< Isaiah 46 >

1 Bel is brokun, Nabo is al to-brokun; her symylacris lijk to wielde beestis and werk beestis ben brokun; youre birthuns
Confractus est Bel, contritus est Nabo: facta sunt simulachra eorum bestiis et iumentis, onera vestra gravi pondere usque ad lassitudinem.
2 with heuy charge `til to werynesse weren rotun, and ben al to-brokun togidere; tho miyten not saue the berere, and the soule of hem schal go in to caitifte.
Contabuerunt, et contrita sunt simul: non potuerunt salvare portantem, et anima eorum in captivitatem ibit.
3 The hous of Jacob, and al the residue of the hous of Israel, here ye me, whiche ben borun of my wombe, whiche ben borun of my wombe.
Audite me domus Iacob, et omne residuum domus Israel, qui portamini a meo utero, qui gestamini a mea vulva.
4 Til to eelde Y my silf, and til to hoor heeris Y schal bere; Y made, and Y schal bere, and Y schal saue.
Usque ad senectam ego ipse, et usque ad canos ego portabo: ego feci, et ego feram: ego portabo, et salvabo.
5 To whom han ye licned me, and maad euene, and han comparisound me, and han maad lijk?
Cui assimilastis me, et adaequastis, et comparastis me, et fecistis similem?
6 Whiche beren togidere gold fro the bagge, and peisen siluer with a balaunce, and hiren a goldsmyth to make a god, and thei fallen doun, and worschipen; thei berynge beren in schuldris,
Qui confertis aurum de sacculo, et argentum statera ponderatis: conducentes aurificem, ut faciat deum: et procidunt, et adorant.
7 and settynge in his place; and he schal stonde, and schal not be mouyd fro his place; but also whanne thei crien to hym, he schal not here, and he schal not saue hem fro tribulacioun.
Portant illum in humeris gestantes, et ponentes in loco suo: stabit, ac de loco suo non movebitur. sed et cum clamaverint ad eum, non audiet: de tribulatione non salvabit eos.
8 Haue ye mynde of this, and be ye aschamed; ye trespassouris, go ayen to the herte.
Mementote istud, et confundamini: redite praevaricatores ad cor.
9 Bithenke ye on the formere world, for Y am God, and no God is ouer me, nether is lijk me.
Recordamini prioris saeculi, quoniam ego sum Deus, et non est ultra Deus, nec est similis mei:
10 And Y telle fro the bigynnyng the laste thing, and fro the bigynnyng tho thingis that ben not maad yit; and Y seie, My councel schal stonde, and al my wille schal be don.
Annuncians ab exordio novissimum, et ab initio quae necdum facta sunt, dicens: Consilium meum stabit, et omnis voluntas mea fiet:
11 And Y clepe a brid fro the eest, and the man of my wille fro a ferr lond; and Y spak, and Y schal brynge that thing; Y haue maad of nouyt, and Y schal make that thing.
Vocans ab Oriente iustum, et de terra longinqua virum voluntatis meae. et locutus sum, et adducam illud: creavi, et faciam illud.
12 Ye of hard herte, here me, that ben fer fro riytfulnesse.
Audite me duro corde, qui longe estis a iustitia.
13 Y made nyy myn riytfulnesse, it schal not be drawun afer, and myn helthe shal not tarie; Y schal yyue helthe in Sion, and my glorie in Israel.
Prope feci iustitiam meam, non elongabitur, et salus mea non morabitur. Dabo in Sion salutem, et in Israel gloriam meam.

< Isaiah 46 >