< Isaiah 51 >

1 Here ye me, that suen that that is iust, and seken the Lord. Take ye hede to the stoon, fro whennys ye ben hewun doun, and to the caue of the lake, fro which ye ben kit doun.
義をおひ求めヱホバを尋ねもとむるものよ我にきけ なんぢらが斫出されたる磐となんぢらの掘出されたる穴とをおもひ見よ
2 Take ye heede to Abraham, youre fadir, and to Sare, that childide you; for Y clepide hym oon, and Y blesside hym, and Y multipliede hym.
なんぢらの父アブラハム及びなんぢらを生たるサラをおもひ見よ われ彼をその唯一人なりしときに召しこれを祝してその子孫をまし加へたり
3 Therfor the Lord schal coumforte Sion, and he schal coumforte alle the fallyngis therof; and he schal sette the desert therof as delices, and the wildirnesse therof as a gardyn of the Lord; ioie and gladnesse schal be foundun therynne, the doyng of thankyngis and the vois of heriyng.
そはヱホバ、シオンを慰め またその凡てあれたる所をなぐさめて その荒野をエデンのごとくその沙漠をヱホバの園のごとくなしたまへり 斯てその中によろこびと歡樂とあり感謝とうたうたふ聲とありてきこゆ
4 Mi puple, take ye heede to me, and, my lynage, here ye me; for whi a lawe schal go out fro me, and my doom schal reste in to the liyt of puplis.
わが民よわが言にこころをとめよ わが國人よわれに耳をかたぶけよ 律法はわれより出づ われわが途をかたく定めてもろもろの民の光となさん
5 My iust man is nyy, my sauyour is gon out, and myn armes schulen deme puplis; ilis schulen abide me, and schulen suffre myn arm.
わが義はちかづきわが救はすでに出たり わが臂はもろもろの民をさばかん もろもろの島はわれを俟望み わがかひなに依賴ん
6 Reise youre iyen to heuene, and se ye vndur erthe bynethe; for whi heuenes schulen melte awei as smoke, and the erthe schal be al to-brokun as a cloth, and the dwelleris therof schulen perische as these thingis; but myn helthe schal be withouten ende, and my riytfulnesse schal not fayle.
なんぢら目をあげて天を觀また下なる地をみよ 天は烟のごとくきえ地は衣のごとくふるびその中にすむ者これとひとしく死ん されどわが救はとこしへにながらへ わが義はくだくることなし
7 Ye puple, that knowen the iust man, here me, my lawe is in the herte of hem; nyle ye drede the schenschipe of men, and drede ye not the blasfemyes of hem.
義をしるものよ心のうちにわが律法をたもつ民よ われにきけ 人のそしりをおそるるなかれ人のののしりに慴くなかれ
8 For whi a worm schal ete hem so as a cloth, and a mouyte schal deuoure hem so as wolle; but myn helthe schal be withouten ende, and my riytfulnesse in to generaciouns of generaciouns.
そはかれら衣のごとく蠧にはまれ羊の毛のごとく蟲にはまれん されどわが義はとこしへに存らへ わがすくひ萬代におよぶべし
9 Rise thou, rise thou, arm of the Lord, be thou clothyd in strengthe; rise thou, as in elde daies, in generaciouns of worldis. Whether thou smytidist not the proude man, woundidist not the dragoun?
さめよ醒よヱホバの臂よちからを着よ さめて古への時むかしの代にありし如くなれ ラハブをきりころし鱷をさしつらぬきたるは汝にあらずや
10 Whether thou driedist not the see, the watir of the greet depthe, which settidist the depthe of the see a weie, that men `that weren delyuered, schulden passe?
海をかわかし大なる淵の水をかわかし また海のふかきところを贖はれたる人のすぐべき路となししは汝にあらずや
11 And now thei that ben ayenbouyt of the Lord schulen turne ayen, and schulen come heriynge in to Syon, and euerlastynge gladnesse on the heedis of hem; thei schulen holde ioie and gladnesse, sorewe and weilyng schal fle awei.
