< Isaiah 47 >

1 Thou virgyn, the douytir Babiloyne, go doun, sitte thou in dust, sitte thou in erthe; a kyngis seete is not to the douyter of Caldeis, for thou schalt no more be clepid soft and tendir.
巴比倫的處女啊, 下來坐在塵埃; 迦勒底的閨女啊, 沒有寶座,要坐在地上; 因為你不再稱為柔弱嬌嫩的。
2 Take thou a queerne stoon, and grynde thou mele; make thou nakid thi filthe, diskeuere the schuldur, schewe the hippis, passe thou floodis.
要用磨磨麵, 揭去帕子, 脫去長衣,露腿詵河。
3 Thi schame schal be schewid, and thi schenschipe schal be seen; Y schal take veniaunce, and no man schal ayenstonde me.
你的下體必被露出; 你的醜陋必被看見。 我要報仇, 誰也不寬容。
4 Oure ayen biere, the Lord of oostis is his name, the hooli of Israel.
我們救贖主的名是 萬軍之耶和華-以色列的聖者。
5 Douyter of Caldeis, sitte thou, be thou stille, and entre in to derknessis, for thou schalt no more be clepid the ladi of rewmes.
迦勒底的閨女啊, 你要默然靜坐,進入暗中, 因為你不再稱為列國的主母。
6 I was wrooth on my puple, Y defoulid myn eritage, and Y yaf hem in thin hond, and thou settidist not mercies to hem; thou madist greuouse the yok greetli on an eld man,
我向我的百姓發怒, 使我的產業被褻瀆, 將他們交在你手中, 你毫不憐憫他們, 把極重的軛加在老年人身上。
7 and thou seidist, With outen ende Y schal be ladi; thou puttidist not these thingis on thin herte, nether thou bithouytist on thi laste thing.
你自己說:我必永為主母, 所以你不將這事放在心上, 也不思想這事的結局。
8 And now, thou delicat, and dwellynge tristili, here these thingis, which seist in thin herte, Y am, and outakun me ther is no more; Y schal not sitte widewe, and Y schal not knowe bareynesse.
你這專好宴樂、安然居住的, 現在當聽這話。 你心中說:惟有我, 除我以外再沒有別的。 我必不致寡居, 也不遭喪子之事。
9 These twei thingis, bareynesse and widewhod schulen come to thee sudenli in o dai; alle thingis camen on thee for the multitude of thi witchecraftis, and for the greet hardnesse of thin enchauntours, ether tregetours.
哪知,喪子、寡居這兩件事 在一日轉眼之間必臨到你; 正在你多行邪術、廣施符咒的時候, 這兩件事必全然臨到你身上。
10 And thou haddist trist in thi malice, and seidist, Noon is that seeth me; this thi wisdom and thi kunnyng disseyuede thee; and thou seidist in thin herte,
你素來倚仗自己的惡行,說: 無人看見我。 你的智慧聰明使你偏邪, 並且你心裏說:惟有我, 除我以外再沒有別的。
11 Y am, and outakun me ther is noon other. Yuel schal come on thee, and thou schalt not knowe the bigynning therof; and wrecchidnesse schal falle on thee, which thou schalt not mowe clense; wretchidnesse which thou knowist not, schal come on thee sudenly.
因此,禍患要臨到你身; 你不知何時發現, 災害落在你身上, 你也不能除掉; 所不知道的毀滅也必忽然臨到你身。
12 Stonde thou with thin enchauntours, and with the multitude of thi witchis, in whiche thou trauelidist fro thi yongthe; if in hap thei profiten ony thing to thee, ether if thou maist be maad the strongere.
站起來吧! 用你從幼年勞神施行的符咒和你許多的邪術; 或者可得益處, 或者可得強勝。
13 Thou failidist in the multitude of thi councels; the false dyuynours of heuene stonde, and saue thee, whiche bihelden staris, and noumbriden monethis, that thei schulden telle bi tho thingis to comynge to thee.
你籌劃太多,以致疲倦。 讓那些觀天象的,看星宿的, 在月朔說預言的,都站起來, 救你脫離所要臨到你的事。
14 Lo! thei ben maad as stobil, the fier hath brent hem; thei schulen not delyuere her lijf fro the power of flawme; colis ben not, bi whiche thei schulen be warmed, nether fier, that thei sitte at it.
他們要像碎詡被火焚燒, 不能救自己脫離火焰之力; 這火並非可烤的炭火, 也不是可以坐在其前的火。
15 So tho thingis ben maad to thee in whiche euere thou trauelidist; thi marchauntis fro thi yongthe erriden, ech man in his weie; noon is, that schal saue thee.
你所勞神的事都要這樣與你無益; 從幼年與你貿易的也都各奔各鄉,無人救你。

< Isaiah 47 >