< Isaiah 49 >

1 Ilis, here ye, and puplis afer, perseyue ye; the Lord clepide me fro the wombe, he thouyte on my name fro the wombe of my modir.
众海岛啊,当听我言! 远方的众民哪,留心而听! 自我出胎,耶和华就选召我; 自出母腹,他就提我的名。
2 And he hath set my mouth as a scharp swerd, he defendide me in the schadewe of his hond, and settide me as a chosun arowe; he hidde me in his arowe caas,
他使我的口如快刀, 将我藏在他手荫之下; 又使我成为磨亮的箭, 将我藏在他箭袋之中;
3 and seide to me, Israel, thou art my seruaunt, for Y schal haue glorie in thee.
对我说:你是我的仆人以色列; 我必因你得荣耀。
4 And Y seide, Y trauelide in veyn, Y wastide my strengthe with out cause, and veynli; therfor my doom is with the Lord, and my werk is with my God.
我却说:我劳碌是徒然; 我尽力是虚无虚空。 然而,我当得的理必在耶和华那里; 我的赏赐必在我 神那里。
5 And now the Lord, formynge me a seruaunt to hym silf fro the wombe, seith these thingis, that Y brynge ayen Jacob to hym. And Israel schal not be gaderid togidere; and Y am glorified in the iyen of the Lord, and my God is maad my strengthe.
耶和华从我出胎,造就我作他的仆人, 要使雅各归向他, 使以色列到他那里聚集。 原来耶和华看我为尊贵; 我的 神也成为我的力量。
6 And he seyde, It is litil, that thou be a seruaunt to me, to reise the lynages of Jacob, and to conuerte the drastis of Israel; Y yaf thee in to the liyt of hethene men, that thou be myn helthe `til to the laste part of erthe.
现在他说:你作我的仆人, 使雅各众支派复兴, 使以色列中得保全的归回尚为小事, 我还要使你作外邦人的光, 叫你施行我的救恩,直到地极。
7 The Lord, ayenbiere of Israel, the hooli therof, seith these thingis to a dispisable soule, and to a folk had in abhomynacioun, to the seruaunt of lordis, Kyngis schulen se, and princes schulen rise togidere, and schulen worschipe, for the Lord, for he is feithful, and for the hooli of Israel, that chees thee.
救赎主—以色列的圣者耶和华 对那被人所藐视、本国所憎恶、 官长所虐待的如此说: 君王要看见就站起, 首领也要下拜; 都因信实的耶和华, 就是拣选你—以色列的圣者。
8 The Lord seith these thingis, In a plesaunt tyme Y herde thee, and in the dai of helthe Y helpide thee; and Y kepte thee, and yaf thee in to a bonde of pees of the puple, that thou schuldist reise the erthe, and haue in possessioun eritagis, `that ben distried;
耶和华如此说: 在悦纳的时候,我应允了你; 在拯救的日子,我济助了你。 我要保护你, 使你作众民的中保; 复兴遍地, 使人承受荒凉之地为业。
9 that thou schuldist seie to hem that ben boundun, Go ye out, and to hem that ben in derknessis, Be ye schewid. Thei schulen be fed on weies, and the lesewis of hem schulen be in alle pleyn thingis.
对那被捆绑的人说:出来吧! 对那在黑暗的人说:显露吧! 他们在路上必得饮食, 在一切净光的高处必有食物。
10 Thei schulen not hungre, and thei schulen no more thirste, and heete, and the sunne schal not smyte hem; for the merciful doere of hem schal gouerne hem, and schal yyue drynk to hem at the wellis of watris.
不饥不渴, 炎热和烈日必不伤害他们; 因为怜恤他们的必引导他们, 领他们到水泉旁边。
11 And Y schal sette alle myn hillis in to weie, and my pathis schulen be enhaunsid.
我必使我的众山成为大道; 我的大路也被修高。
12 Lo! these men schulen come fro fer, and lo! thei schulen come fro the north, and see, and these fro the south lond.
看哪,这些从远方来; 这些从北方、从西方来; 这些从秦国来。
13 Heuenes, herie ye, and, thou erthe, make ful out ioie; hillis, synge ye hertli heriyng; for the Lord coumfortide his puple, and schal haue merci on hise pore men.
