< Isaiah 43 >
1 And now the Lord God, makynge of nouyt thee, Jacob, and formynge thee, Israel, seith these thingis, Nyle thou drede, for Y ayenbouyte thee, and Y clepide thee bi thi name; thou art my seruaunt.
Et nunc hæc dicit Dominus creans te Iacob, et formans te Israel: Noli timere, quia redemi te, et vocavi te nomine tuo: meus es tu.
2 Whanne thou schalt go bi watris, Y schal be with thee, and floodis schulen not hile thee; whanne thou schalt go in fier, thou schalt not be brent, and flawme schal not brenne in thee.
Cum transieris per aquas, tecum ero, et flumina non operient te: cum ambulaveris in igne, non combureris, et flamma non ardebit in te:
3 For Y am thi Lord God, the hooli of Israel, thi sauyour. I yaf thi merci Egipt; Ethiopie and Saba for thee.
Quia ego Dominus Deus tuus sanctus Israel salvator tuus, dedi propitiationem tuam Ægyptum, Æthopiam, et Saba pro te.
4 Sithen thou art maad onourable, and gloriouse in myn iyen; Y louyde thee, and Y schal yyue men for thee, and puplis for thi soule.
Ex quo honorabilis factus es in oculis meis, et gloriosus: ego dilexi te, et dabo homines pro te, et populos pro anima tua.
5 Nyle thou drede, for Y am with thee; Y schal brynge thi seed fro the eest, and Y schal gadere thee togidere fro the west.
Noli timere, quia ego tecum sum: ab Oriente adducam semen tuum, et ab Occidente congregabo te.
6 Y schal seie to the north, Yyue thou, and to the south, Nyle thou forbede; brynge thou my sones fro afer, and my douytris fro the laste partis of erthe.
Dicam Aquiloni: Da: et Austro: Noli prohibere: affer filios meos de longinquo, et filias meas ab extremis terræ.
7 And ech that clepith my name to help, in to my glorie Y made hym of nouyt; Y fourmyde hym, and made hym.
Et omnem, qui invocat nomen meum, in gloriam meam creavi eum, formavi eum, et feci eum.
8 Lede thou forth the blynde puple, and hauynge iyen; the deef puple, and eeris ben to it.
Educ foras populum cæcum, et oculos habentem: surdum, et aures ei sunt.
9 Alle hethene men ben gaderid togidere, and lynagis be gaderid togidere. Who among you, who schal telle this, and schal make you to here tho thingis, that ben the firste? yyue thei witnessis of hem, and be thei iustified, and here thei, and seie.
Omnes gentes congregatæ sunt simul, et collectæ sunt tribus: quis in vobis annunciet istud, et quæ prima sunt audire nos faciet? dent testes eorum, iustificentur, et audiant, et dicant: Vere.
10 Verili ye ben my witnessis, seith the Lord, and my seruaunt, whom Y chees; that ye wite, and bileue to me, and vndurstonde, for Y mysilf am; bifore me is no God formere, and after me schal noon be.
Vos testes mei, dicit Dominus, et servus meus, quem elegi: ut sciatis, et credatis mihi, et intelligatis quia ego ipse sum. Ante me non est formatus Deus, et post me non erit.
11 Y am, Y am the Lord, and with out me is no sauyour.
Ego sum, ego sum Dominus, et non est absque me salvator.
12 I telde, and sauyde; Y made heryng, and noon alien God was among you. Ye ben my witnessis, seith the Lord;
Ego annunciavi, et salvavi: auditum feci, et non fuit in vobis alienus: vos testes mei, dicit Dominus, et ego Deus.
13 and Y am God fro the bigynnyng, Y my silf am, and noon is that delyuerith fro myn hoond; Y schal worche, and who schal distrie it?
Et ab initio ego ipse, et non est qui de manu mea eruat: operabor, et quis avertet illud?
14 The Lord, youre ayenbiere, the hooli of Israel, seith these thingis, For you Y sente out in to Babiloyne, and Y drow doun alle barris, and Caldeis hauynge glorie in her schippis.
Hæc dicit Dominus redemptor vester, sanctus Israel: Propter vos misi in Babylonem, et detraxi vectes universos, et Chaldæos in navibus suis gloriantes.
15 Y am the Lord, youre hooli, youre king, makynge Israel of nouyt.
Ego Dominus sanctus vester, creans Israel rex vester.
16 The Lord seith these thingis, that yaf weie in the see, and a path in rennynge watris;
Hæc dicit Dominus, qui dedit in mari viam, et in aquis torrentibus semitam.
17 which ledde out a carte, and hors, a cumpany, and strong man; thei slepten togidere, nether thei schulen rise ayen; thei ben al tobrokun as flex, and ben quenchid.
Qui eduxit quadrigam et equum: agmen et robustum, simul obdormierunt, nec resurgent: contriti sunt quasi linum, et extincti sunt.
18 Thenke ye not on the formere thingis, and biholde ye not olde thingis.
Ne memineritis priorum, et antiqua ne intueamini.
19 Lo! Y make newe thingis, and now tho schulen bigynne to be maad; sotheli ye schulen know tho. Y schal sette weie in desert, and floodis in a lond without weie.
Ecce ego facio nova, et nunc orientur, utique cognoscetis ea: ponam in deserto viam, et in invio flumina.
20 And a beeste of the feelde schal glorifie me, dragouns and ostrigis schulen glorifie me; for Y yaf watris in desert, and floodis in the lond without weie, that Y schulde yyue drynk to my puple, to my chosun puple.
Glorificabit me bestia agri, dracones et struthiones: quia dedi in deserto aquas, flumina in invio, ut darem potum populo meo, electo meo.
21 Y fourmyde this puple to me, it schal telle my preysyng.
Populum istum formavi mihi, laudem meam narrabit.
22 Jacob, thou clepidist not me to help; and thou, Israel, trauelidist not for me.
Non me invocasti Iacob, nec laborasti in me Israel.
23 Thou offridist not to me the ram of thi brent sacrifice, and thou glorifiedist not me with thi slayn sacrifices. Y made not thee to serue in offryng, nethir Y yaf to thee trauel in encense.
Non obtulisti mihi arietem holocausti tui, et victimis tuis non glorificasti me: non te servire feci in oblatione, nec laborem tibi præbui in thure.
24 Thou bouytist not to me swete smellynge spicerie for siluer, and thou fillidist not me with fatnesse of thi slayn sacrifices; netheles thou madist me to serue in thi synnes, thou yauest trauel to me in thi wickidnessis.
Non emisti mihi argento calamum, et adipe victimarum tuarum non inebriasti me. Verumtamen servire me fecisti in peccatis tuis, præbuisti mihi laborem in iniquitatibus tuis.
25 Y am, Y my silf am, that do awei thi wickidnessis for me, and Y schal not haue mynde on thy synnes.
Ego sum, ego sum ipse qui deleo iniquitates tuas propter me, et peccatorum tuorum non recordabor.
26 Brynge me ayen in to mynde, and be we demyd togidere; telle thou, if thou hast ony thing, that thou be iustified.
Reduc me in memoriam, et iudicemur simul: narra si quid habes ut iustificeris.
27 Thi firste fadir synnede, and thin interpretours trespassiden ayens me.
Pater tuus primus peccavit, et interpretes tui prævaricati sunt in me.
28 And Y made foul hooli princes, and Y yaf Jacob to deth, and Israel in to blasfemye.
Et contaminavi principes sanctos, dedi ad internecionem Iacob, et Israel in blasphemiam.