 The Lord seith these thingis, Kepe ye doom, and do ye riytfulnesse, for whi myn helthe is niy, that it come, and my riytfulnesse, that it be schewid.
haec dicit Dominus custodite iudicium et facite iustitiam quia iuxta est salus mea ut veniat et iustitia mea ut reveletur
2 Blessid is the man, that doith this, and the sone of man, that schal take this; kepynge the sabat, that he defoule not it, kepynge hise hondis, that he do not ony yuel.
beatus vir qui facit hoc et filius hominis qui adprehendit istud custodiens sabbatum ne polluat illud custodiens manus suas ne faciat omne malum
3 And seie not the sone of a comelyng, that cleueth faste to the Lord, seiynge, Bi departyng the Lord schal departe me fro his puple; and a geldyng, ether a chast man, seie not, Lo! Y am a drie tree.
et non dicat filius advenae qui adheret Domino dicens separatione dividet me Dominus a populo suo et non dicat eunuchus ecce ego lignum aridum
4 For the Lord seith these thingis to geldingis, that kepen my sabatis, and chesen what thingis Y wolde, and holden my boond of pees.
quia haec dicit Dominus eunuchis qui custodierint sabbata mea et elegerint quae volui et tenuerint foedus meum
5 Y schal yyue to hem a place in myn hous, and in my wallis, and the beste name of sones and douytris; Y schal yyue to hem a name euerlastynge, that schal not perische.
dabo eis in domo mea et in muris meis locum et nomen melius a filiis et filiabus nomen sempiternum dabo eis quod non peribit
6 And Y schal brynge in to blis the sones of a comelyng, that cleuen faste to the Lord, that thei worschipe hym, and loue his name, that thei be to hym in to seruauntis; ech man kepynge the sabat, that he defoule it not, and holdynge my boond of pees;
et filios advenae qui adherent Domino ut colant eum et diligant nomen eius ut sint ei in servos omnem custodientem sabbatum ne polluat illud et tenentem foedus meum
7 Y schal brynge hem in to myn hooli hil, and Y schal make hem glad in the hous of my preier; her brent sacrifices and her slayn sacrifices schulen plese me on my auter; for whi myn hous schal be clepid an hous of preier to alle puplis,
adducam eos in montem sanctum meum et laetificabo eos in domo orationis meae holocausta eorum et victimae eorum placebunt mihi super altari meo quia domus mea domus orationis vocabitur cunctis populis
8 seith the Lord God, that gaderith togidere the scaterid men of Israel. Yit Y schal gadere togidere to hym alle the gaderid men therof.
ait Dominus Deus qui congregat dispersos Israhel adhuc congregabo ad eum congregatos eius
9 Alle beestis of the feeld, come ye to deuoure, alle beestis of the forest.
omnes bestiae agri venite ad devorandum universae bestiae saltus
10 Alle the biholderis therof ben blinde, alle thei knewen not; doumbe doggis, that moun not berke, seynge veyn thingis, slepynge, and louynge dremes;
speculatores eius caeci omnes nescierunt universi canes muti non valentes latrare videntes vana dormientes et amantes somnia
11 and moost vnschamefast doggis knewen not fulnesse. Tho scheepherdis knewen not vndurstondyng; alle thei bowyden in to her weie, ech man to his aueryce, fro the hiyeste `til to the laste.
et canes inpudentissimi nescierunt saturitatem ipsi pastores ignoraverunt intellegentiam omnes in viam suam declinaverunt unusquisque ad avaritiam suam a summo usque ad novissimum
12 Come ye, take we wyn, and be we fillid of drunkenesse; and it schal be as to dai, so and to morewe, and myche more.
venite sumamus vinum et impleamur ebrietate et erit sicut hodie sic et cras et multo amplius

< Isaiah 56 >