ヱホバに贖ひすくはれしもの歌うたひつつ歸りてシオンにきたり その首にとこしへの歡喜をいただきて快樂とよろこびとをえん 而してかなしみと歎息とはにげさるべし
12 `Y my silf schal coumforte you; what art thou, that thou drede of a deedli man, and of the sone of man, that schal wexe drie so as hei?
我こそ我なんぢらを慰むれ 汝いかなる者なれば死べき人をおそれ草の如くなるべき人の子をおそるるか
13 And thou hast foryete `the Lord, thi creatour, that stretchide abrood heuenes, and foundide the erthe; and thou dreddist contynueli al dai of the face of his woodnesse, that dide tribulacioun to thee, and made redi for to leese. Where is now the woodnesse of the troblere?
いかなれば天をのべ地の基をすゑ汝をつくりたまへるヱホバを忘れしや 何なれば汝をほろぼさんとて豫備する虐ぐるものの憤れるをみて常にひねもす懼るるか 虐ぐるものの忿恚はいづこにありや
14 Soone he schal come, goynge for to opene; and he schal not sle til to deth, nether his breed schal faile.
身をかがめゐる俘囚はすみやかに解れて 死ることなく穴にくだることなく その食はつくること無るべし
15 Forsothe Y am thi Lord God, that disturble the see, and the wawis therof wexen greet; the Lord of oostis is my name.
我は海をふるはせ波をなりどよめかする汝の神ヱホバなり その御名を萬軍のヱホバといふ
16 Y haue put my wordis in thi mouth, and Y defendide thee in the schadewe of myn hond; that thou plaunte heuenes, and founde the erthe, and seie to Sion, Thou art my puple.
我わが言をなんぢの口におきわが手のかげにて汝をおほへり かくてわれ天をうゑ地の基をすゑ シオンにむかひて汝はわが民なりといはん
17 Be thou reisid, be thou reisid, rise thou, Jerusalem, that hast drunke of the hond of the Lord the cuppe of his wraththe; thou hast drunke `til to the botme of the cuppe of sleep, thou hast drunke of `til to the drastis.
ヱルサレムよさめよさめよ起よ なんぢ前にヱホバの手よりその忿恚のさかづきをうけて飮み よろめかす大杯をのみ且すひほしたり
18 Noon is that susteyneth it, of alle the sones whiche it gendride; and noon is that takith the hond therof, of alle the sones whiche it nurshide.
なんぢの生るもろもろの子のなかに汝をみちびく者なく 汝のそだてたるもろもろの子の中にてなんぢの手をたづさふる者なし
19 Twei thingis ben that camen to thee; who schal be sori on thee? distriyng, and defoulyng, and hungur, and swerd. Who schal coumforte thee?
この二のこと汝にのぞめり誰かなんぢのために歎んや 荒廢の饑饉ほろびの劍なんぢに及べり我いかにして汝をなぐさめんや
20 Thi sones ben cast forth, thei slepten in the heed of alle weies, as the beeste orix, takun bi a snare; thei ben ful of indignacioun of the Lord, of blamyng of thi God.
なんぢの子らは息たえだえにして網にかかれる羚羊のごとくし街衢の口にふす ヱホバの忿恚となんぢの神のせめとはかれらに滿たり
21 Therfor, thou pore, and drunkun, not of wyn, here these thingis.
22 Thi lordli gouernour, the Lord, and thi God, that fauyt for his puple, seith these thingis, Lo! Y haue take fro thyn hond the cuppe of sleep, the botme of the cuppe of myn indignacioun; Y schal not leie to, that thou drynke it ony more.
なんぢの主ヱホバおのが民の訟をあげつらひ給ふ なんぢの神かくいひ給ふ 我よろめかす酒杯をなんぢの手より取除き わがいきどほりの大杯をとりのぞきたり 汝ふたたびこれを飮ことあらじ
23 And Y schal sette it in the hond of hem that maden thee low, and seiden to thi soule, Be thou bowid that we passe; and thou hast set thi bodi as erthe, and as a weye to hem that goen forth.
我これを汝をなやますものの手にわたさん 彼らは曩になんぢの靈魂にむかひて云らく なんぢ伏せよわれら越ゆかんと 而してなんぢその背を地のごとくし衢のごとくし彼等のこえゆくに任せたり

< Isaiah 51 >