< Isaiah 35 >

1 The forsakun Judee and with outen weie schal be glad, and wildirnesse schal make ful out ioye, and schal floure as a lilie.
旷野和干旱之地必然欢喜; 沙漠也必快乐; 又像玫瑰开花,
2 It buriownynge schal buriowne, and it glad and preisynge schal make ful out ioie. The glorie of Liban is youun to it, the fairnesse of Carmele and of Saron; thei schulen se the glorie of the Lord, and the fairnesse of oure God.
必开花繁盛, 乐上加乐,而且欢呼。 黎巴嫩的荣耀, 并迦密与沙 的华美,必赐给它。 人必看见耶和华的荣耀, 我们 神的华美。
3 Coumforte ye comelid hondis, and make ye strong feble knees.
你们要使软弱的手坚壮, 无力的膝稳固。
4 Seie ye, Men of litil coumfort, be ye coumfortid, and nyle ye drede; lo! oure God schal brynge the veniaunce of yeldyng, God hym silf schal come, and schal saue vs.
对胆怯的人说: 你们要刚强,不要惧怕。 看哪,你们的 神必来报仇, 必来施行极大的报应; 他必来拯救你们。
5 Thanne the iyen of blynde men schulen be openyd, and the eeris of deef men schulen be opyn.
那时,瞎子的眼必睁开; 聋子的耳必开通。
6 Thanne a crokid man schal skippe as an hert, and the tunge of doumbe men schal be openyd; for whi watris ben brokun out in desert, and stremes in wildirnesse.
那时,瘸子必跳跃像鹿; 哑巴的舌头必能歌唱。 在旷野必有水发出; 在沙漠必有河涌流。
7 And that that was drie, is maad in to a poond, and the thirsti is maad in to wellis of watris. Grenenesse of rehed, and of spier schal growe in dennes, in whiche dwelliden dragouns bifore. And a path and a weie schal be there,
发光的沙要变为水池; 干渴之地要变为泉源。 在野狗躺卧之处, 必有青草、芦苇,和蒲草。
8 and it schal be clepid an hooli weie, he that is defoulid schal not passe therbi; and this schal be a streiyt weie to you, so that foolis erre not therbi.
在那里必有一条大道, 称为圣路。 污秽人不得经过, 必专为赎民行走; 行路的人虽愚昧, 也不致失迷。
9 A lioun schal not be there, and an yuel beeste schal not stie therbi, nether schal be foundun there.
在那里必没有狮子, 猛兽也不登这路; 在那里都遇不见, 只有赎民在那里行走。
10 And thei schulen go, that ben delyuered and ayenbouyt of the Lord; and thei schulen be conuertid, and schulen come in to Sion with preisyng; and euerlastynge gladnesse schal be on the heed of hem; thei schulen haue ioie and gladnesse, and sorewe and weilyng schulen fle awei.
并且耶和华救赎的民必归回, 歌唱来到锡安; 永乐必归到他们的头上; 他们必得着欢喜快乐, 忧愁叹息尽都逃避。

< Isaiah 35 >