诸天哪,应当欢呼! 大地啊,应当快乐! 众山哪,应当发声歌唱! 因为耶和华已经安慰他的百姓, 也要怜恤他困苦之民。
14 And Syon seide, The Lord hath forsake me, and the Lord hath foryete me.
锡安说:耶和华离弃了我; 主忘记了我。
15 Whether a womman may foryete hir yonge child, that sche haue not merci on the sone of hir wombe? thouy sche foryetith, netheles Y schal not foryete thee.
妇人焉能忘记她吃奶的婴孩, 不怜恤她所生的儿子? 即或有忘记的, 我却不忘记你。
16 Lo! Y haue write thee in myn hondis; thi wallis ben euer bifore myn iyen.
看哪,我将你铭刻在我掌上; 你的墙垣常在我眼前。
17 The bilderis ben comun; thei that distrien thee, and scateren, schulen go awei fro thee.
你的儿女必急速归回; 毁坏你的,使你荒废的,必都离你出去,
18 Reise thin iyen in cumpas, and se; alle these men ben gaderid togidere, thei ben comun to thee. Y lyue, seith the Lord, for thou schalt be clothid with alle these as with an ournement, and thou as a spousesse schalt bynde hem to thee.
你举目向四方观看; 他们都聚集来到你这里。 耶和华说:我指着我的永生起誓: 你必要以他们为妆饰佩戴, 以他们为华带束腰,像新妇一样。
19 For whi thi desertis, and thi wildirnessis, and the lond of thi fallyng now schulen be streit for enhabiteris; and thei schulen be dryuun awei fer, that swolewiden thee.
至于你荒废凄凉之处, 并你被毁坏之地, 现今众民居住必显为太窄; 吞灭你的必离你遥远。
20 Yit the sones of thi bareynesse schulen seie in thin eeris, The place is streit to me, make thou a space to me for to dwelle.
你必听见丧子之后所生的儿女说: 这地方我居住太窄, 求你给我地方居住。
21 And thou schalt seie in thin herte, Who gendride these sones to me? Y am bareyn, not berynge child; Y am led ouer, and prisoner; and who nurschide these sones? Y am destitute, and aloone; and where weren these?
那时你心里必说:我既丧子独居, 是被掳的,漂流在外。 谁给我生这些? 谁将这些养大呢? 撇下我一人独居的时候, 这些在哪里呢?
22 The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y reise myn hond to hethene men, and Y schal enhaunce my signe to puplis; and thei schulen brynge thi sones in armes, and thei schulen bere thi douytris on shuldris.
主耶和华如此说: 我必向列国举手, 向万民竖立大旗; 他们必将你的众子怀中抱来, 将你的众女肩上扛来。
23 And kingis shulen be thi nurseris, and quenys shulen be thi nursis; with cheer cast doun in to erthe thei schulen worschipe thee, and thei schulen licke the dust of thi feet; and thou schalt wite, that Y am the Lord, on whom thei schulen not be schent, that abiden hym.
列王必作你的养父; 王后必作你的乳母。 他们必将脸伏地,向你下拜, 并舔你脚上的尘土。 你便知道我是耶和华; 等候我的必不致羞愧。
24 Whether prey schal be takun awei fro a strong man? ether that that is takun of a stalworthe man, mai be saaf?
勇士抢去的岂能夺回? 该掳掠的岂能解救吗?
25 For the Lord seith these thingis, Sotheli and caitifte schal be takun awey fro the stronge man, and that that is takun awei of a stalworthe man, schal be saued. Forsothe Y schal deme hem, that demyden thee, and Y schal saue thi sones.
但耶和华如此说: 就是勇士所掳掠的,也可以夺回; 强暴人所抢的,也可以解救。 与你相争的,我必与他相争; 我要拯救你的儿女。
26 And Y schal fede thin enemyes with her fleischis, and thei schulen be greetli fillid with her blood as with must; and eche man schal wite, that Y am the Lord, sauynge thee, and thin ayenbiere, the strong of Jacob.
并且我必使那欺压你的吃自己的肉, 也要以自己的血喝醉,好像喝甜酒一样。 凡有血气的必都知道我—耶和华是你的救主, 是你的救赎主,是雅各的大能者。

< Isaiah 49 >